Are kidney stones a reason for surgery, or are there traditional remedies? Kidney stones: we treat folk remedies


One of the most common and insidious human diseases is kidney stones.

In one form or another, people practically suffer from them from a newborn age to old age. The disease itself is curable, especially if it is detected in a timely manner - even traditional medicine methods will work here. But if kidney stones are accompanied by an infection, then misfortunes cannot be avoided.

Why do kidney stones occur?

A small amount in the diet of citrus fruits, lack of fluid intake, excess salt, calcium, oxalate and purine - this is the "food" causes of kidney stones. The effect of ultraviolet radiation has also been proven.

For other reasons, the formation of kidney stones usually occurs in people with impaired metabolism, overweight and sedentary lifestyle.

How to recognize urolithiasis

The main symptom is pain, to which may be added urinary disorder with blood in the urine. Urolithiasis is necessarily accompanied by the discharge of stones and crystals of urinary salts. If inflammation is added to the formation of stones, urinary tracts are blocked, the temperature will certainly rise.

The diagnosis is made by the doctor based on the results of urinalysis and ultrasound of the urinary tract. Treatment depends on many factors - the shape, size, structure, density and location of the stones, as well as the presence of infection and associated diseases.

The basic principles of the treatment of kidney stones

The main task here is the removal of stones, and medicine knows a lot of effective ways. The smallest stones (up to 6 mm) are successfully removed with an increase in the volume of fluid intake and an increase in physical activity.

If the previous method did not help, try to dissolve the stones with special preparations. Their reception lasts up to 6 months, but not all stones can be dissolved.

After the measures taken, the following treatment method will be surgery for crushing stones. Medicine today operates with many low-impact methods for removing stones, and after the procedure, the patient returns to a full life in the shortest time possible.

How to treat kidney stones, traditional medicine

Today, traditional medicine offers many completely different, often contradictory means of healing. It is important to know that no folk remedy can crush or dissolve stones (the exception in some cases is the urates). How do people "remove" stones from the kidneys, what they are trying to crush, and what really helps?

Kidney stones: herbal infusions

Popular recipe. Horsetail, burdock root, woodruff and elderberry flowers to take in equal parts and mix. One tablespoon of the mixture is drawn for two hours in a glass of boiling water and 1/3 cup is drunk three times a day.

Will the effect. At very early stages with uratny stones of small (up to 0.8 mm) size, decoctions from horsetail are really recommended by doctors of official medicine. Horsetail contributes to the dissolution of small stones and facilitates the patient's condition.

As for the remaining ingredients of the collection - they are simply present there, nothing more. Perhaps for the treatment of concomitant diseases in a particular person, the use of other herbs would be appropriate, but only a doctor can recommend this, as well as the dosage and duration of such treatment.

Being sure that you have a pebble in your kidneys, by self-healing with herbs you can miss a dangerous disease, which, quite possibly, does not apply to the kidneys. Or it would be naive to hope for the advice of folk healers or the "authoritative" Internet, to dissolve the stones with herbs, and the stones themselves grow to such proportions that it is no longer possible to remove them without an operation.

Cleaning the intestines with kidney stones

An interesting option to explain the origin of kidney problems: slagging of the intestine. Adherents of colonotherapy believe that such slags "clog" the whole body, including provoke various formations in the kidneys. And, although not a single pathologist has ever found such “slags” in any intestine, people still “treat” themselves with enemas and deep washing of the intestines.

What is dangerous colonoscopy. Definitely, there is no benefit from such a method; you can ask any doctor about it. It is they who save such "washers" from terrible consequences: the intestines are irritated, full of dysbiosis, even hemorrhoids. And the stones "and now there." Doing an enema with kidney stones is as effective as punching the toilet bowl by washing the sink. Although no: the sink in this case will be cleaner, but the intestines from frequent enemas "sick".

Kidney Stones: Caraway Oil

Recipe. 0.5 cups crushed cumin seeds mixed with a glass of honey, 0.5 cups of ginger root (whether fresh or dry). Take the remedy in the morning on an empty stomach for two teaspoons. Ginger can be replaced with the same amount of fresh garlic.

Will the remedy work? So far, no scientific research in the field of medicine has confirmed the effectiveness of any of the listed components in crushing stones. But traditional medicine, especially recently, brought cumin oil almost to the rank of panacea "from everything". No doctor will take the responsibility to recommend such a recipe, especially with so much honey (it is the strongest allergen).

Cumin is very dangerous for people with a stomach ulcer, gastritis, or gallstones. For cores, diabetics and pregnant women, decoction, tincture and other types of cumin are contraindicated. It can only be used as a spice in small quantities.

Despite the fact that kidney stones have a completely different composition, it is precisely this dosage that, according to supporters, will cure the kidneys as soon as possible. What are these terms - no one can answer. And she will not say how long you can run to the hospital in order to have time to escape after taking the “remedy”. It is also interesting the authors' proposal to replace fresh ginger with dry, or add garlic. These are two completely different products, neither in composition nor in properties, and both have no direct influence on the urinary system.

Dissolution of kidney stones with apple juice

The "treatment" scheme: in the morning, drink a glass of apple juice, after which every two hours drink 480 ml of apple juice, the last dose at 20:00. The first two days of "therapy" can not eat anything. At the end of the day, do an enema or drink a herbal laxative. Take a hot bath.

Start the third day with 480 ml of apple juice, after half an hour, drink 120 ml of olive oil and drink a glass of juice. The author of the method claims that on the third day the stones will come out of the kidneys.

What can "earn" in reality. Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract and the emergence of new pathologies. Excess acid in such an amount is detrimental to the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Apples are generally not recommended for use in inflammatory processes of the pancreas, and the amount of concentrate indicated by the author for such patients may lead to a severe attack of pancreatitis, and the pancreas may refuse.

In addition, with renal colic, the use of vitamin C, which is more than enough in apples, is strictly prohibited.

No fruit, unfortunately, is not able to destroy and remove stones from the kidneys, as well as to have on them any healing effect. True, citrus fruit juices prevent the development of undesirable processes in the urine, but these are only preventive measures, and only when consumed no more than 0.5 liters per day. The existing formations in this way can no longer be destroyed, and with an excess of juice one can provoke the formation of new oxalates.

People suffer from urolithiasis with sex!

People, probably, have always argued about the benefits of regular sexual intercourse for both women and men. As it turned out, men are important not only for the maintenance of sexual function, the cardiovascular system, but also stress relief. Regular sex can really work as a folk remedy for treating kidney stones.

Turkish scientists conducted a study that, as a result, men with urolithiasis who had sex 3 or more days a week, got rid of kidney stones in two weeks (89% of the test subjects). The effect was even better than that of the compared group taking appropriate medications for the treatment of this disease.

Surprisingly, it really works!

In general, for the prevention of kidney stones, it is enough to keep an active lifestyle, maintain a normal weight, eat healthy food and do not forget to drink - you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day. And to try to be treated with dried blood of a goat, crusts of tangerines, pepper with flour or beans, is a life-threatening occupation.


Watch the video: Kidney Stones: Prevention and Treatment Options (June 2024).