How to propagate different types of ficus at home. All methods with recommendations, step-by-step instructions and photos


Ficus is often used to decorate the interior, not only at home but also in the office. These unpretentious plants quickly increase leaf mass, clean the air well and adapt to various conditions. At some point, the flower grower is faced with the question of how to propagate the old ficus.

Basic rules for the propagation of ficus

Ficus refers to ornamental and deciduous plants, which can be propagated in three main ways:

• cuttings;

• sheet plate;

• air layering.

Each method has its own characteristics, not suitable for all varieties of ficus.

However, in spite of the method of reproduction, the basic rules should be followed during the procedure.

1. You need to plan a transplant in the spring, since the plant begins active vegetation. But you can postpone the procedure to the fall, especially if the ficus has grown greatly over the season. In winter, the flower can not be transplanted.

2. It is strictly forbidden to expose a young plant that has not yet matured in the open air or in direct sunlight.

3. You can not propagate young ficus by cuttings, as green shoots are not suitable for this.

4. Propagate tree ficus need cuttings from the top of the plant. At the same time, the planting stalk must have at least two buds.

The easiest way to propagate is ficus ampel form. Their cuttings quickly take root, well build up green mass. But with a bushy or tree-like plant will have to tinker. Semi-lignified cuttings need more time for root formation. This should be considered when preparing planting material.

What ficuses can be propagated by cuttings and how to do it

Cuttings are more suitable for tree-shaped ficuses, for example, Benjamin or Rubber-bearing, as well as large-leaved varieties Rubiginosa. However, you need to tinker with cuttings of these varieties, they take root for a long time, require special care during this period.

For cuttings, it is better to choose a plant older than two years. The procedure is carried out in early spring or at the very beginning of summer, then by the autumn the young plant will get stronger and winter well.

Cutting Tips:

• The day before work, the ficus must be abundantly watered so that all shoots are saturated with juice.

• Cuttings from the upper part of the plant are selected for propagation, with the exception of large-leaf ficus, which can be propagated by cuttings from the middle of the shoot.

• Cuttings are cut with a length of at least 10-15 cm, so that each has two or more kidneys.

• A slice is made at an angle and sprinkled with crushed charcoal, the milky juice is washed off with warm water. The mother plant is taken out to fresh air so that the slices dry.

• When propagating large-leaf ficus, the leaves on the cuttings are shortened by half.

• Fresh cuttings are immediately placed in water so that the cut-off point is not delayed by milky juice, otherwise the process of root formation will be delayed.

Root cuttings can be in water or soil substrate. When rooting in water, monitor the level of liquid in the container; if necessary, top it up. For the formation of roots, it is better to use a container of dark glass or plastic, so that the process goes faster. You can plant shoots in a substrate in a month, when the root length reaches 1-2 cm.

Advice! To root formation occurred faster, the cuttings are treated with a growth stimulator, for example, the drug "Kornevin."

Cuttings need a slightly different care when planting directly in the ground. In order for rooting to succeed, it is important to maintain a temperature of about + 25 ° C in the room. To achieve optimum moisture, a pot with cuttings is placed in a greenhouse.

Prepared cuttings are placed in the soil so that two buds are covered with earth, and one remains outside.

Features of propagation of ficus leaf plate: recommendations and tips with photos

Large-leaf ficus can be propagated by leaf on a small petiole, the method is similar to cuttings, but has its own characteristics.

Important! A large leaf without a petiole can give roots, but a new plant will not develop from it. For rooting, a shoot with a leaf is used, because it is from the sinus that a young ficus will grow.

Reproduction Instructions:

1. The leaf stalk is cut directly at the internode, the slice is made oblique.

2. The cuttings are immediately planted in a moist, loose substrate up to the leaf.

3. The sheet is folded into a tube so that moisture does not evaporate.

4. The temperature is maintained at a level of 22-25 ° C, and the humidity is at least 80%.

For quick rooting, the container is covered with a bag to create a greenhouse effect. On the formation of roots, care from 3 weeks to a month and a half, it depends on the variety that you are going to propagate.

Step-by-step instructions for propagating ficus by air layers

It is better to propagate by layering adult specimens that have already lost their decorativeness, and they only have greenery on the top of their head. This method will quickly rejuvenate the plant. In three weeks or a month you will have a new ficus.

The essence of the method is to remove the entire lower part, leaving only the top with leaves.

To do this, determine the height of the future plant and proceed to its formation:

1. The place where we will grow the roots, clear of leaves. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the bark.

2. Near the nearest kidney, make a shallow incision with a sharp knife. Insert a stick or match into the incision to allow oxygen access. If this is not done, then the cut simply grows together.

3. Wrap the slice with moist sphagnum moss, and fasten with cling film.

Instead of moss, you can use well decomposed peat. Go to root formation from 25 days to a month. All this time the moss should remain moist. Cut a new plant as soon as the roots cover the entire surface of the film.

Important! Young ficuses need good care, they need regular watering, spraying and partial shade.


Watch the video: How To Propagate Rubber Tree Plant From Cuttings, Simple Guide (June 2024).