How to keep a tan for a long time - what will help? Nutrition, skin cleansers, recommendations: how to keep a great tan for a long time


After returning from vacation, all women want to keep the memory of hot beaches and the scorching sun as long as possible.

A tan is perhaps the best proof that not so long ago the sound of the surf was playing in my ears, warm sand was felt under my feet, and the pleasant sea was taken into my arms every day.

Of course, every girl wants to leave more memories about this.

Today we’ll talk about how to keep a tan for a long time.

How to keep a tan for a long time: gently cleanse the skin

This is not about water procedures, scrubs or washcloths. The fact is that if you want to leave reminders of the hot summer as long as possible, you will have to give up the habit of soaking in the hot bath until the onset of cold weather. The reason is that hot water can cause irritation on the skin, which, in turn, promises unwanted peeling. Therefore, for some time it is worth changing the hot bath to a warm shower. As for the sauna or bath, they will also have to be abandoned for a while, because frequent “trips” to them can very quickly wash off the tan.

Regarding skin cleansing, it’s also worthwhile to refrain from hard washcloths and scrubs with abrasive particles. Instead, it is better to use a soft sponge made from natural fibers and a gentle cream gel with oils. Thus, it will be possible to perfectly clean the skin, avoiding damage and drying.

You can also support tanning with foods such as tea and coffee. The thing is that they contain natural dyes. You need to use them externally, wiping the skin with frozen tea or coffee ice cubes, it will also have a good effect on a tan bath with the addition of a couple of teaspoons of strong tea leaves for any of these drinks. Of course, the water in such bathtubs should be warm.

How to keep a tan for a long time: a diet for tanning

So, how to keep a tan with nutrition? There are a number of rules for this case.

1. You need to drink a minimum of 1.5 liters of water daily during the holiday season.

2. Do not forget to regularly nourish the skin with a sufficient amount of fat contained, for example, in most varieties of fish (sardine, tuna, salmon and others) and vegetable oils. Also in these products there is tyrosine - an amino acid that affects the dark pigmentation of the skin.

3. You can save a tan as long as possible by means of vitamins A, C and E, which also preserve a golden hue, protect the skin from the undesirable effects of ultraviolet radiation and help to better absorb selenium - a powerful antioxidant.

4. In addition, it is desirable to increase the intake of beta-carotene, or provitamin A, which stimulates the production of melanin - a very strong activator and fixing agent for tanning. Its maximum amount is found in carrots. Most beta carotene is found in peaches, apricots, watermelons, melons and spinach.

5. Vitamin C is most found in summer fruits and vegetables. It is better to use them fresh or in the form of freshly squeezed juices. Most vitamin C is found in citruses, black currants, tomatoes, strawberries and peppers.

6. A high content of vitamin A is present in such products: milk, egg yolk, carrots, tomatoes, cheeses, spinach and so on. Vitamin A is perfectly absorbed with fats, so grated carrots are best combined with sour cream or vegetable oil.

7. Vitamin E is present in vegetable oil (corn and sunflower), fresh vegetables and almonds.

How to keep a tan for a long time: tanning and solarium

In addition to the diet, you can maintain a dark shade through all kinds of creams. Today, modern cosmetology offers a lot of products, the main purpose of which is to give a natural tanned look and restore the epidermis after tanning. Of course, such creams should be of high quality and from proven brands that the skin has a smooth, beautiful tan, and not "leopard" spots.

Perhaps one of the most effective ways to preserve a beautiful tan is a solarium. Of course, you can use it only if you do not have any medical contraindications. If all is well, then just one “trip” to the solarium in a week or two will be enough to maintain a golden hue on the skin.

To save a tan after a sunbed, wonderful cosmetics called prolongators will help. Their main purpose is to preserve a tan after being in the sun or in a solarium. With the help of such drugs, you can save a tan for a very long time. As a rule, they are moisturizing complexes that tone and restore the epidermis, in addition they have a rejuvenating effect. Some of them contain special components that give the skin a wonderful shimmering effect.

You also need to remember that when choosing a suitable cream do not apply, take advantage of the help of the specialists of the salon in which you visit the solarium. Indeed, with the help of professional cosmetology you can not only perfectly clean and moisturize your skin, but also achieve a beautiful tan.

How to keep a tan for a long time: depending on the method of obtaining

It should be noted that where and under what circumstances you sunbathe plays a big role in the tanning resistance. For example, the "southern" tan lasts much less than the "northern", which is considered to be much more stable. Thus, the tan will last much longer if it was achieved gradually, and you spent more time in the shade, going out into the sun or in the morning or in the evening. However, it is necessary to use means for protection against ultraviolet rays in any case. This is especially true for sunbathing in hot countries, where you can burn the skin not only with the sun, but also with the wind.

In fact, after all, what is a tan. This is a kind of damage to the upper layers of the epidermis. And the faster and sharper this process occurs, the sooner the skin tries to recover. This is the reason why an intense tan comes off faster than a light tan that will last much longer. But you can get it only if you regularly use high-quality protective moisturizers before and after being in the sun.

What should I look for ladies who want to keep their tan as long as possible? First of all, this is a desirable trip to the solarium during the preparation for the vacation, this is especially important for women with a Nordic appearance. But upon arrival, it is better to refuse it, since the skin during this period will most likely be too dry, so even more ultraviolet light can cause him even more harm. Therefore, in this case, soft peeling and applying a tonic moisturizer will be quite enough.


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