Why do we need children: the main motives of future parents. Why do children need men and women


With the advent of modern methods of contraception, preventing the appearance of children has become easier than ever. There are more and more people who completely abandon the function of procreation. Such people are called childfree, because they are free from all the problems associated with the birth and upbringing of children.

Why, in spite of the fact that the human population on planet Earth has already reached seven billion, do people still strive to have children? Why do we need children for a modern, successful, emancipated average person?

Why do we need children if they bring a lot of problems

To answer this question, you must first understand the problems that arise in people with the advent of children. After all, it is them who parents will have to overcome if they still decide to have a baby.

1. Conception itself is already becoming a problem.. In recent years, more and more people are finding it difficult to conceive a new life. The reasons may be different: poor ecology, stressful lifestyle, poor food, lack of health. Many people spend a lot of money to perform IVF and introduce embryos into the mother's body.

2. After the conception has been accomplished, a woman still needs to bear and have a baby. Both that, and another, can be accompanied by various difficulties if the mother’s body does not perceive pregnancy well or is weakened. Childbirth is generally a very stressful situation for both the mother and the baby.

3. After the birth of the baby, even if the birth was perfect, and the mother with the baby has no health problems, both need maximum care. Unfortunately, often in the modern world, young mothers are forced to remain face to face with all the problems associated with the baby. After all, the father of the child makes a living, and grandparents can not always help. This causes a problem such as postpartum depression.

4. Lack of proper preparation for the birth of a child, information on how to care for the baby and build a changing family relationship creates a wide range of problems between young parents. The largest number of divorces occurs precisely during the period of the first year of a child's life.

5. As the family grows, so does its needs.. A large amount of money is spent on keeping children. In addition, you always have to think about the housing issue. All this creates additional stress for parents.

6. Once you have children, you begin constantly worry about their health and safety. You will never be able to live carefree without thinking about where they are now and how they feel.

7. You will have much less free time, especially in the first years of the baby’s life. After all, he will need your love and care 24 hours a day.

So, despite such an abundance of problems, why do people still have children? First, we will analyze the general motives that guide people, and then the motives that are characteristic of men and women.

To answer this question, you must first understand the problems that arise in people with the advent of children. After all, it is them who parents will have to overcome if they still decide to have a baby.

Why do children need modern man

1. Children are born spontaneously. In fact, most people do not think at all about why they need children. Modern sexual emancipation makes people careless, and even marriages are often concluded “on the fly”.

2. People seek to create their own family - a small cell in society that would allow them to feel more confident in this turbulent stream of life.

3. People are afraid to be left alone in old age. The notorious “glass of water” haunts many and makes you think about the need for children.

4. A small percentage of people think about the future of the country and the whole world as a whole. They want to give birth to children in order to convey to them the very best that they themselves have.

5. Among other reasons, people sometimes have children in order to get cash compensation or maternity capital. This reason is rarely the first priority, but, nevertheless, in some families, parents take this aspect into account before having another child.

Why do women need children

1. Most women from a certain age begin to experience maternal instinct. This is an inexplicable feeling that overcomes them at the sight of other people's small children. This feeling is difficult to ignore, so a woman has to somehow reckon with him.

2. Some women have children with the goal of tie a certain man to himself or even marry him. This is a rather dubious goal, which most often does not live up to expectations, but most likely on the contrary, it destroys relations.

3. Many women are exposed to great public pressure: parents, relatives and friends. They are told about the need to have a baby, because the reproductive age of a woman is very limited. In addition, with the age of a woman, the risk of pathologies in the fetus increases.

Why do we need children for a man

Men, perhaps, are much less likely to think about the need for children than women. But they also have their own reasons for this.

1. The desire to continue their family. For a man, this is quite an important motive. They want their life not to be wasted, but to continue in their legacy - in their children.

2. Realization through children of their own ambitions. It's no secret that men are for the most part very ambitious. They want their success to be admired and praised. Therefore, they perceive the children as part of their own achievements.

3. Some of the men feel like having children, meeting a special woman. They are so in love with a particular girl that they want to give her everything, including children.

There are a lot of reasons not to have children, but the desire to create a new life, to see the birth of this miracle, to participate in the amazing process of turning a small embryo into an adult - overlaps all reasonable arguments and unconscious fears.


Watch the video: I don't want children -- stop telling me I'll change my mind. Christen Reighter (June 2024).