Folk remedies for worms: Goodbye, parasites! Recipes of folk remedies for worms: pumpkin, garlic, nuts, what else?


Modern pharmaceuticals can offer a large variety of tools to combat worms.

Medicines may have various contraindications, and most of the drugs cannot be used for children under two years of age.

Therefore, people often choose folk remedies to combat helminth infections, as well as for their prevention. But how to choose a safe folk remedy that is not inferior in efficiency to modern pharmaceutical products?

Folk remedies for worms: pumpkin seeds

Perhaps the most popular recipe is the use of pumpkin seeds. During the day, you need to eat hundreds of seeds, dividing them into four, equal in number, portions. Moreover, the seeds must be consumed with the peel, since it contains the one that acts detrimentally on worms, the substance - cucurbitin.

After an hour after taking the seeds, you need to take castor oil. The oil will have a laxative effect, thereby clearing the intestines of worms will be more effective. The course of taking pumpkin seeds and castor oil should be at least 3-4 days.

You can also mix pumpkin seeds with cranberry juice. 300 grams of seeds mixed with 60 ml of lingonberry juice, mix. This tool must be consumed on an empty stomach in small portions.

Garlic and Onion Recipes

Garlic is a common remedy for worms.

Garlic can be used raw and eaten before eating two to three medium-sized cloves. But for young children recommended milk broth - a glass of milk is mixed with three cloves of garlic, then kept in a water bath for at least ten minutes. It is necessary to use this means on one teaspoon, course duration not less than ten days.

A clove of garlic can be mixed with a spoonful of olive oil and swallowed. After that, you can not eat and drink until the bowel movement. You need to repeat the procedure the next day.

You can also make garlic oil with olive oil. Chopped garlic is poured with olive oil and infused for several days, then strain. Eat garlic oil should be before meals, spreading on bread. The course duration is four to five days.

Garlic can be used with horseradish. Prepare a slurry of garlic and horseradish, mix in a ratio of 50 to 50. Then take 50 grams of this puree, add half a liter of vodka, leave at room temperature, so that the mixture is made. This infusion is consumed one tablespoon before eating.

As an antihelminthic, onions are also used. With signs of worm infestation, you must add more raw onions to your diet. You can use it in a variety of dishes or eat it just like that. There are also effective tinctures with onions. You can take a half-liter jar, fill to half with finely chopped onions, pour vodka. Insist under normal conditions for at least ten days, then strain. This infusion is consumed one at a time - two tablespoons twice a day, before eating food.

No less effective, but easier to prepare, the recipe: one medium onion is crushed, poured a glass of boiling water. Leave to stand overnight, after wrapping the dishes with the mixture with a towel. Then infusion filter. Take this remedy for ½ cup per day, at least three to four days.

Essential oils as a folk remedy for worms

Essential oils can be very effective in the fight against parasites. lavender, bergamot and tea tree. One or two drops of any oil is added to the food, it is necessary to do this within a few days. This treatment should be repeated a week later, as a preventive measure.

Juices - a nice medicine

Carrot juice It is also an effective way against worms. Juice should be freshly squeezed. It is necessary to drink at least half a glass four times a day. Children can be given mashed carrots.

Effective is ripe melon juice. Take it on an empty stomach in one glass. The course of such therapy for at least five days.

Treatment of worms with herbal

In equal quantities you need to take umbrella centaury and bitter wormwood. On a glass of boiling water take a teaspoon of herbal mixture, insist at least twelve hours. Take a glass during the week, morning and evening, before meals.

Another effective recipe: mix one part of chamomile flowers, one part of tansy, one part, yellow gentian root, two parts of wormwood herb, three parts of buckthorn alder bark. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for twelve hours, filter. Drink one glass twice a day, before meals. The duration of the course is three days.

For the treatment of helminthic invasion also used celandine. Chopped root and herbs of celandine need to pour glasses of hot water, then the tincture should be cooled and taken twice a day before meals for half a glass. Duration of infusion of celandine should be at least three days.

There is another effective recipe that is suitable for both adults and young children. It is necessary to cook decoction of chamomile flowers, it is diluted with water, so that the color of the decoction is practically transparent, and drink it throughout the day, replacing this water with plain water.

Folk remedies for worms using walnuts

An effective tool to combat worms is infused with vodka. walnuts pericarp. To prepare this tincture, you must take unripe walnuts, in an amount of about 30 pieces, grind in a meat grinder. The resulting gruel is placed in a three-liter jar, poured vodka and tightly closed with a lid. Let this mixture stand for 40 days in a warm place, stirring occasionally. After this period, the tincture is filtered through a fine sieve and removed for storage in a dark place. It is necessary to use one teaspoonful of the drug twenty minutes before eating the food. The course of treatment should last up to seven days.

You can also make a tincture of whole nuts. Four tablespoons of unripe walnuts are crushed, then poured with one glass of boiled water, slightly salted. Insist such a mixture for 30 minutes, then filter. The whole amount of infusion is drunk within one day, it is also necessary to take laxative preparations in parallel.

Treatment with sorrel

It is necessary to take one kilogram of sorrel and boil it with one liter of water in a water bath, add 50 grams of sugar. Boil until volume is reduced to one cup. Drink this tool a few sips before eating food.

Pomegranate is an effective remedy

This recipe uses pomegranate peel. It is necessary to fill the crushed pomegranate crust with a glass of water and boil. Then drink this broth in small portions for an hour and a half, you can not eat at the same time. After a few hours you need to take a laxative.

Ginger Recipes

Ginger is not only seasoning, but also a good antihelminthic. For treatment, you need to mix a teaspoon of powdered shredded ginger root with a glass of milk or water. Take this remedy on an empty stomach, once a day. The treatment should last at least a week, then it is necessary to take a break in 5-7 days and again a week of treatment.

Often under the folk remedies to combat parasites involve a variety of enemas. But this method is usually ineffective, because the helminths are parasitic in the small intestine, and the effect of an enema does not apply to it.

All presented antihelminthic drugs are quite effective.

The advantage of using folk remedies is that they can be combined and used several at once, as they do not cause an overdose.

After treatment, it is necessary to pass a fecal analysis on helminths to ensure that the treatment was effective. A stool test should be taken several times, as the results are often falsely positive.

However, if after the use of folk remedies a person continues to feel signs of the presence of helminths in the body, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe medication to combat helminthic invasion.

If a person has pets, then they can often be the cause of a person becoming infected with helminths. Therefore, pets also need to treat anthelmintic drugs.
