The strongest prayer to Panteleimon the Healer


Every believer, thirsting for healing or good health, resorts to the help of higher powers and does this through prayer. Words that have reached heaven with the right message and good intentions do not go unanswered. The main thing is to know who and how to pray. The most famous Saints with a healing gift is Panteleimon the Healer, to whom the majority of prayers are sent with a request to get rid of leprosy. Let us take a closer look at what prayers are most effective, for whom and how to pray, so that the effect does not keep you waiting.

Strength of Panteleimon the Healer

Great martyr Panteleimon, popularly known as the Healer, lived a difficult but full of good deeds life. Having adopted the Christian faith, he helped the suffering, healed the lepers, healed the prisoners and all those who addressed him. The rumor about a good healer reached the emperor, who called on him to renounce his faith, but Panteleimon brought a miracle in proof, healing the deadly patient, thereby causing the ruler's anger.

Saint Panteleimon was subjected to various trials and torture, seeking to kill in any way. The last attempt was to cut off the head. Martyr tied to an olive tree and cut off the head. And until now, his relics are kept in various cities, helping believers in getting rid of ailments.

There is no temple, cathedral or church, in which there would be no icon of Panteleimon the Healer. Prayers to the Holy are offered daily from different parts of the world. What can you ask the saint? Appeal to Panteleimon for:

  • healing from serious illnesses;
  • deliverance from mental ailments;
  • protection from evil rock and misery;
  • deliverance from torment;
  • strengthening the mind and body.

How to pray to Panteleimon the Healer for healing the sick?

The most frequent prayers addressed to the Great Martyr are aimed at getting rid of terrible and incurable ailments. Children pray for parents, wives for husbands, for relatives. In desperation, mothers resort to the prayers of Panteleimon the Healer for the healing of a sick child. Many ask for the health of friends or acquaintances. No matter for whom people pray, the Holy One will certainly help. And so that the message is not lost and was heard, you should follow certain rules when reading the prayer.

Before prayer, it is very important for the Healer to adhere to certain norms:

  1. Visit a church or temple. It is advisable to take communion or confession to the priest.
  2. Stick to the post. It is not recommended to abuse food, alcohol, smoking and other substances.
  3. Do not offend people and animals. Try to help the needy whenever possible.

These instructions should be considered as preparation before reading the prayer. However, there are other recommendations directly related to the process of prayer:

  • privacy. Heavenly prayer should be lonely;
  • silence. Indoors should not be heard extraneous sounds;
  • concentration. Before prayer, one should get rid of thoughts that are not related to the subject of prayer;
  • comprehension. You need to know exactly what to ask the Saint and tune in the desired way;
  • Vera. Without true unconditional faith, no petition will reach the addressee;
  • attributes. You need to pray before the icon, with candles lit, sometimes holy water is used.

Having completed the preparation and taking into account all the listed rules, you can begin to pray. It is recommended to pray in church, but with the icon of the Great Martyr it can be done at home.

Text pleading

Having installed the image with the image of Panteleimon the Healer, light several church candles next to it and prepare a glass vessel (for example, a carafe) with holy water. Take a prayer position: standing or kneeling, folding your arms with a boat in front of your chest. Refer to the Holy One with the words:

"Great Martyr Saint and Healer Panteleimon, I appeal to you humbly, I call on my knees and pray to listen! The sickness overcame the Slave (Slave) of God (God) (call the name of the sick) but he does not want to pass, he suffers day and night, he tortures. How he helped you are in the life of everyone who asks, so grant and (name) healing! Great are your wonders, faith is strong and deeds are kind and magnanimous! I cry until there is no salvation from a terrible affliction, it cannot be cured, I do not repent. I beg your soul (name), I praise you I praise the Lord God. Amen!"

This prayer is used to help relatives. It is important that a person who prays sincerely wants healing to the person for whom he asks. A person is not allowed to pray, if his thoughts or feelings are:

  • resentment;
  • anger;
  • unwillingness to help;
  • joy for the suffering of others;
  • mercenary thought.

How to pray for your own health?

The prayer to Panteleimon the Healer for self-healing is performed in the same way as for the health of others. Only the text of praise changes:

"Oh, God pleases, the Great Martyr and the physician many-merciful, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave (sinful slave) (your name), hear my moaning and cry! Heavenly physician, relieving spiritual pain and physical pain, give me healing from oppressive illness Accept the unworthy prayer of a simple person, fall on me with your grace, do not be angry with words, do not turn away from my pain, bless and heal. With sound body and soul, I will spend the rest of my days in repentance and pleasing God, and with gratitude I will accept the good end of my life Oh, St. rer! Pray to Christ God to grant the intercession of your body health and salvation of my soul. Amen. "

Fall on yourself three times with the sign of the cross, drink three sips of holy water, and wash the face and hands with the remnants of it. It is required to read a prayer throughout the entire illness until complete recovery, and after it another seven days so that the leprosy does not return.

Thankful prayer to Panteleimon the Healer

There is an additional prayer service, calling to the Holy with gratitude and being used twice under the following circumstances:

  1. For expressing gratitude to the Prelate for the listened request. It is read immediately after the main prayer book: “Heed my words, Holy Panteleimone, thank you and praise you. Amen!". After a must obey the icon.
  2. After healing. In this case, the Healer is thanked for the honor and help in treatment, reading the prayer:

“Holy please God Panteleimon! With gratitude I cry to you, for the healing - a low bow, for help - the prayer is pure, sincere. I will honor you and our Lord, help others, as I have been granted. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

The grateful prayer is turned to heaven in the church or temple in front of the icon of the Saint. At home, this should be done twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, within seven days after the treatment. Do not forget to bow before the face of Panteleimon, you should also read "Our Father" before the image of God.

Thanksgiving is an important component of prayers for healing, they allow not only to show appreciation for salvation, but also reinforce the effect. Saying a simple “thank you”, a person asserts that he believes and humbly accepts the things given to him from above.


Watch the video: St. Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Healer (June 2024).