Features of the use of raspberry mask for the face. The best recipes for effective DIY raspberry face masks


To look attractive and beautiful is the dream of every woman.

There is a huge assortment of various creams on sale - anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, etc., but not all of them are available, and cheap options do not always have a positive effect.

There is a way out - independently prepare a mask from natural ingredients, for example, raspberries.

The effectiveness of raspberry face masks

Before proceeding to kneading and applying a mask, it is necessary to study the beneficial properties, the subtleties of using these berries. Pay attention to the fact that the raspberry mask for the face is universal, suitable for any skin, it is only important to choose the right recipe to get the desired result.

The main advantages of raspberries:

1. Berry perfectly copes with the function of moisturizing the face, softens it, fills it with nutrients.

2. Raspberry scrub has a cleansing effect.

3. Berry lotion eliminates various skin problems - excess shine, freckles, etc.

4. The regular use of masks containing raspberries helps to even out face tone.

5. This is an excellent prevention from the appearance of skin pigmentation, in particular inflammatory processes.

6. For masks, both freshly picked raspberries and those stored in the freezer are suitable.

In addition to all of the above, raspberry cosmetics have a refreshing effect, have a pleasant smell.

It is proved that the berry eliminates acne, improves metabolic processes, promotes skin elasticity. On hot days protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, in particular, from peeling of the skin. Some varieties of compounds slow down the aging process of the skin and successfully heal microcracks.

Recommendations for using raspberry face masks

You can not apply any cosmetic product to the face without familiarizing yourself with the contraindications for use. This rule also applies to raspberry masks.

It is important to remember that the berry is an allergenic product therefore, first of all, do a little experiment: apply raspberries on your wrist for about 10 minutes, if there is no itching, redness, then you can proceed to choosing a mask.

Beauticians do not recommend treating the face with a raspberry mask if the skin is thin so as not to damage the capillaries.

Another caveat: apply raspberry only on the face, carefully treated with a scrub.

Berry formulations are applied immediately after mixing, otherwise there may not be any positive changes in the way that the necessary trace elements “die”.

Universal raspberry face mask

Regardless of whether the skin is dry, oily or normal, there is a universal raspberry recipe that all women can try.

We stock up on such components:

- three berries of large ripe raspberries;

- Hercules flakes.

We mix the specified accessories, add a little water, then apply to the face with massaging movements. A good mood and a relaxed state will only improve the effect.

Raspberry juice cosmetics

Freshly squeezed juice is a good remedy for the skin, it fights acne very well and carries out preventive measures. The recipe for cooking is quite simple: pour clay with warm raspberry juice (knock out by skin type: blue, red or black) and stir until sour cream. Apply to a clean face, gently wash off after 15 minutes and complete the procedure with a moisturizer.

It is simpler: wrap raspberries in a piece of gauze and wipe the problem areas on the face with this swab. Within a few days, the skin will become much cleaner, berry juice fights pigment spots, which eventually disappear completely.

For oily skin, it is allowed to use juice in a frozen form, it helps to normalize pores and reduce oily sheen.

How to apply raspberry leaves?

There are several recipes for masks where berry leaves are used as raw materials, they are washed, dried, cut into small pieces, and ground in a mortar, so that in the end a mixture similar to gruel is obtained.

The mask is applied to the face, previously cleaned, wait a maximum of 15 minutes, remove the composition. If after this procedure the face is treated with sour cream (do not forget to rinse after 15 minutes!), Then the result will be more effective.

Raspberry leaf masks eliminate small rashes.

Cleanser for dry raspberries inflorescences

For daily washing of the skin of the face, which is covered with acne, you can use the infusion prepared from dry inflorescences according to this recipe:

1. Put in a container a couple of tablespoons of inflorescences and fill them with a glass of hot water.

2. Wait a few hours and start using the product, do not forget to strain the composition.

Tip: pour a little natural mineral water into the mask, it has a positive effect. You can pour a decoction of raspberry inflorescences into a sprayer and carry with you, on hot days, periodically "refreshing" their face.

Compositions for combination skin

Consider several options for raspberry face masks with problem mixed skin:

1. Prepare the following ingredients: 5 ripe berries, one egg yolk, a spoonful of warm milk and a little olive (can be mulled or apricot) oil. Mix all the ingredients, if the composition is quite liquid, then put in it the necessary amount of oatmeal. Apply the resulting mass on the face, wait about a quarter of an hour and rinse it off.

2. Take 7-8 raspberries, one tablespoon of cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream. Grind all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, wait 8-12 minutes and treat the skin with the composition, then rinse after a maximum of half an hour.

The use of raspberries for dry skin

Owners of dry skin types can also use raspberries to improve their condition. To prepare a nourishing cream, follow these instructions: mix 5 berries with a tablespoon of butter, treat the skin with the product and wait 20 minutes, then you can wash.

To give dry skin firmness and elasticity will be able to compress raspberries. It is not as popular as masks due to the fact that the juice spreads to other parts of the body, especially the neck. Follow the procedure before taking a shower, then wash away all the rest of the composition. Take fresh berries and, crushing them with your fingers, apply with smooth movements to your face, rinse after 15-20 minutes. In addition to these benefits, the compress helps the skin whitening process.

Cosmetics for oily skin

Some raspberry face masks are also suitable for oily skin.

Here is one of the popular recipes:

1. Rub raspberries to a mushy mass.

2. Take one teaspoon of kefir, egg white and yogurt, mix the ingredients, add the prepared berries in a 1: 1 ratio.

3. Additionally, you can add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to improve the whitening properties.

4. Use starch to obtain the consistency of the desired density.

The product is applied to the skin with massaging movements, washed off with running water.

Another option for making cosmetics that is ideal for oily skin type: mix the crumbs of brown bread with raspberries and treat the skin. This mask is an effective tool for removing oily sheen.

The following recipe will help relieve fatigue: grind a tablespoon of berries from a teaspoon of honey, apply a mask on your face and wait 15 minutes, remove the composition with warm water.

Removing acne with a raspberry mask

A good way to rid your face of blackheads is to apply a mask prepared according to this instruction:

1. Rub raspberries to make juice stand out.

2. Add a tablespoon of starch to the composition, mix the ingredients.

The mask is ready, you can start applying to the skin either on the whole face, or pointwise, only on blackheads, rinse after 20 minutes. After several such events, a positive result will be noticeable.

Raspberry Nutritional Cosmetics Recipe

A universal mask that will undoubtedly alleviate the condition of all skin types - nutritious raspberry, the recipe for cooking is simple: berries and a spoonful of oatmeal, rub well and pour with boiled milk, wait until the gruel swells, about 10 minutes, apply on face.

Raspberry face masks have a positive effect on any type of skin, it is only important to choose the right components.

The composition is rich in vitamin complex, helps to solve many problems of the skin.

Pay attention to the fact that not all types of masks are listed in the article, there are much more of them to experiment, to find the most suitable option, and over time you will find a composition that fully matches the individual characteristics of your skin.


Watch the video: Sheet Masks, a Special Type of Facial Masks - Free Sample Available (June 2024).