Eating soy-containing foods can cause breast cancer.


Oncologists of Sloan Kettering Cancer Center found that the presence of soy products in the diet can significantly accelerate the development of cancer. This conclusion allowed the study to reach 40 women who were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.

During the experiment, which lasted from a week to a month before a mastectomy or lumpectomy, half of the volunteers consumed soy protein powder, and the rest - placebo. Then the scientists compared the cancer cell samples before and after the operation. It was found that significant changes were present in the resulting tissues. In particular, it was possible to learn that soy products can accelerate the growth of cancer cells. At the moment it is impossible to say whether it is possible to make this process reversible.

However, scientists say that it is impossible to predict the response to soybeans with 100% success. The only thing that can be said for sure is that soybeans have a detrimental effect on the health of women who consume more than 52 grams per day (approximately four cups of soy milk per day). Also at risk of developing oncological diseases included Asians, who often use tofu, as well as vegetarians.


Watch the video: Is soy safe for breast cancer patients? Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (June 2024).