What can you say about the benefits of oat oatmeal. How to cook it and how to use it to lose weight


A variety of oatmeal is oily flour with an interesting taste, ease of use and extraordinary benefits, known since ancient times.

The dietary properties of oatmeal make it possible to significantly improve health and even achieve weight loss when it is included in the diet.

How are the grain composition and the technology of manufacturing oat flax with its benefits

The nutritional properties of oatmeal are based on its differences with oatmeal.

Both products are made from oat grains, but only the inside is used for flour, and the top layer, containing a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and other valuable elements, is wasted. An exception is certain types of flour, in which these parts are stored and ground.

So for oat kernels from oat kernels the maximum is kept.

But only for oat flour, the grain is subjected to multi-stage processing - it is steamed (soaked), dried (fried) and ground (crushed).

Naturally, along with its properties, this also changes the taste of the product.

Sometimes they turn it into flour - if, for example, for a dough you need a product with particles of a minimum size, but more often it is used as is.

For a variety of baking (from bread and biscuits to pancakes and dumplings), oat flour, like oatmeal, due to its low gluten content, needs to be supplemented with other varieties of it, wheat, for example, is taken in an amount of 2/3 of the total.

Even in the past, it was highly appreciated for the fact that it does not require thorough thermal (heat) treatment, it was, in fact, a five-minute semi-finished product available to everyone.

In cereals and soups, you can boil it oily, or you can simply add it to a hot liquid and leave for 5 minutes. The product is used for jelly, desserts, smoothies, thickening sauces and gravy, preparing fillings for pancakes and stuffed poultry.

High-quality oatmeal has a creamy color, a homogeneous crumbly texture and a light aroma of cereals, and if you try it, it should melt in your mouth, and not feel something sandy on your teeth.

It is recommended that the house is poured from the store packaging into ceramic, glass or plastic containers with a tight-fitting lid and put into storage in a dry, cool and dark place.

The composition of oat oatmeal is almost identical to the composition of oatmeal, but, as already mentioned, the manufacturing technology of the product highlighted and emphasized the importance some elements, of which the following should be noted:

• only 100 g of oatmeal porridge more than 150% satisfy the daily requirement for manganese, which is necessary for pancreatic health, cell division, proper lipid (fat) metabolism and prevention of liver obesity;

• the same portion of 100 g of oatmeal in porridge provides 50% of the daily requirement for copper, indispensable for the absorption of ascorbic acid, the synthesis of hemoglobin and collagen, a well-known protein of youth and joint health;

• B vitamins are the basis of energy production processes in the human body and are important for stress tolerance and good memory;

• lecithin is significant for the transmission of nerve impulses, the absorption of vitamins (A, K, D), protein and, again, fat metabolism;

• aventantramides are powerful antioxidants that promote rapid recovery from skin diseases and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

In addition, oatmeal contains vitamin E, potassium, iron, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus.

What are the benefits of oatmeal for weight loss

The energy value of oatmeal is quite high - about 360 kcal per 100 g, which is similar to the calorie content of oatmeal (oatmeal) and that, surprisingly, does not detract from the dignity of oatmeal as a product for weight loss and you can achieve the desired result due to its following properties:

• general acceleration of metabolism;

• stimulation of the body to use deferred fat reserves during exercise;

• due to the action of fiber - cleansing the body through the digestive tract from toxins, slags, bile acids, salts of heavy metals and increasing the digestibility of nutrients from food;

• Improving digestion, including normalizing the production of digestive enzymes and reducing cravings for sweets;

• decreased appetite due to complex carbohydrates present in the grain and, again, fiber.

Also, when including oat oatmeal in the diet, it is worth considering that 100 g of product contains 12 g of protein, almost 6 g of fat and 68 g of carbohydrates.

But it is not recommended to choose oily for a mono-diet for a number of reasons, and in particular because it is not able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of nutrients, for example, proteins.

In what other cases will be the benefit of oat oatmeal

The fiber is no worse than the oatmeal itself, energizes the body, tones up and improves performance for long hours, and is also able to restore strength after a long illness or in the rehabilitation period after surgery.

Oatmeal is one of the most useful foods for the sensitive, prone to irritation and slow functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thanks to the soft enveloping effect of oatmeal, it is possible to reduce the unpleasant manifestations of diseases such as gastritis and ulcers.

It is beneficial for the kidneys, first of all, as a light diuretic, which helps to get rid of edema not only of the extremities, but also of the face.

The complex of biologically active substances of oatmeal strengthens the immune system against infectious diseases traditional for winter and off-season (flu, SARS).

Also, the use of oatmeal contributes to:

• improving the work of the endocrine (hormonal) system;

• normalization of blood glucose levels, which, coupled with a low glycemic index of the product (25 units), can be very useful for diabetes mellitus (note that the OI of oatmeal is almost twice as high);

• reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions of various origins;

• preventing blood clots;

• strengthening bone tissue (due to well-absorbed phosphorus).

What can be the harm from oatmeal

Despite the fact that there is no harm in oatmeal, that is, harmful substances as such, useful properties remain useful only without abuse of the product.

In other words, if you use oatmeal 3-4 times a week and in medium portions, its effect on the body from all sides will be positive, but if you start to eat it a lot and often, the harm of oatmeal will manifest itself in the form of the following consequences:

• Calcium leaching from the body will accelerate, and the digestibility of this mineral from food and even from vitamin complexes will decrease, and therefore the condition of the skeletal system and, after it, the entire musculoskeletal system will deteriorate. In connection with these properties, some nutritionists recommend in the days of eating oatmeal to enrich the diet with dairy (calcium-rich) products - cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese and others;

• excess manganese, which is rich in fat, can result in a deterioration in tone and even muscle atrophy, as well as disturbances in the nervous system, manifested in forms of insomnia, chronic fatigue and mood swings;

• fiber, which helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, in large quantities acts proportionally stronger, which ultimately upsets the digestive system and can provoke dysbiosis.

And finally, oatmeal is clearly contraindicated for allergies to gluten.


Watch the video: The Best Times to Eat to Lose Weight (June 2024).