6 ideal plants for bonsai (photo)


The art of growing miniature trees does not at all resemble the content of most indoor crops. Bonsai requires a special approach to plants, to the choice of species, watering and top dressing, and even more so to the formation of crowns and pruning.

There are hundreds of suitable candidates for bonsai; many of them require moving to fresh air with the arrival of heat. Few are adapted to growing in rooms, among them there are unpretentious cultures and perfect sissies. Having appreciated his strength, knowledge and endurance, each grower is able to choose for himself his own look for the successful development of bonsai techniques.

In the bonsai technique, many types of ficus are cultivated, including the universal favorite - ficus Benjamin. However, for beginners who are only familiar with the rules of maintaining a bonsai, it is preferable to opt for a microcarp.

An evergreen tree with a thin light bark and a dark green shiny crown is very easy to care for. The plant prefers year-round to be at a temperature of 15 to 20 degrees Celsius. He does not tolerate heat and the presence of nearby heating appliances.

The priority for him is high humidity, but watering an earthen coma should be done carefully, with small volumes of water. In summer, the pot with the plant is immersed in water so that not only the roots, but also the lower part of the trunk are moistened.

A special highlight of the ficus microcarpus is its numerous aerial roots, due to which they create bizarre sculptural forms.

The miniature olive tree has a very beautiful light bark, graceful silhouette of branches and quivering grayish-green leaves. It rises to a height of 80 cm, but is usually found on sale in small 10-cm dwarfs. It blooms in the second half of summer.

They contain European olive on very brightly lit window sills of regularly ventilated rooms. It is advisable to maintain an earthen lump in a constant slightly moist state, although the plant is rather tolerant to dry air.

You can prune an olive tree throughout the growing season. Adhere to the basic principle - shorten all branches longer than 15 cm, leaving 2 or 3 pairs of leaves. A bonsai from European olive looks spectacular not only in the form of a vertically growing tree, but also in the form of a creeping cascade.

In the bonsai technique, many varieties, forms and varieties of various types of maple are grown, but the most attractive, without a doubt, is a dune-shaped maple. Its foliage seems to have been created by a great master, all the lines and outlines of each leaf blade are honed. Brightly emerald during the growing season, by autumn it turns into a golden yellow or crimson flame, illuminating the interior, overcast with cloudy bursts from the approaching winter.

The maple bonsai is very hardy and adapts remarkably at home after purchase.

An important condition for caring for it is to provide enough light.

However, in extreme heat, shading from direct sunlight will be required, under the influence of which the elegant maple foliage changes color to dull brown.

They try to adjust the watering regime so that it is balanced: on hotter days, the plant is watered twice a day with a small amount of water, but in moderate weather, the frequency of moisture should not contribute to acidification of the soil in the lower part of the pot.

A significant role in caring for a bonsai from a maple of a duniformis belongs to pruning.

Small shoots and leaves are cut without damage to the plant throughout the growing season. It is desirable to cut off mature branches in the summer or in the fall, in the spring maple juice flows too plentifully.

The root system is trimmed at the time of transplantation, which is carried out just in the spring: for young plants - annually, for mature specimens - no more than once every 3 years.

Of the many euonymos, it is the Japanese that lends itself to the formation of true green sculptures. Its small-leaved and variegated varieties are especially popular among bonsai lovers.

The height of the shrubs does not exceed 50 cm, the lower part of the shoots is usually leafless, and the crown seems airy and weightless.

The leaves are elliptical, glossy and shining with a bright emerald gleam. In summer, delicate creamy inflorescences peep out from under them.

The euonymus bonsai needs good lighting and fresh air. He prefers to spend the warm season in the garden, but is afraid of drafts and strong winds. Water the plant often and sparingly, and in order to achieve a curly crown, young branches are regularly cut. Japanese euonymus winters in relative coolness - at least 10 degrees above zero.

It is no coincidence that henomeles got into the list of 10 most attractive shrubs in the world. An evergreen plant with a shiny crown and catchy orange-scarlet or raspberry petals of corollas is very decorative during flowering.

In the bonsai technique, it is grown either in one trunk, giving the appearance of a tree, or in several pagons, forming a bush.

They are planted in a fertile soil mixture of leaf soil, peat and sand, during the growing season they are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Watering abundantly and regularly, reduce moisture only on the eve of budding and during dormancy.

Pruning is done after flowering, leaving no more than 2 buds on each branch.

Rejuvenate plants every 5 years.

A transplant is done every 2 years, cutting the roots to half their length.

The grace of gracefully drooping inflorescences will make you forget about the great care and patience that will be needed to grow a miniature version of a beautifully flowering shrub. In nature, Chinese Wisteria, or Wisteria grows in Japan, the USA, China, as a bonsai is popular in many parts of the world.

The tree grows very actively, reaches a height of 30 to 60 cm, but if you do not restrain its growth by pruning, it grows up and more. It is transplanted every 2-3 years.

For growing use wide containers filled with loose fertile soil mixtures. The soil is constantly kept moist, but it is ensured that moisture does not linger at the roots.

For this, a claydite drainage layer is required at the bottom of the pot, and sufficient drainage holes are desirable in the lower part of the walls of the vessel.

Unfortunately, beautiful snow-white, lavender or azure inflorescences will have to wait a long time - almost ten years, but a flowering bonsai from Chinese wisteria is a charming sight, and it is worth all the effort and expectations.

The listed plant species for bonsai are far from a complete list of suitable flora for growing elegant indoor miniatures.

The possibilities of this art are far from fully mastered, and each grower is able to contribute to the creation of an amazing bonsai world, even within his own home.


Watch the video: bougainvillea bonsai. bougainvillea bonsai repotting (June 2024).