Facial starch masks: cleansing, nutrition and lifting. Indications and recipes for starchy face masks at home


Skin condition is the main indicator of the girl’s well-being, so many enthusiastically struggle with bumps, dull colors and age wrinkles, winning millimeter by millimeter, and cosmetic companies use this skillfully.

It’s lucky if for the huge money that the fair sex gives them annually, the client will get a decent result: often the purchased funds either do not have the desired effect or harm, which is even worse.

A perfect way out of this situation will be hand-made masks.

All about face starch masks: how do starch face masks work?

The most effective and budget option is homemade face masks. They have many advantages: they are hypoallergenic, easy to prepare, do not take as much time as salon procedures, do not contain artificial components that can harm the skin, and they also contain useful components in those concentrations in which the skin can absorb them .

There are many types of home masks: mustard, gelatin, oat, honey, etc. However, the most convenient and versatile option is a starch facial mask. It positively affects those factors that concern most women: complexion, wrinkles, and dry skin.

Its successful effects are based on the components that make up starch. Each in its own way affects the skin, precisely because of this, it acts on the skin comprehensively.

Components included in the composition and their action:

• Vitamin C. Its positive effect is that it regenerates the skin, protects from sunlight and damage, and also destroys free radicals;

• Niacin. Excellent effect on oxidative skin processes, due to which all the cells that make up the epidermis are activated and constantly divide, which helps in renewing the skin;

• Choline. Normalizes the secretion of sebum due to an inhibitory effect on the glands;

• Iron. It takes part in blood circulation and additionally enriches skin cells with oxygen;

• Potassium. This metal prevents the excessive evaporation of water from the skin and supports the water exchange processes in cells within the normal range;

• Vitamin PP. It activates the "asleep" cells, releasing reserves of the skin of the face;

• B vitamins. Beneficial effect on the processes of cell regeneration and renewal;

• Carbohydrates. Nourish and moisturize the skin, giving it a healthy color and eliminating dryness;

• Calcium. Like potassium, it participates in water exchange.

It is amazing how many nutrients are in the most ordinary and familiar starch.

For the skin, this gift of nature is a storehouse of essential vitamins and antioxidants. Every girl at least once in her life should please her skin with this mask. But when will this mask benefit, and when will it harm?

Indications for the use of face masks from starch, and in which cases the starch mask will become a panacea

In most cases, a starch facial mask is universal, however, there are a number of cases where the use of this mask can turn into a failure. To avoid this, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of indications and contraindications.

Indications for use of starch masks:

• The mask is suitable for all skin types, even for sensitive;

• Necessary for wilted, tired and exhausted skin;

• Suitable as an anti-aging agent, because starch is a great alternative to salon botox;

• Helps as a moisturizing and nourishing mask;

• Relieves irritation, so this mask is especially effective for problematic skin;

• A starch mask will solve the problem with sebum secretion: if the skin is too dry, it will nourish it, and if a greasy shine interferes with you, then by reducing the production of fat, the mask will eliminate it.

The advantage of this mask is that it very rarely causes an allergic reaction and almost never causes harm. The worst thing that can happen is that it simply will not bring the desired result, but most of the reviews about this mask are exclusively positive. In order for the mask to produce a beneficial effect, it is necessary to learn about contraindications and not to use it in these cases.

Contraindications to the use of starch mask:

• The presence on the face of large cuts, scars or unhealed wounds;

• Individual intolerance to components;

• Serious inflammatory processes.

The list of contraindications is quite short, so this mask is quite popular. If it suits you, then you can safely use it to achieve a salon effect at home, without wasting either your money or your time.

How to cook homemade starch masks? The basis of natural face starch masks

In order for the starch mask to work, a number of rules must be followed. First, you need to decide which starch you will use for it: purchased or cooked yourself. Of course, purchased starch will save your time, but cooked on your own is much more useful.

HTo cook starch at home, you need:

• Buy the most ordinary potatoes: the main thing is that it is not rotten. Old potatoes need preference, since it contains the most starch;

• Clean it and grate it with a fine grater;

• Cut the peeled skin and grated potatoes into gauze;

• Tie gauze tightly into a knot;

• Prepare a glass jar and fill it with cold water;

• Place the gauze nodule in a jar and begin to squeeze it to squeeze starch into the water;

• At the end, drain the water, and dry the white precipitate. Use it and masked.

Of course, starch is found in many products, but in potatoes it is most. To find out where it is still contained, you can do an iodine test. If the product contains starch, then the iodine deposited on the product will change its color to purple. To obtain starch, you can also use cereals, bread and some fruits and vegetables, but it is easiest to isolate it from potatoes.

In addition, there is an algorithm according to which you need to use starch masks, because it is then that they will give the maximum result:

• The mask solution must be mixed on the day of use. In this case, all useful substances will be preserved;

• Facial skin must be steamed before use. To do this, you can steam the face over a pan or basin for 5 minutes. For steaming, you can use both ordinary boiling water and decoctions of herbs, for example, decoctions of chamomile or calendula;

• When using the mask, the face should be as relaxed as possible. You can neither eat, drink, nor talk at this time. Just set aside 20 minutes a day for yourself, apply a mask and just relax, listening to music and moisturizing your skin;

• The mixture must be kept on the face until it is completely dry and only then washed off;

• The starch mask should be washed off first with warm water, and then you should wash it with cold. To complete the procedure, you can wipe your face with an ice cube from a frozen decoction of chamomile, calendula or other herbs;

• To obtain a visible effect, it is necessary to make the mask not individually, but with the course. For example, 10-15 masks with a frequency of once every 2-3 days.

If you follow all these rules, then the mask prepared by you will definitely transform your face, and the skin will thank you for this.

Homemade starch face mask recipes - an alternative to salon masks

A starchy facial mask is an alternative to salon botox, but unlike it, it is completely natural. Masks with a lifting effect can be based on both potato and corn starch.

There are many recipes for such masks, there are both classic options, and masks with the addition of oils, honey, etc. It’s worth starting with the classic one, because in this case you can understand whether masks based on starch are suitable for you at all.

The classic version of the mask with starch and lemon juice:


1 tablespoon of potato starch

1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Method of preparation and use:

It is necessary to cut the lemon and squeeze fresh juice out of it. The juice should be clean, without seeds and pieces of pulp. In a special bowl, mix lemon juice and starch, let the mixture brew. At this time, you can just steam your face. Next, you need to apply the mask on the face and keep until completely dry.

You do not need to be afraid of exposure to the skin of lemon juice, because starch neutralizes its aggressiveness.

If this recipe suits you, then you can try combining starch with peach oil, honey, kefir and egg white. Such masks are universal, so they are suitable for almost everyone.


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