Tears of an angel: a step-by-step recipe for the most delicious dessert. Secrets of making a cake or pie "Tears of an Angel", step by step recipes


Is the tears of an angel a cake or a pie? What's the difference! It is also called share or tart. One thing is important - this is an amazingly delicious and delicate dessert with original sweet droplets on the surface.

Tart (or a cake?) As if starts up tears, for which he received such an original name. In step-by-step recipes, we will reveal all the secrets of this wonderful dessert, as well as make it release a lot of caramel drops. To business?

Tears of an angel - general principles of preparation

You need to cook the cake in advance. The dessert should stand in a cool place for several hours so that tears come out. It is better to do it in the evening and endure until the morning. Or bake in the morning and stand until evening.

What the pie consists of:

1. Sand tart. It is prepared on the basis of butter or margarine, is a thin cake with bumpers, on which the fillings fit.

2. Curd layer. Based cottage cheese filling with eggs, sugar, vanilla and semolina. It is best to take real, you can rustic cottage cheese, dubious products with a plant composition may misbehave in the oven.

3. The protein layer. Consists of beaten egg whites and sugar. After baking, caramel droplets appear on it. To prepare this layer can not do without a mixer.

Many step by step recipes for "Tears of an Angel" do not indicate a baking dish, but this is very important. I need a real pastry split mold with a ring. It is easier to extract dessert from it.

Tears of an angel: a step-by-step recipe for a classic curd tart

The most popular version and the classic taste of the cake is "Tears of an Angel", a step-by-step recipe with all the subtleties and features. To make it work, we measure the products through the scales.


• 80 grams of oil;

• egg;

• 2 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 150 grams of white wheat flour;

• 1 tsp baking powder from a bag.

Curd filling:

• 500 grams of cottage cheese;

• 10 grams of semolina;

• 1 bag of vanillin;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 3 yolks;

• 100 grams of sour cream.

For the protein layer:

• 3 raw proteins;

• 3 tbsp. l granulated sugar.


1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator a couple of hours before making the pie. It should soften well, but not melt. This is very important, since shortcrust pastry does not like melted fat.

2. Add sugar to the butter, rub together with a fork or a large spoon, introduce one egg, mix until smooth. Sugar should dissolve as much as possible.

3. We measure out the right amount of flour, pour the baking powder to it, pour it all together into a sieve and sift it.

4. Add the flour to the dough. Stir, form a ball.

5. We get a demountable form. Since the dough is shortbread, you can not lubricate it with anything. But if desired, you can cover the bottom with a piece of parchment, that is, put it and fasten the ring.

6. We spread the dough with our fingers throughout the mold, immediately make small sides of about 1.5 cm.

7. Put a sand tart for 30 minutes in the freezer.

8. Cooking the first curd filling. Cottage cheese need to grind through a sieve or kill with a blender. Large and especially hard lumps in it should not be.

9. Add the yolks to the curd. We carefully separate the proteins, put them in the refrigerator. They are needed to prepare the last layer of meringue.

10. Following the yolks, we transfer granulated sugar and sour cream into the curd mass. Of course, it is better to take a fatty product of at least 20%. We fall asleep vanilla with semolina.

11. All the ingredients of the curd filling are thoroughly triturated with each other or simply whisk until sugar is completely dissolved.

12. Heat the oven to 180 degrees.

13. Remove the cake from the shortcrust pastry from the freezer. Pour the curd filling into it, level it with a spoon.

14. Immediately put the cake in the oven, it should already be warmed up. Bake at this temperature for 20-25 minutes. The cake should be baked, and the curd filling to seize, dry from above.

15. We remove the temperature in the oven to 140 degrees.

16. While the cake is baked, beat the whites with three tablespoons of sugar until the peaks are firm.

17. We take out the sand cake with the first filling, spread the whipped squirrels on top.

18. We put the “Tears of an Angel" in the oven again. Now we bake at 140 degrees and carefully monitor.

19. As soon as the squirrels on top are slightly browned, it is about 12-15 minutes, you need to get the pie. It is very important not to dry the protein layer, otherwise tears may not appear. But you also need to bake it so that he can prepare.

20. Take out the share from the oven and immediately cover with a suitable size lid. Important! Do not tighten the film!

21. If possible, we take out to a cool balcony or to the pantry, to the street. If not, then cool at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for several hours.

22. Remove the cover and enjoy the tears that have come out!

23. Carefully separate the sides of the cake from the mold. We remove the ring, transfer the dessert "Tears of an Angel" to a flat dish.

Tears of an angel: a step-by-step dessert recipe with peaches

A very popular version of tart with peaches. In the step-by-step recipe "Tears of an Angel" canned fruits from cans are used, but you can take fresh peaches, it will also turn out delicious.


For shortcrust pastry:

• 4 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 170 grams of flour;

• 75 grams of oil;

• 2 yolks;

• one whole egg;

• 5 g of ripper.

First filling:

• 800 grams of cottage cheese;

• 150 grams of sour cream;

• 1 tbsp. l corn starch;

• 4 yolks;

• 180 g of sugar;

• 1 tsp lemon zest;

• 1.5 tbsp. l semolina.

For protein filling:

• 4 squirrels;

• 0.5 tbsp. sah. powders.

In addition, you will need 1 can of canned peaches.


1. Soften the butter in the heat, add four tablespoons of granulated sugar to it and carefully grind to get a homogeneous cream.

2. Add the yolks and the egg to the oil, continue to grind until smooth.

3. Combine flour with a cultivator, add to the dough and knead. You do not need to mix for a long time, the shortbread dough does not like this.

4. You need to turn on the oven, let it warm up to 180 degrees.

5. We shift the shortbread dough into a form, level the layer, sculpt the sides. Put in a preheated oven for ten minutes.

6. Combine the grated cottage cheese with all the other ingredients of the filling. Separated proteins are put away in the refrigerator. Do not forget to add chopped lemon zest, it will give the cake an unusual aroma. Grind everything well or whisk.

7. Remove the sand base from the oven. In ten minutes, she managed to grab a little. Pour cooked curd cream on it.

8. Open a jar of peaches in advance. Put them in a colander to get rid of excess syrup. If fresh peaches will be used. Then they need to be peeled, cut in half.

9. We spread the peaches on the curd filling with the convex side up, and deepen the slang.

10. Re-place the cake in the oven. Cook for another 15 minutes.

11. During this time, you need to beat the whites and granulated sugar well.

12. Take out the cake. We open the oven, let the temperature drop to 140-150 degrees.

13. Cover the curd layer with peaches with whipped proteins.

14. Put in the oven again. Bake at 140-150 degrees a quarter of an hour.

15. Take the “Tears of an Angel" cake out of the oven, put on the lid, first cool, then cool for several hours for droplets to appear.

Tears of an angel: a step-by-step recipe for a chocolate-raspberry dessert

A very tasty and well-known version of the popular pie. The step-by-step recipe for “Tears of an Angel” shows fresh raspberries, but you can also take a frozen product. In this case, the berries must be thawed, the excess liquid should be drained.


• 180 grams of flour;

• 100 grams of oil;

• 600 grams of cottage cheese;

• 400 grams of granulated sugar;

• 4 squirrels;

• 1 whole egg;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 5 yolks;

• 40 grams of cocoa;

• a glass of raspberries;

• 30 grams of dark chocolate;

• 4 tbsp. l sour cream.


1. Prepare the dough for the sand base: grind 100 grams of softened butter and the same amount of granulated sugar, lay the egg and two whole yolks. Grind, season with flour and baking powder. Stir the lump, put it in the freezer for ten minutes.

2. Cooking the curd filling. Grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve to get rid of all the lumps.

3. Add sour cream, measure out 150 grams of granulated sugar, add cocoa powder, put three egg yolks. Whip everything with a blender or just mix well.

4. We take out the dough from the freezer, roll out a cake with a rolling pin.

5. We shift the sand base into a detachable form, straighten, lay out small sides.

6. Pour the filling from cocoa and cottage cheese onto a sand base. Level with a spoon.

7. Throw washed, dried raspberries. Finger deepen them slightly.

8. We put the future tears of an angel in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Cooking 25 minutes. At the very end, you need to lower the temperature in the oven to 150 degrees.

9. Beat the whites for five minutes with a mixer, then gradually add granulated sugar to them. Continue to beat until the grains are completely dissolved.

10. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, introduce into the proteins. Stir.

11. Take the cake out of the oven, cover with a layer of chocolate proteins.

12. Again we put the dessert to bake. Cooking "Tears of an Angel" for about a quarter of an hour, but we do not add temperature.

13. Take the mold out of the oven, cover, cool for at least 4 hours in a cool place.

Tears of an angel - useful tips and tricks

• In all step-by-step recipes of the "Tears of an Angel" pie, wheat flour of higher grades is indicated. But the base can also be prepared from whole grain flour, the dessert will be healthier and taste slightly different.

• Is there no suitable cover for covering the mold? You can try to pick up and use an inverted bowl or saucepan.

• Proteins do not want to thicken and are thin? You need to add a teaspoon of lemon juice or a few grains of acid to them.


Watch the video: Hacks To Make Your Boxed Cake Mix Taste Homemade (June 2024).