Melon for weight loss: why a sweet fruit helps to lose weight. Slimming on a melon: three diets for sweet tooth


From the end of July, watermelon-melon madness begins. Throughout the country, we eat ripe juicy melons, and someone manages to make them delicious healthy chips for the future. Many people know that melon is healthy, but not everyone knows about losing weight on a melon.

What is useful melon

Melon is almost a cucumber, only big and sweet. They are the closest biological relatives. The most famous varieties of melons are Kolkhoznitsa, Torpedo, Muscat, Cantalupa, Gulyaby, Azgyn, Ozhen. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, aromatic, with a distinct honey hint. The taste is sweet, and sugar content varies from grade to grade.

Melon contains many valuable biologically active substances: antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, acids, essential oils. Each of them has a beneficial effect on the body, therefore, in the complex melon flesh strengthens the immune system, nervous system, heals the liver, kidneys, intestines. That is why melon for weight loss is preferable to many strict diets.

The amount of nutrients in 100 grams of melon is large (in parentheses indicate the percentage of the recommended daily intake):

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 20 mg (22%);

Retinol (Vitamin A, RE) - 67 mcg (7.4%);

Beta carotene - 0.4 mg (8%);

Thiamine (vitamin B1) - 0.04 (2.7%);

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - 0.23 (4.6%);

Cobalt - 2 mcg (20%);

Iron - 1 μg (5.6%);

· Copper - 50 mcg (5%);

Potassium - 118 mg (4.7%);

magnesium - 13 mg (3.3%).

Melon consists of sweet juice and fiber, so it perfectly relieves the gastrointestinal tract. But on one condition: if there is it separately from other products.

Useful melon grown in its own garden. But not everyone has such an opportunity. Buying melons in the season is cheap and safe, so August-September should be used for a short melon diet.

Why does melon help you lose weight?

The effectiveness of melons for weight loss is due to three reasons. Firstly, low calorie content. Depending on the sweetness and variety, 100 grams of melon pulp contains from 38 to 60 kcal. This is very small. A full 300-gram serving of melon salad is only 180 calories, and if the fruit is not very sweet - 120 calories. For losing weight girls is just fantastic. The melon is satisfying, it saturates well and for a long time, knocks down craving for sweets.

Secondly, nutritionists introduced melon into a special class of products whose energy density is extremely low. This means that 1 gram of melon pulp has very few calories. That is, you can eat a large portion in volume, and get less calories as a result compared to a small portion of a product with high energy density.

Finally, plant fiber, which enters the intestines in abundance during melon weight loss, perfectly cleanses it. It acts just like the famous cabbage and beetroot salad brush, removing toxins from the intestines. Eating melon, you can restore the intestinal microflora, remove excess fluid from the body, and get rid of puffiness.

In addition, melon is slightly weak and has a pronounced diuretic effect, which also helps to reduce weight safely and comfortably. After a short melon diet, women not only lose weight, but also look much better by removing puffiness and saturating the body with useful minerals and vitamins.

Melon for weight loss: three diet options

There is a melon for weight loss you need correctly. Despite the low calorie content and benefits, it is considered difficult for the stomach. The fact is that melon passes through the stomach in transit and is digested in the intestine. If you mix it with other products or eat it as a dessert, it will linger and begin to ferment under the influence of gastric juice. This can cause flatulence, bloating, nausea, and diarrhea.

Mono diets are good because they really work. In 1-2 days you can lose weight by at least 1.5 kilograms. Those whose weight is very large manage to get rid of 3-4 kilograms due to the purification and removal of excess fluid from the intercellular space.

Monodietana 2 days

When conducting a mono diet, a melon for weight loss is ideal. It is not accompanied by hunger and thirst, so it is easily tolerated. Safe mode recommended - one to two days. But the most stubborn can organize a melon week for themselves. it is impossible to sit on a mono diet for longer than seven days due to a lack of the most important macronutrients: proteins and fats.

What you can drink and eat during the day:

· One and a half kilograms of melon pulp;

· 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water;

· Half a liter of green or black tea without sugar and milk.

It is easy to withstand two days on a mono-diet. Buy an average melon weighing 6-7 kg in advance, divide the daily allowance into 5-6 parts. Eat without drinking water. In between drink permitted drinks. If you do not suffer from low blood pressure, make yourself herbal tea.

5 day diet

Due to a more varied menu, this version of the melon diet can be stretched for 5 days. You can lose up to 4 kilograms during this time.

You will have four meals throughout the day.

· Breakfast: about four hundred grams of melon pulp. You can eat just like that or make a salad by pouring a teaspoon of lemon juice in a melon cubed into cubes.

· Second breakfast (two hours later): a cup of low-fat drinking yogurt or kefir. If you like yogurt or bio-yogurt, they will do too.

· Lunch: a portion of boiled rice, chopped or buckwheat. Oil can not be added, it is better to refuse salt, or use it minimally. Drink - tea without sugar and a glass of hot water.

Snack: a portion of melon (200-300 grams).

· Dinner: boiled loose buckwheat or rice (without salt), a 100-gram slice of boiled chicken, go beef, a plate of unfinished vegetable slices.

At least two hours should elapse between eating the melon and the next meal. In this case, intestinal discomfort will not be.

Weekly diet

The melon diet for this option is unusual. The diet includes not only melon, but also brown rice, light sour cream 15% fat, boiled fish, chicken. Of fruits, apples and avocados are allowed; of vegetables, cucumbers and celery.

Immediately after waking up, drink a glass of warm water with slow sips. After 20 minutes you can have breakfast. The power scheme is as follows.

· Breakfast. A portion of porridge from rice, but not white, but brown. You can’t salt, but pouring a teaspoon of soy sauce is acceptable. Instead of tea, drink berry infusion: mash two tablespoons of any fresh berries and pour a glass of boiling water. If there are no berries, prepare yourself lemon water. Pour two tablespoons of lemon juice with a cup of warm water, stir and drink.

Lunch for Monday and Thursday. Make a salad of fresh vegetables, season with vegetable oil. Serving weight - no more than 200 grams. Eat a cup of cottage cheese with a fat content of 1 to 3 percent. Drink compote and fresh or dried apples.

· Lunch for Tuesday and Friday. A portion of salad plus a piece of boiled fish (piece from 100 to 150 grams). Drink - green tea without sugar.

Lunch for Wednesday and Saturday. Boiled vegetables (carrots and beets) - 200 grams. You can season the salad with a spoonful of light sour cream or yogurt. Steamed omelet without oil. A cup of herbal or green tea.

Lunch for Sunday. Make a large warm salad from avocado, celery, boiled chicken, cucumber and apple. The total serving volume is 300 grams, 150 grams per chicken.

· Dinner is the same throughout the week. From four to six in the evening, eat melon. The total amount of pulp that can be eaten is one and a half kilograms. After 18.00 do not eat anything else. You can drink one cup of herbal tea and some water.

Losing weight on a melon is easy and pleasant. Do not miss the opportunity to lose a couple of kilograms and improve the body when the autumn watermelon-melon period comes.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz Explains How Some Fruit Could Be Bad for You (June 2024).