Minced meat dishes - the recipe for the right semi-finished product. Minced meat homemade dishes: delicious food recipes


In historical documents dating back two thousand years BC, the recipe for pork in leaves, vaguely reminiscent of modern cabbage rolls, was known to the Roman emperors.

At the same time, as can be seen from documentary sources, similar dishes appeared in Asian cuisine in an earlier period.

Absolutely accurate evidence of who owns this copyright invention does not exist, but it can be confidently said that with the advent of minced meat, world culinary cuisine was significantly enriched with a variety of dishes.

Minced meat dishes - recipes and basic technological principles

No one needs to be convinced that minced meat made from fresh meat, as they say, is little and only for itself - the best semi-finished product that does not need any advertising. Of course, in the production environment, attention is paid to the quality of semi-finished meat products in accordance with the requirements of GOST, but despite this, when buying minced meat in stores, one has to deal with unpleasant moments - it contains either too much fat, too much water, or solid particles, not subject to digestion by the human body, but perfectly grinded by modern production equipment. Therefore, the only way out is to buy meat and cook the minced meat yourself. Fortunately, with modern kitchen appliances for domestic use, home-made stuffing is not a problem, but a pleasure.

The rule of good stuffing is quality meat: without cartilage and bone, containing not more than 20% fat. Humidity of 70% does not mean at all that when defrosting, minced meat should float in water. Perhaps this is the only requirement that should be presented to the product.

Minced meat or minced meat can be prepared now from any type of meat and meat products. So, for example, leaner beef meat is brought to the desired consistency by adding pork fat, lard or mixing lean muscle part of beef carcass with fat parts of pork.

Depending on the dish, which is supposed to be prepared from minced meat, additional components are selected: spices and spices that provide the taste of a meat dish; onion, which gives meat semi-finished products not only taste, but also the necessary juiciness; egg whites or starchy components that allow the particles to stick together and hold the desired shape of the product.

Additional ingredients for minced meat is a huge list of products that are selected in each case, depending on the traditions of a particular national cuisine, tables of combinations of products and spices, individual preferences of each cook.

1. Minced meat dishes - a recipe for juicy and thin pancakes with meat filling

Stuffing Ingredients:

Pork pulp, bold 550 g

Beef, boiled filet 450 g

Onions 300 g


Broth, meat 200 ml

Refined Oil 100 ml


For the test:

Fresh milk 300 ml

Boiled water 150 ml

Eggs 3 pcs.

Oil 75 ml

Salt 10 g

Sugar 50 g

Wheat flour 350 g

Soda 5 g

Sour cream 20% 250 ml (for serving)


Add all dry ingredients to the sifted flour. Beat eggs. Combine milk with water and pour the liquid into the eggs without stopping stirring and immediately begin to add the flour mixture gradually. After mixing the dough to a homogeneous consistency, pour in the oil, mix thoroughly again. Allow the dough to brew for about an hour and start baking pancakes in a pan (22 cm), pouring the dough and distributing it over the diameter of the pan. Bake pancakes on one side and lay them on the prepared dish with the baked side up.

Twist meat without bones, cartilage and films through a meat grinder. Chop the peeled onions finely. In a deep saucepan, heat the oil, fry the onions. Add chopped boiled meat to it, mix and pour the broth. Stew the minced meat until the broth is completely evaporated, but the filling for pancakes should not be dry.

Spread the prepared minced meat with a spoon, 75 - 100 g each on pancakes, on the fried side, and wrap it in a roll or a triangle. Fry the pancakes and serve with sour cream.

2. Minced meat dishes - homemade sausage recipe in pastry


Pork, lean fat 1.6 kg

Pork fat (or loin) 400 g

Ground coriander 20 g

Salt 15 g

Garlic 50 g

Ground black pepper 30 g

Eggs 3 pcs.

For the test:

Flour 0.5 kg

Salt 10 g

Oil 200 g

Soda 25 g

Kefir 75 ml


Grind meat with a meat grinder or chop with a knife. Add ground spices and garlic. Beat in eggs and mix. Knock out the minced meat, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, tightly closing the container.

Prepare the dough: sift the flour, combine with salt and soda. Pour on the surface, chop the oil in it. The mass should turn into a fatty crumb of a uniform consistency. Collect crumbs with a slide, after making a depression, pour kefir, mix. The dough should be tight, but elastic. Divide it into two or three parts and, wrapping it, also clean it in the cold.

Take out the stuffing. Wetting your hands and work surface with water, roll sausages out of it, 2 cm thick, 10 cm long. Pour water into a wide pan, install a wire rack or other suitable stand to steam sausages. Very special appliances will help out in this. Fry boiled sausages on margarine or pork fat to brown them.

Remove the dough from the cold in one piece and roll it very thinly, sprinkling with flour. The thickness of the layer is not more than 0.5 cm. Cut the rolled rectangle into 2 cm strips and wrap chilled sausages in them: wind the dough onto the sausage, making a small screw-shaped overlap; put in a form sprinkled with flour and grease the semi-finished products with an egg. You can lay sausages in the dough tightly to get a pie after baking, or, observing the distance, to get piece products.

Preheat oven to 180ºϹ, bake.

3. Minced meat dishes - recipe for stuffed peppers with tomato sauce

Product Composition:

Pepper, salad 1.5 kg

Onions 250 g

Rice, round (boiled) 300 g

Carrot 200 g

Stuffing 800 g

Greens 100 g

Salt, ground pepper, coriander, clove

For the sauce:

Sauce "Krasnodar"

Onion 150 g

Flour 70 g

Oil (or margarine) 80 g

Fresh celery 50 g

0.5 L broth

Carrot 100 g

Order of preparation:

Good pepper for this dish should be large, even, without damage and the same size, so it is advisable to take it back at the time of purchase. Wash and cut the stalks with the seeds. Peppers can be prepared for stuffing in several ways:


Bake in the oven, greasing the surface with vegetable oil;

If the further process of cooking stuffed peppers is supposed to be in the oven, then preliminary heat treatment is not required for peppers: stuff raw.

Combine the minced meat with rice, chopped steamed vegetables, season with spices and mix. Stuff the peppers.

Set them tightly in a heat-resistant dish, pre-filling it with water so that it does not reach the surface by 2-3 cm. Stew the peppers until cooked.

Peel and chop vegetables; pass them by adding flour, and then pour the sauce, combining it with the broth. Bring the sauce to taste with spices and let it boil. Pour the mixture into a blender and beat until smooth. Pour the stuffed peppers with the prepared sauce and bring them to a boil, add chopped herbs and let stand in a sealed container for 15 minutes until serving.

4. Minced Meat Dishes - Meatball Diet Soup Recipe


Domestic Chicken 2.2 kg


Fresh herbs chopped

Egg 1 pc.


Onion 150 g

Fresh lemon zest 50 g

Bay leaves

Carrot 100 g

Water 2.0 L

Celery (roots) 50 g

Cooking progress:

Cut the tarred and washed chicken carcass by separating the bones for the broth and the flesh for the minced meat.

Cook the bones on the lowest heat, remove the foam. When the broth boils, add the washed and peeled carrots, onion, and celery root. After half an hour, drop bay leaves, pepper. After 10 minutes, remove and strain the finished broth.

Chicken pulp and skin through a meat grinder with onions. Add the spices and egg to the minced meat. Stuff the minced meat and make balls of 50 g. Bring the broth to a boil again, salt and throw the meatballs into it. When they come up, add chopped greens, zest, remove from heat and cover the pan with a lid.

5. Minced meat dishes - recipe for chopped zrazy with liver

Grocery list:

Stuffing 1.2 kg

Onion 250 g

Garlic, minced 40 g



Egg 2 pcs.

Beef liver 600 g

Sour cream 80 g

Carrot 300 g

Oil 150 g

Cheese, grated 400 g


Breadcrumbs 250 g

Order of preparation:

Cut the liver into small pieces, fry, adding sour cream and spices. Separately, pass onions and carrots. Mix the cooled liver and passivated vegetables into a paste, add ground spices and butter, mix. Form balls, 60 g each, roll them in grated cheese and put in the cold. Season the minced meat with spices, garlic, divide into pieces of 75 g each. Form from the portions of the tortillas and put the liver balls in the middle and wrap them in the minced meat, forming zrazy. Dip each semi-finished product in a season made from beaten egg, water and flour. After the lezon - roll in breading.

Deep-fried zrazy until golden.

6. Minced meat dishes - the recipe for the best homemade dumplings


Low Fat Pork 600 g

Onions 300 g


Eggs 3 yolks and 3 whole eggs

Salt 15 g

Flour 850 g

Milk 170 ml


Grind meat and onions in a meat grinder, season with salt, spices and beat eggs. Stir the mass, carefully beat it out and remove for ripening in the cold, sealing it with a film, for one and a half to two hours. For the test, break the eggs into a bowl, mix them with milk and salt. Sift the flour and knead the dough. Cover with a napkin so that it does not crust. Wait for the gluten to swell.

The amount of dough and minced meat is calculated on 100 dumplings.

7. Minced meat dishes - recipe for cabbage rolls with cabbage leaves and rice


Minced meat of turkey 1.2 kg

Rice, boiled 250 g

Onions and carrots (passivated) 300 g

Salt, pepper mixture

Blanched cabbage leaves 18-20 pcs.

For the sauce:

Whole milk 1.5 L

Sour cream (25%) 150 g

Margarine, creamy 120 g

Onions, passaged 250 g

Celery Stalks 60 g

Dill, chopped 80 g

Flour 40 g

Salt, ground pepper, bay leaves

Cooking method

Combine the flesh of the bird, rice and passivated vegetables into a common mass, mix thoroughly. Wash a large head of cabbage and separate the desired amount of cabbage leaves. To easily cope with this task, hold the cabbage over the steam, the stalk up. Begin to remove the leaflets, smoothly separating them in the direction from the top of the head down. From each sheet you need to cut the veins at the base of the head of cabbage. It is convenient to wrap the minced meat in soft leaves, so put the removed leaves in a colander and hold them over the steam until soft, and then cool.

Divide the minced meat into portions of 70-80 g and wrap the envelope in cabbage leaves. Fry the semi-finished products in a heated pan, adding margarine. Place the cabbage rolls in a pan so that the edges of the leaves are first below and fry first, and then turn the cabbage rolls on the other side. Place the fried semi-finished products in a saucepan and pour in the prepared sauce.

Sauce making:

Finely chop and pass the onion, adding the chopped celery stalk to it and sprinkling with flour. Pour the milk mixed with sour cream into the stewpan. Add spices, chopped dill and bring the sauce to a boil. After slightly cooling the milk dressing, grind through a sieve, pour into a pan with semi-finished products. Stew stuffed cabbage until cooked in a heat-resistant dish, over low heat.

Minced Meat Dishes - Tips & Tricks

  • Why do you need to beat minced meat? During mechanical action, meat juice containing collagen, known for its binding properties, is released from small particles. When tossing and hitting chopped meat on the working surface, the juice is released more intensively. After this procedure, the mince must be kept in the cold so that collagen starts to "work". This technique allows you to cook cutlets that will not crumble even without the addition of egg white as a binding component.

  • To make the meat have a more delicate and juicy structure, add milk, sour cream, cream.

  • For storage, freeze minced meat in tightly closed bags or containers, in the amount necessary for the preparation of one or another dish. Re-freezing minced meat is highly undesirable.

  • When frying cutlets, turn on the stove at maximum power so that a crust forms that prevents the juice from flowing out, and after frying, lower the temperature and cover the pan with a lid and cook with steam: the meat must be thoroughly cooked.

  • Especially, this rule applies to pork and beef.


Watch the video: How to Make Flavorful Quiche. Quiche Recipe. (June 2024).