Kvass for weight loss: beet, oat, lemon, ginger. Kvass recipes for weight loss and healing the body


A traditional Russian drink, kvass perfectly quenches thirst, raises the mood, is used to prepare various dishes.

In addition, it can be included in the diet of diet for weight loss.

Kvass for weight loss: what are the benefits

The charm of kvass in its low calorie content, spicy refreshing taste and ability to activate metabolic processes. You can cook kvass for weight loss from beets, oats, crackers, lemon, ginger, berry, spices, herbs and even a banana peel.

The composition of kvass allows you to use it as a prophylaxis of vitamin deficiency. The drink has many vitamins, essential trace elements and organic acids.

It not only refreshes, but also has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole:

• improves well-being;

• increases metabolism;

• improves digestion;

• cleanses the intestines;

• prevents and cures dysbiosis;

• prevents premature aging;

• promotes the breakdown of fats;

• regulates the water-salt balance;

• protects tooth enamel;

• starts cell renewal processes;

• relieves stress on the kidneys.

Kvass can be drunk not only in summer: it can be prepared all year round, and taken in courses or from time to time as a light healthy drink. Judging by the reviews, kvass for weight loss really helps to accelerate weight loss.

Due to its taste and abundance of vitamins, this drink helps to avoid breakdowns on the diet. They can replace one of the meals (over time, not immediately) and not suffer from hunger.

Beetroot slimming kvass

Beets are known for their dietary properties. Sweet root crops are often included in the diet. Beetroot kvass for weight loss is very useful due to the high content of chlorophyll, iron, copper, carotene, vitamins PP, C, B. It is useful to drink for people suffering from anemia, since the drink increases the level of hemoglobin.

Beet kvass is an excellent prophylactic against the development of atherosclerosis, it cleanses the walls of blood vessels and blood from the accumulation of bad cholesterol. Due to the high concentration of antioxidant substances, the drink can be called the elixir of youth. It not only promotes weight loss, but also slows down the cellular aging of the body. The skin after the course of administration becomes elastic, beautiful, smooth, more elastic and young.

The effect of weight loss is due to the fact that beet kvass helps to remove excess fluid from the body and relieve swelling. An excellent option for drinking is a fasting day, during which you can drink 5-6 glasses of healing fluid. Sweet beets dull the feeling of hunger, so such a day is tolerated very easily.

Refuse to take the drink is necessary for those who suffer from exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and kidney stones. In addition, regular use of such kvass can exacerbate pain with gout. Diabetics need to consult their doctor about the possibility of taking a drink.

Ingredients for the preparation of beet kvass:

• large beets;

• five tablespoons of sugar;

• a handful of rye crackers (you can take three crusts of stale black bread);

• two liters of boiled cooled water.


  1. Beets need to be washed, peeled and cut into thin slices. You can grate the root crop on a coarse grater.

  2. Place all the ingredients in a three-liter bottle, fill with water, tie a jar with a gauze napkin.

  3. Kvass should roam at room temperature, preferably in a warm place.

  4. The drink will be ready in three days.

  5. It needs to be filtered, the container should be stored in the refrigerator.

  6. Take two to three glasses a day for two to three weeks, preferably on an empty stomach. If the laxative effect is too strong, reduce volume.

Yeast version of beet kvass for weight loss


• kilogram of beets;

• two tablespoons of honey;

• three liters of pure water;

• a handful of rye crackers (or two stale crusts of brown bread);

• 20 grams of live yeast.


  1. All components for kvass, except honey, put in a three-liter jar, pour water on the shoulders and insist on warmth for five days. The drink should be fermented.

  2. Then strain, put honey in kvass, stir until completely dissolved and put in the refrigerator.

This option is perfect for fasting days. Reviews about kvass for weight loss are positive, especially if you combine the drink with a light low-calorie diet.

Oat slimming kvass

Traditional oatmeal can be a great base for making a healthy wholesome drink. Oat kvass for weight loss is notable for its equally rich vitamin and mineral composition. In addition, the drink has a very low glycemic index, which makes it an excellent dietary option.

The oat-based drink has excellent healing properties:

• cleanses the gastrointestinal mucosa;

• normalizes bowel function;

• saturates the body with minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances;

• restores normal intestinal microflora;

• promotes active breakdown of fat;

• reduces hunger;

• makes the skin beautiful, smooth, relieves inflammation.

Ingredients for making kvass from oats:

• two glasses of oat grains;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• three liters of clean warm water.


  1. Rinse oats thoroughly in a colander, select and discard garbage.

  2. Put the grains in a three-liter jar, add sugar. You can add dumb cinnamon to your taste.

  3. Pour with warm boiled water, cover the neck of a jar with a napkin or tie a piece of gauze. Set the drink until a characteristic foam appears on the surface.

  4. Then strain and store in the refrigerator. Drink a glass half an hour before each main meal.

You can cook oat kvass for weight loss not from whole grains, but from oatmeal. Such a drink is useful for diabetes, inflammatory diseases of the housing and utilities and genitourinary system, heart dysfunction, and for the prevention of vascular diseases. It reduces blood sugar, improves digestion, eliminates persistent constipation, speeds up metabolism.

Miracle drink slimming oatmeal


• a glass of oatmeal;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• a handful of rye crackers or two slices of browned bread;

• three liters of clean drinking water.


  1. In a three-liter jar, mix all the components, pour cooled boiling water at room temperature, cover the opening of the container with a cloth and put it in heat.

  2. Kvass should be fermented for three or four days.

  3. Then it needs to be filtered, pour another half liter of boiled water and put in the refrigerator.

  4. Drink 150 ml of the drink before meals, you can eat after an hour.

Kvass for weight loss lemon

Delicious kvass for weight loss can be prepared on the basis of citrus fruits, for example, lemon. It has a lot of ascorbic acid, it also contains antioxidants and minerals, improves mood and helps to reduce weight.

The drink rejuvenates, removes excess water from the body, stimulates the intestines, starts metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on the liver and pancreas, reduces appetite and prevents the accumulation of fat. However, with increased acidity of the stomach is contraindicated.


• three lemons;

• four hundred grams of sugar;

• 20 grams of live yeast;

• a handful of raisins;

• four liters of water.


  1. Measure into the pan the right amount of water, pour sugar and put on fire. Bring to a boil over low heat, stir constantly to dissolve all the sugar.

  2. Cut lemons into pieces, squeeze all the juice. Cut the pulp together with the peel very finely, remove the seeds first.

  3. When the syrup has cooled, pour juice into it, put the pulp and zest, yeast and raisins. Mix everything and put in heat for fermentation.

  4. It will take two to three days (depending on how warm the room will be).

  5. When the zest rises to the surface and the fermentation stops, the kvass is ready. It needs to be filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Drink half a glass twice a day before meals.

Ginger Slimming Kvass


• seven plates cut off from a ginger root;

• a pound of rye crackers without spices (you can take 800 grams of rye bread);

• four liters of water;

• two glasses of sugar;

• half a liter of apple juice;

• 30 grams of fresh yeast.


  1. Cooking ginger kvass for a long time, but the result is a very tasty, unusual drink with an original rich taste.

  2. Rye crackers or a sliced ​​loaf of rye bread should be poured with boiling water (water should cover the mass) and left to swell under the lid.

  3. Pour slices of ginger with water and cook after boiling over low heat for 20 minutes.

  4. Strain the broth.

  5. When the ginger water has cooled, put the rye mass in it, bring to a boil and turn it off.

  6. Dilute the yeast in a small amount of warm water, pour into the cooled ginger-bread base.

  7. Add sugar and apple juice, mix.

  8. Leave for 16-18 hours warm, strain and cool.

Take half a glass before meals.

Kvass for weight loss - tips and tricks

Do not rely only on kvass in the hope of rapid weight loss. No matter how wonderful the properties this drink may have, its intake must be combined with a diet based on the principles of proper nutrition, and sufficient physical activity.

An integrated approach will quickly cope with extra centimeters on the waist and hips, improve the intestines, restore skin and hair beauty. Having reduced weight, it remains only to maintain it at an acceptable level. The same fitness kvass will help to do this. Fasting days on kvass once a week are a great way to maintain an ideal figure for a long time.


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