An obsessive fan, or what to do when admiration turns into an obsession


Many women want to drive men crazy, captivate with their beauty and arouse genuine admiration. But what if the man’s interest in you becomes very intrusive and the fan follows you on the heels, annoying with flowers, calls, messages and other signs of attention, begins to annoy you?

Most often, women who do not find the strength to say “no” in themselves get into this situation, or they are hindered by the desire to flirt, as well as pity for the man. This is precisely the reason that the man does not leave her alone, generously endowing the woman with a sense of guilt and discomfort, because he perceives such indecision as the hope that the woman is not opposed to relationships and communication.

If a man is not nice to you, it’s best not to give him the opportunity to think that you like him. The main thing is that you should not feel sorry for him, because with your pity you will still not be able to make happy either yourself or him. Often the task is complicated by the fact that obsessive fans are always overly helpful. If you need to bring something, take it, help, they are always at your service, even if you do not ask about it. And after completing the assignment, they invariably, as if by chance, hint at a continuation of the relationship or begin to confess their love and again put you in this awkward position.

Attacks of a persistent fan are always difficult for a woman in psychological terms, so initially you should not accept gifts and courtship from him. The best strategy is to calmly, politely and clearly explain to a person that he should not hope and waste his time in vain.

But it also happens that a stubborn fan cannot be persuaded or convinced by any talk or persuasion. So you can go to action. Examine the person, find out what exactly attracts you to him so much, and what he may not like. It's time to show your imagination and introduce him to other aspects of your character, which he might not have suspected. You can also make the fan see you with another man. This can scare him or upset him.

However, before ruthlessly getting rid of an obsessive fan, think carefully and make sure that he does not cause you a certain, hidden sympathy. It so happens that if you don’t take a closer look at the man, you can send a good man away, the one who you will regret all your life!


Watch the video: The Most Terrifying Celebrity Fan Obsessions (July 2024).