Hot dog buns - friendship with sausage is guaranteed! Recipes of homemade hot dog buns from different dough on water, milk, sour cream


Homemade hot dog is a simple, tasty and safe fast food. You just need to find a suitable bun for him, it is best to do it yourself. Here are some of the best dough recipes that you can easily bake homemade hot dog rolls.

Hot Dog Buns - General Cooking Principles

The classic dough for American hot dogs is made from a simple yeast dough on water. It is prepared in a simple or steamed manner, aged for several hours for ripening and rise in warmth. But there are also recipes for a tastier, even butter dough for hot dogs, sometimes it is prepared in an accelerated way on baking powder.

What can be added:

• milk;

• butter;

• eggs;

• sugar.

Form buns in the form of small sausages or bars. The size is about a sausage. So that during the rise the bun does not bend and retain its shape, you can roll it first, then roll it up. In this case, you need to lay on the free edge, gently press it to the baking sheet.

Hot dog rolls are baked quickly. Since they are thin, it is better not to do temperatures below 200 degrees. In time, the process will take 10-12 minutes, depending on the capabilities of the oven. After cooking, immediately cover the pastries with a towel folded several times. Soak for about ten minutes, then cool under a normal cloth or one layer of fabric. This technique will make the buns very soft, will not allow the formation of a thick crust.

Hot Dog Buns on the Water

The recipe for simple yeast buns for hot dogs on the water. Of this number of products will come out 8-10 pieces of usually size. If you have large sausages, then make buns larger.


• 260 ml of water;

• 6 grams of yeast;

• 500 grams of flour;

• salt and sugar;

• 20 ml of oil;

• sesame as desired.


1. Pour warm water into a bowl, you can take it from the kettle. Put a teaspoon of granulated sugar, add an incomplete teaspoon of salt, about 2/3, stir.

2. We fall asleep dry yeast. They can be replaced with pressed yeast, but then you need not 6 grams, but 13-15 minimum. Dissolve.

3. Add an incomplete glass of flour, stir. We leave a warm talker for half an hour, let the yeast begin to work.

4. Now you can add flour, add oil, knead soft, but not sticky yeast dough. We shift into dishes with high sides, for example, in a pan, cover with a breathing towel. We wait until the dough increases in volume by 2 times.

5. Divide the dough into buns of the same size. You can do this through the scales.

6. Each piece is rolled out in a rectangle, but not tightly, slightly, twist the roll to make an even bar. Transfer to a baking sheet.

7. We give the buns for hot dogs to rise on a baking sheet for about half an hour.

8. Lubricate products with plain water. You can immediately sprinkle with sesame seeds until the surface is dry.

9. We send to bake in the oven.

10. Take out a baking sheet with ready-made rolls, cover with a towel so that they soften. Then we cool, cut, make home-made hot dogs!

Hot dog buns in milk

An option of delicious and tender hot dog buns. The dough is prepared in milk, you can dilute it a little with water.


• 8 g of dry yeast;

• 270 ml of milk;

• salt, granulated sugar;

• half a kilo of flour;

• a little vegetable oil (melted margarine can be).


1. First we heat the milk, to about 40-45 degrees, the liquid for yeast dough is used only warm. Then add a tablespoon of sugar to it and immediately pour the powdered yeast.

2. Stir the sugar with yeast and milk, leave for several minutes. We are waiting for the appearance of foam on the surface.

3. Salt the dough. Enough 0.5-07 tsp. salt, stir.

4. Pour flour, continue to mix. In the process of kneading, when the dough reaches the desired consistency, pour in the oil (1 maximum 2 tablespoons). Carefully mash the mass until smooth.

5. We leave the dough for hot dogs in a warm place, let it rise well once.

6. Divide the mass into pieces, for an ordinary hot dog usually make 90-110 grams. Leave for another 15 minutes, covering with a napkin.

7. Now we make small bars from each piece. Let them come up on a baking sheet.

8. Bake until cooked. Cool under a towel, then you can put it in a bag or in a container with a lid.

Hot Dog Buns Quickly

The recipe for the simplest buns for hot dogs from a quick test of kefir and soda. For loosening, you can use baking baking powder from bags.


• kefir of any fat content 300 ml;

• 1 tsp soda;

• three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• flour.


1. Kefir is heated or kept warm in advance (for example, with a battery). There should not be a cold drink.

2. Add soda to kefir, stir. Now leave the mixture to extinguish for five minutes. Kefir will increase in volume, bubbles will go.

3. Once the reaction has passed, you can add a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of granulated sugar. Dissolve.

4. Introduce wheat flour in a glass, stir well each time. After two glasses of flour, pour a little vegetable oil.

5. Add the necessary amount of flour, stir the dough well. It should turn out soft, smooth, leave for ten minutes.

6. We make buns in the form of large sausages, put on a baking sheet. As with yeast dough, leave room for a lift.

7. Lubricate the top with water, it is possible with milk, they should not crust, it will interfere with the rise.

8. Bake at 190 degrees until cooked.

Sweet and tasty hot dog buns

A variant of rolls of delicious pastry with butter, milk powder on water. Optionally, use whole milk.


• 590 grams of flour;

• 1.5 tsp yeast

• 22 grams of milk powder;

• 380 grams of water;

• 45 grams of butter cream .;

• 2 tsp Sahara;

• 1 tsp salts;

• sesame, a little whole milk.


1. Dissolve powdered milk in drinking water, then pour the yeast, then add prescription sugar. Stir. If the yeast grains stick together, then leave for five minutes, let them become sour.

2. Add melted butter, but it should not be hot. Pour salt, mix well.

3. Now introduce the wheat flour. We continue to knead the dough, make it obedient and smooth.

4. We clean in a warm place for at least an hour. Then we crush, that is, lower the raised mass. We stand another quarter of an hour.

5. Now you can start sculpting buns. Divide the mass into eight parts, sculpt elongated rolls, send to a baking sheet.

6. Leave for at least half an hour. If the crust begins to dry on top, you can irrigate the rolls from the spray bottle with water or just cover with a napkin. Lubricate the surface with milk, sprinkle with sesame seeds. You can bake!

Hot dog bun dough with sour cream and eggs

Another version of the custom test. The buns made of it are very soft, have high taste, are well browned.


• water or milk 250 g;

• 100 grams of any sour cream;

• one egg;

• a pinch of soda;

• 25 g of sugar;

• 50 g of oil;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 11 g of yeast;

• flour, sesame seeds.


1. Mix the heated water or milk with sugar and yeast, set aside for a few minutes.

2. Shake the egg and salt with a spoon or fork until the grains dissolve, add the prescription sour cream, a pinch of soda, stir. Introduce softened butter. You can take margarine for dough instead. If there is no time to soften, then melt the fats in the microwave.

3. Combine the fat mixture with dissolved yeast, add flour, knead the usual soft dough.

4. Put it in a tall bowl, cover with a towel, forget it for two hours.

5. Put the dough from the pan onto the table, sculpt the bars for hot dogs.

6. Let them lie on a baking sheet, rise, grease with water or milk. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake.

Hot Dog Cutting Buns

A useful version of bran buns for hot dogs. Bran is used here not only in the test. But also for sprinkling. If desired, they can be mixed with white sesame seeds. It will turn out even more beautiful.


• 1.5 standard glasses of water;

• vegetable oil 20 grams;

• 1.5 tsp yeast

• 10 g sugar;

• three tablespoons of bran (for dough);

• flour and bran for sprinkling.


1. Introduce yeast into warm water, add granulated sugar, mix, add salt and vegetable oil.

2. Mix two cups of flour with bran. We fall asleep in the dough. We start kneading, add another wheat flour, until we get the desired consistency. The dough with bran, it will not be very smooth.

3. Cover with a towel, leave for an hour and a half.

4. Divide into pieces, sculpt buns from them.

5. As soon as the products rise on a baking sheet, grease with water or spray, sprinkle bran on top.

6. Bake until ready. The temperature for the rolls is approximately 210 degrees.

Hot Dog Buns - Useful Tips and Tricks

• From any dough you can make buns for hamburgers, the general principles and rules do not change, only the form. This is usually a flattened ball.

• From home buns you can cook hot dogs not only with sausages, but also with tuna, cheese and sausage, make open hot sandwiches. Baking boldly replace bread, so feel free to knead more dough!

• Did you get a lot of buns? You can freeze them. At the right time, you just have to reheat them in the microwave and quickly make a hot dog.

• How to mold a bun with a “hole” for cutting and laying sausages? You need to roll an oval flat cake and just fold it along the middle. Press lightly with your hand, put on a baking sheet.


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