Conspiracy to successful trading


Since ancient times, trade is not only a source of income for many people, but also a special kind of art. Every trader once in his life experiences a vague anxiety in a certain situation, when both the product seems to be better than that of a competitor, and its clientele is their own, but all the same, the counter of another’s lineup is longer, and everything is in great demand. What is the secret of successful trading? For example, many still believe in conspiracies for a successful trade.

How to increase trade?

High sales depend on many factors: a good seller, a suitable product, the location of a store or boutique on the market. But do not miss such a component as luck. So, to increase trade, you can resort to the help of white magic. About what there are conspiracies and prayers, when they are best read and how to properly tune in to the ritual, we will tell further.

What is the strongest conspiracy to trade?

What is the strongest conspiracy to trade, they know a few sellers, and this is a special reason. A little secret for magic, but a huge secret for those who create it is silence. It should be remembered, resorting to the help of higher powers that silence is the basis of everything. The more we tell others about what we plan in life, the more luck we lose from our hands. So we waste magical energy by passing it through our fingers.

So, magic demands from us first of all words, and only then faith in our own strength and luck follows. The words we use every day can be a subtle instrument, destiny.

Perhaps that is why among the many conspiracies the strongest is the one that needs to be pronounced, observing a special ritual. Accuracy in its execution plays an even more important role than faith.

The first rule of a successful conspiracy is to be pronounced in private. The time of day — whether it was earlier morning, late night — differs for each type of conspiracy.

Plots for good trading should be read on the market or in a store in conditions of silence and solitude, for better effect and maximum concentration. Only you, your product, the counter and the text on paper - or in your memory.

It is necessary to read the plot in the store, opening the door wide open, then magic can enter it with rays of light, leading buyers along.

The strongest conspiracy to trade - This is the rite of baptism shop. This ceremony must be performed exactly on all points: time, words, objects and gestures. It is performed early in the morning, at dawn, with the help of a small mirror.

Take the mirror with your right hand, turn away from yourself and, bypassing the store, baptize each counter, evenly pronouncing the spell:

"I baptize the goods, baptize for sale!
So that as in the mirror, I saw my goods, So I prettier and the client liked it!
To the first who came - bought, the second - bought,
Last - also bought!
And no one left me without a purchase! "

These words should be read three times before each of the counters. Then, after the accomplished actions, leave the mirror in a prominent place, addressed to the buyers.

In order to be more likely to attract buyers by conspiracy, it can be repeated. However, do not abuse it - once a week will be enough for the perfect effect.

In addition to this general rite, there are more multifunctional, variable conspiracies, everyone will find for himself one that is closer to him in spirit. If you feel that some object is asking for you in your hands - take it and use it, the magic itself tells you what to do.

On sugar

The sugar plot to trade is simple and is used in many areas of life. It was used by Wang herself, thanks to which the "sugar" rite was called the "conspiracy of Vanga". Some also call it the "Muslim conspiracy," and this rite remains very popular to this day, because sugar is a very specific product. Its grains have the structure of a crystal, which is characteristic of reflecting and multiplying the magic effect. Like water, they accumulate and reflect all the words spoken by the spellcaster, feel his emotions and mental messages.

There are several powerful conspiracies in which sugar is involved. About several of them will be described in detail below.

  • The sugar plot to increase sales and profits.

For the ritual, we need the sugar itself (diced, refined sugar), as well as any banknote, pouch and small bonfire. It is not so important where the first part of the rite will take place, but it is important that it be held in solitude. It is important to get up early in the morning, wash your face with cold water and not say a word before the ritual. Then you need to throw a few pieces of sugar, as well as a bill, and while the fire is burning, say the spell:

"I see fire, fire, tongues of your flame, take my sweet gift and give me more money. Let people come, buy my good goods, and I will get money for the sale and send to the cause. My money is my luck. Amen, amen, Amen".

It is extremely important that the fire be small and the sugar does not burn to the ground, but only melted - therefore, it is better to take refined sugar. These melted, unburned pieces of sugar should be carefully removed from the fire, after having extinguished the fire, or using a spatula. Then, putting them in a fabric bag, they need to be brought to the store and put where money from buyers is stored - in the cashier or safe. Sugar will become a magical catalyst, nurturing your profits and attracting buyers.

  • Every morning conspiracy on a piece of sugar for a good trade.

Another morning conspiracy that works flawlessly: also get up at dawn, wash with cold water and do not say a word until the store or the counter opens. Just before the discovery, take a piece of sugar and say:

"As this sugar is sweet, my speeches will be sweet, people will attract, successfully trade. Who will pass me by - that will take my goods with me.

Let them bypass any rows, but stop at me, make purchases, bring relatives.

Let my goods seem sweeter than honey to people, tastier than sugar so that they could not take their eyes off it, they would rather take it for themselves.

I dress in gold, I put on my shoes in silver - I implore you, sugar, so that I am lucky in the trade. From the road I return not empty-handed - with full bins.

Beggars by the charity, I pour honey from them spicy. My trade is successful, my plot is strong! Let it be so!"

Having finished, eat sugar, savoring it with pleasure. Now the day will be especially lively and profitable. Be ready!

  • Sugar plot for financial stability.

In addition to the sugar plot to trade, there is also a sugar plot for financial success that will help you personally. If your financial situation leaves much to be desired, take your wallet, put a few bills in it, a few coins and at least one credit card, with a small balance in the account. Pour some sugar in there, this time - loose, and, holding a wallet in front of you, look at it and say the following words:

"Bees are flying for honey, and the money for sugar will come, waiting for you right here, here and now."

Repeat the plot you need five times in a row. It is imperative that the calendar on this day was Thursday.

On poppy

Poppy, like sugar, is one of the magic items. With the help of poppy, rituals for trade are also conducted.

One of the strongest is made right behind the counter - in the store or on the market, the time of its holding plays an important role. It must be Thursday, there must be a rising moon in the sky. It is necessary to buy poppy on the market (about 300 grams) and a beautiful handkerchief. The ritual held the next day will remain effective for a month.

Spread a handkerchief on the counter, pour a poppy on it and say the following conspiracy nine times:

"As nemeryannom yes countless makovinok, and buyers so much my good and attractive product will be. All those who come to the scattered seeds, be sure to buy my product and be grateful for it."

After that, gently, so as not to spill the poppy, tie a handkerchief in a knot and carry it to a secluded place. Every morning of the next month, pour out a handkerchief about a teaspoon of poppy, saying the above words.

Plots on trade from the book Vanga

The great Vanga, like no other, was a master of conspiracies, and the secret of her particular conspiracies is simple. An important role is played by the pronunciation of the plot, the vibrations, with the help of which words penetrate into the fine structure of the universe, sending mental waves to your surroundings.

One of the most famous conspiracies to trade from the book of Vanga is a conspiracy on honey and holy water.

According to Vanga, it should be pronounced monthly, on the 3rd, and it is strongly recommended to repeat it without gaps — such a strong conspiracy requires extreme precision in execution.

Pour holy water into any container - cut glass, small jug, bowl. Then you need to add honey to it - literally a teaspoon. While stirring, repeat these words until the honey is dissolved:

"The bees flew through the meadow, honey was collected for me. I put it into the water. As people eat honey, they want to look at my product, they want to buy it. I have a profit to trade, quickly sell the product and buy a new one! I wash the threshold with sweet water, I protect the shop from bad people. Amen! "

This conspiracy not only attracts success in your business, but also protects you from damage, evil eye and unkind intentions.

All conspiracies, but conspiracies of Vanga - especially, require not only correct pronunciation, but also self-confidence and success of the ceremony. You need to believe in your desires, aspirations and abilities, and do not allow any doubts.

On the salt

To attract buyers through white magic will help you plot on the salt. The strongest conspiracy and ritual of trading in salt is quite long, but extremely effective. You will need salt and a white handkerchief.

It begins before sunrise. Facing the open door to the store or counter, pour a pinch of salt into your left palm and repeat seven times in a row:

“I sell goods, I distribute kindly. Everyone comes to me, they buy, they don’t count the money, but I get rich. Amen".

Then turn your back to the store and, with a strong wave, pour the salt over your left shoulder, trying to ensure that at least the slightest amount of salt falls on the merchandise and cashier.

After that you should wash your face with cold water, without wiping, stand again at the entrance to the store, with your back to it. And read the second conspiracy, holding a handkerchief in his hands and not taking his eyes off him.

“I’ll run away bad luck, adversity. I put my protection on the goods. Let people not walk by, let them come by all means. Money is a commodity, commodity is money, and I am a success. Amen"

Use a handkerchief to dry your face and safely hide it from prying eyes and hands in the place of trade.

On the water

Any water, not only holy, is a magical element, and slandering it brings good luck in everything, including trade. The conspiracy to trade is one of the strongest, because the energy of water and money has the same structure.

For the ritual you will need a bowl of water, any ring, but better - a gold ring taken from your hand. Pour water into the bowl and lower the ring. Place your index finger in the center of the ring and start moving your finger along the bottom of the bowl by moving the ring.

Water perfectly listens and remembers your words. Speak gently and gently, like a warm sun, this spell:

"As the mill spun, the grain was grinding day and night,
so let my money and my goods turn around day and night.
Let not lie in the bag, and the world circling,
other money meet, other money leads to me.
As the bees fly to honey - so everyone looks at my product,
as moths fly to the light - so the money comes to me.
How not to count the stars, how not to embrace the earth,
so my strong word can not be removed.
They all come to me, they carry their money,
goods disassemble, bread, salt and water here.
All to me here, here is your water.
You have water, I have money. Amen. Amen. Amen."

These words, though long, are best learned. After they are said, immediately put on the ring and wear it for several days without removing it. Water drain on the ground under the tree.

When will the plot start working?

A strong conspiracy to trade good and profitable begins to act immediately. Its duration is determined individually, depending on the plot itself, the objects used and the lunar cycle.

As already mentioned, any conspiracy to sell goods in a store should be read, abstracting from reality, negative thoughts and doubts. Belief in yourself - the fundamental of any magic - this should not be forgotten.

What could be the consequences?

The strongest conspiracy to successfully trade in the market, in the store, behind the counter, can be read without consequences. The main thing is to make sure that you are doing everything correctly, using the right conspiracies related to white magic. Then they will not have a negative impact on trade or any other area of ​​life. On the contrary, their influence on your activity can bring happiness to other areas: life, family, love. In the actions of conspiracies, directed to the good, only light forces are used, drawn from your own natural forces and thereby multiplying them. And there is nothing wrong with that.

A lot in our world depends on ourselves, our energy, faith and attitude to all living things. Be affectionate and open with the world - and the world will be affectionate and open to you!


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