Preserved from the evil eye and damage - with their own hands. How to make a guard against the evil eye and damage yourself at home.


Now many people are interested in magic, so damage or the evil eye will have no difficulty. But how to protect yourself and your family from the evil eye and enemy intentions? This article focuses on amulets and amulets - effective means of protection against magical powers that you can do with your own hands.

What are amulets and their types

Translated from ancient Greek, the word "charm" means "averting misfortune." It is difficult to specifically answer the question: "what are charms." Any thing that needs to be properly spoken by performing a special magic ritual can become a talisman. Charm can protect not only a specific person, but also a place. For example, a guard made for the house will protect all the inhabitants of your house. The most important thing in making a charm is its energy component. The material can be any, the main thing is to “charge” the charm with the necessary energy.

Charms are familiar to us from childhood. They are quite common in our culture. Remember how before school, your mother pinned you a pin on the wrong side of clothes, from the evil eye. Now it makes us smile, but it proves how strongly ancient paganism sits in us, because the amulets went from there.

What are charms, we found out, now look at their species. Depending on the destination, amulets are:

• universal - such talismans are suitable for everyone - for men, women, children. They are made by hand from various scrap materials, with special symbols and signs applied;

• home - such charms are designed to protect the house and all its inhabitants from all evils, the evil eye and damage;

• children - wards made specifically for children. Particularly strong charms made by the hands of the mother;

• women - they not only protect their hostess from the negative effects of dark forces, but also enhance the feminine strength and charm;

• male - in addition to protective functions, such charms strengthen courage, bravery and self-confidence in a man.

Horseshoe - an ancient Slavic charm from the evil eye for the house

Very often, people who choose a talisman against the evil eye do not know how to properly place it. And this is very important - the wrong location of the amulet in the house deprives him of most of the protective force. It is important not only to choose the right amulet, but also to place it in a suitable place. Everyone knows about the ancient Slavic amulet - a horseshoe. It can be found above the doors of many houses and apartments. Horseshoe drives away evil forces from home, attracts good luck and prosperity. But most people hang a horseshoe incorrectly, and the charm begins to work the other way - to drive away welfare and attract trouble into the house. To horseshoe brought good luck, you need to know some of the nuances.

The horseshoe needs to be hung above the entrance doors with its legs upwards so that it resembles a bowl. Only in this way, on the contrary, it is impossible to hang it up! There is a belief that a horseshoe needs to be found. But on what way to find a horseshoe in our oil age? Horseshoe can be bought. It does not have to be a natural size, but the material is only metal. Wood and other materials are not suitable. Buying a horseshoe, listen to your inner feelings. Intuition will tell you how to choose the right charm from the evil eye. You can decorate a horseshoe to your taste, depending on the interior of the apartment. It can be covered with bronze or copper paint. Or, on the contrary, artificially aged. The main thing is to place it above the entrance door "up the horns." Then the charm will really protect your family, attracting well-being and wealth.

Preserved from the evil eye and damage to the child

Small children under the age of seven years are very susceptible to damage and to the evil eye. Their energy field is still too thin, therefore, it cannot withstand negative energy. Jinx a child a person may even unintentionally. Often parents notice that after walks in crowded places the baby does not sleep well, often is naughty and loses appetite. Such symptoms can cause even the usual praise of a child relative, a kind of unintentional evil eye. Every mother should know how to use the charm from the evil eye and damage to your baby.

For a long time, such an effect on children was called the evil eye. The evil eye can affect the development of the child, his mental health and mental abilities. We will tell you how to protect the baby, and how to choose the right charm from the evil eye and damage.

Try to always protect your baby's breast from the gaze of a tulle curtain on the stroller. Baby clothes should be bright and catchy, as if distracting the eye from him. This is especially true of the cap - in fact, at first they always look at the face. The bright hat will distract someone else's eyes and prevent the person from concentrating on the child. Pin a gilded safety pin to the head of the crib and pram.

Our ancestors considered silver to be a particularly strong talisman. An older child can hang a silver amulet or cross on the neck, and a baby can hang a crib or stroller at the head of the head. Silver has many useful properties - it protects from evil spirits, the evil eye and damage. Crystal and malachite also have the glory of strong protective amulets. Also, you can tie three red woolen threads on your wrist.

Universal charms against the evil eye and damage to their own hands

We will tell you how to make charms against the evil eye and damage with your own hands quickly and efficiently. It will be a vedovo charm - a bag of herbs and a protective stone. The strength of this talisman is based on the magic of stones and plants. This is not a recipe for black magic - our ancestors protected themselves from such damage and witchcraft with such witch sacks. If you love nature and its magic, then this amulet is perfect for your protection.

To make a charm, we need to sew a small bag of red, black or brown. The bag should be small - about 4 to 6 centimeters. All the ingredients of our future talisman will be natural, so give preference to silk or cotton fabric. If there is no fabric of a suitable color, you can paint it yourself with the help of vegetable dyes. Slavic amulets against the evil eye and damage were considered very strong, so this recipe will definitely come in handy for you.

To fill the bag you will need a pinch of salt, dry nettle, St. John's wort, thistle and seven dried rowan berries. Add to the mixture of dry herbs three drops of cedar essential oil - and the charm is ready.

In order to protect yourself against the evil eye and defacement with your own hands, you should add a protective stone to the herbs, which suits you according to a horoscope, or that serves as your talisman. Vedovo bag is sewn with a black wool thread and tied at 9 knots. Tying the ninth knot, say: "I conjure you with the forces of the earth and heaven, I command my safety to be." On the last nodule drip a little wax. Your universal amulet is ready. But remember that his defensive power will last only a year. Then you will need to make a new bag and burn the old one.

Runic amulet against envy and the evil eye

Who among us has not heard of the Scandinavian runic magic. It is not for nothing that we stopped at the Runes, because of them the most powerful talismans and charms are obtained. In total there are 24 runes, but in detail, we dwell only on one - the rune for protection against evil forces, damage and the evil eye. Runic amulet from envy and the evil eye is better to do yourself. It is not difficult at all.

Best of all, as a material for the charm to use wood or stone. But putting symbols on the stone is quite problematic, and the tree will look more aesthetic. Therefore, we dwell on it. Plastic and other artificial materials for the preparation of runic amulets can not be used. The charm can be carried in a purse, or used as a pendant. But most talisman acts when in contact with the skin. Preparation for a charm can be polished, but it is not necessary to cover it with paint or varnish. The ward should be in direct contact with the skin of its host.

In runic magic, only ash or oak is used to make amulets and amulets. A branch from a tree needs to be cut independently. All manipulations with the manufacture of the guard should be carried out only in a calm state, your negative energy should not be transferred to the talisman. Scandinavians are very kind to nature. Therefore, if you want your amulet to have the proper power, after you cut off the branch, mentally thank the tree. It is not necessary to remind that thoughts should be sincere.

Then cut out a billet in the shape of an oval, circle, or rectangle (as you like). For this work, be sure to buy a new knife. After grinding the workpiece, you can put on it the desired rune. We need the rune algiz. In this photo you can see an example of a finished pendant with a rune algiz. The rune itself is in the center, and on the edges there are patterns for decoration. You can scratch the rune with a knife, or use paint.

This rune is the strongest defensive rune of all. It can warn a person about future dangers, sharpens intuition and flair. She also protects her owner from evil eyes, envy, the evil eye and damage. Carrying this charm from envy and the evil eye, you will always feel safe. Such a talisman can be made to protect the house by hiding it near the entrance.

The easiest amulet protection against the evil eye

The easiest guard against the evil eye, known to us since childhood - is an ordinary safety pin. A pin is always attached to the seamy side of clothing next to the heart. Periodically you need to check whether the color of the pin has changed. If the charm is darkened, or changed color - it must be replaced with a new one. The pin absorbs the negative energy that a person inflicts on damage, envy or the evil eye. The darkened pin will no longer protect its owner, so it should be replaced.

Once a week, take off the pin and leave it open overnight. This will allow her to absorb clean and fresh energy, renewing her defenses. The protective pin needs to be bought only on Friday evening, then a simple charm against the evil eye will have great strength.


Watch the video: Put Salt in the Corners of Your House, and See What Happens (June 2024).