What to look for when choosing a land plot


It would be nice to choose a land plot on the principle: "I just like it there!" BUT! There are legal, geophysical and other features that are worth paying attention to.

In this article you will learn the criteria that you need to pay special attention to in such an important case.

Land purpose

What are you going to do on the land? Plant a garden, build a dairy farm or industrial factory? Please note that the entire land fund is divided into several purposes:

  1. For agricultural activities.
  2. For settlements.
  3. For the functioning of the industry.
  4. Protected by the state.
  5. To restore vegetation.
  6. For the seas, rivers, lakes and other reservoirs.
  7. Land reserves that do not belong to any category.

For purchase, most often choose the first or second category. On agricultural land it is allowed to create country non-profit partnerships, to conduct subsidiary farming, to engage in gardening, to erect individual buildings. On the ground for settlements it is allowed to build houses (cottages and multi-apartment buildings) and engage in household plots.

Therefore, when choosing a site, pay attention to the category of destination and the permitted type of activity.

Soil chemistry

If you dream of a good harvest of fruits and vegetables, then it is extremely necessary to know the results of the chemical composition of your land. For example, beets and carrots grow tasteless in brackish soil.

The analysis can be done independently using indicators. A more detailed composition is best ordered in the laboratory. You will determine what type the soil belongs to: acidic or alkaline. And they will give recommendations for its improvement.

Chalk, ash, lime are added to acidic soil to neutralize it, and oak leaves and coniferous sawdust to alkaline soil.

It is especially difficult to process clay layers, so sand and peat are brought to such a site for loosening. Also find out the ratio of humus and organic nitrogen in the sample. This important coefficient will show the soil cleanliness from harmful pollution, it should be equal to from 0.98 to 1.

Think about whether you need the cost of improving the quality of this site or is it better to look for another option.

Is the site suitable for construction

The composition of the soil affects not only planting, but also the design of buildings. The composition of the soil are sandy, sandy loam, clay, loamy, gravel and rocky.

During the construction process, clay soil causes a lot of trouble. After rain, the clay loses its solid properties, swells and dries for a long time.

Such soil is insidious, since the walls of the building can give a roll. And when designing a foundation for clay soil, an indicator of the depth of freezing is important.

But sandy soil is ideal for buildings. It does not retain moisture and is perfectly compacted. The house built on it sits evenly. But the best properties of gravelly sand, you can safely make a finely buried foundation.

Caution! There is a quicksand in the sand. This is a mixture of water and sand. It can occur due to a large accumulation of microorganisms and water leaks. It is found in nature in marshy areas. When depressurization quicksand occurs the effect of a pierced inflatable boat. You will have to order a house on stilts so that they rest on stable layers of soil.

Now you know that the composition of the soil on your site affects the complexity and, accordingly, the cost of the buildings.

What climate

Choose for your site and climatic conditions. For example, vineyards need a warm, temperate climate without rain. A cool climate and good natural light are suitable for the apple orchard. Some medicinal plants (sage, lavender) successfully grow in windy areas and make the air fragrant.

Choose a climate for your health. For some medical reasons, you can’t move far. And sometimes the doctor advises the patient a suitable climate for recovery.

Meet the neighbors

It is better to get to know the owners of neighboring sites in advance. What are they doing? What are their plans for the future? Do holidays celebrate with loud music? What is their subsidiary farm?

If you buy a plot for a quiet country holiday, then you don’t need a neighbor who cuts wood or cooks fixtures all weekend.

A farm with piglets or birds may be nearby, with sensitivity to harsh odors, such a neighborhood is not suitable for you.

Land address

Pay attention to the address of your property. The house number and even the street may not match. The seller will say that the street has recently been renamed, and houses are constantly changing their numbers due to new buildings. It is possible that the former owner does not want to constantly spend money or time on renewal. But the cadastral number must necessarily match. The remaining data needs to be clarified.

Plan and turning points of the land

In solving this issue, a specialist can not do. It is necessary to verify the area of ​​the site, its configuration and the location of the turning points. Ideally, the site has a regular quadrangular shape and four turning points. If the section bends, then another reference point is set in this place. On the territory these places are marked with metal pegs with red paint. Some landowners just in case do not remove these marks.

Mezha, fencing and neighboring buildings

Pay attention to the location of the boundary and the fence. These concepts have different purposes.

The boundary on the earth is a narrow strip between the land, and on the plan shows the boundaries.

For the sake of economy, they put a common fence in the middle of the boundary. But there may be two parallel fences, and between them an empty strip or path about a meter wide.

There are numerous regulations that indicate the distance from buildings, shrubs, large and medium trees to the boundary line.

The big problems for a quiet stay are created by the incorrect location of the bathhouse, dog enclosure, courtyard toilet, compost and cesspool.

Do not buy a plot if there is a controversial oral agreement between the neighbors, for example, mutual concessions in the construction of farm buildings at the boundary. With a new owner, claims and new requirements from neighbors will certainly appear.

Compliance with at least these criteria when choosing a land plot in the future will save you from problems.


Watch the video: VASTU - Buy a PLOT as per Vastu Shastra (June 2024).