Pollock in the oven with mayonnaise and onions - the fish will be juicy and tasty! Homemade pollock recipes in the oven with mayonnaise and onions


Pollock is not only a healthy product, but also very tasty.

The fish goes well with various vegetables, sauces and spices, suitable for any cereal side dishes.

Friendship of pollock with onions and mayonnaise is especially successful. Bake in the oven?

Pollock in the oven with mayonnaise and onions - general principles of preparation

Frozen carcasses or pollock fillets are more common on sale. In any case, the fish must be thawed properly before cooking. Do not place the product in warm water or heat in a microwave. Best left on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. If there is a need to use a microwave, then you need to choose the appropriate thawing mode for fish.

The prepared product is thoroughly washed, cut into portions. Fillet can be cut smaller into strips or sticks. Then it is marinated in mayonnaise with spices. Onions can be immediately put on the fish or used as the upper or lower layer in the mold.

What else is used in such dishes:

• cheese;

• potatoes, tomatoes and other vegetables;

• lemon, various spices.

Pollock in the oven, the average temperature is set within 180-200 degrees. By the time the fish needs 20-30 minutes, but it is worth considering the time of preparation of additional products. For example, an average potato needs between 30 and 45 minutes.

Pollock in the oven with mayonnaise and onions

A simple recipe for pollock with onion and mayonnaise in the oven. All you need is 3 ingredients. You can use chopped slices or fillets, only slightly increase the cooking time.


• 300 g pollock;

• two onions;

• four tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• salt with pepper.


1. Cut the fish into small pieces, sprinkle with salt and pepper, rub well with your hands.

2. We clean the onion heads, cut in half rings, pour on a small baking sheet, greased with oil or in a baking dish.

3. Top with a dense layer of fish.

4. Pull a piece of foil onto the form, send the fish to the oven preheated to 180 degrees.

5. After 15 minutes, remove the foil, add the temperature in the oven to 200 degrees and cook for about a quarter of an hour.

Fillet of pollock in the oven with mayonnaise and onions (with cheese)

A variant of an incredibly juicy and tasty pollock dish with mayonnaise and onions in the oven. Fillet is used here, as it is more convenient to use along with cheese crust.


• 600g fillet of pollock;

• 120 g of mayonnaise;

• 150 g of onion;

• lemon;

• salt pepper;

• 150 g of cheese.


1. Rinse the fillet, wipe with napkins, cut into small pieces across.

2. Onion cut into thin rings or half rings.

3. Lemon wash, roll with effort on the table to squeeze more juice. Cut. Squeeze half for pollack, and the juice from the second part of the citrus is sent to the onion. We mix it right away, mnem.

4. To the pollock add mayonnaise, pepper, add a little salt. Remember that it is also in mayonnaise. Stir.

5. Sprinkle the greased form with half the onion, spread the fish in mayonnaise, and top with the second part of the onion.

6. Rub cheese, cover pollock with a fur coat.

7. Put the dish in the oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake for 30-40 minutes, depending on the thickness of the layer. We make sure that the cheese crust is not burnt.

Pollock in the oven with mayonnaise, onions and potatoes

Very tasty and hearty, but easy to prepare pollock dish in the oven with mayonnaise, onions and potatoes.


• 0.8-1 kg of pollock;

• 2-3 onion heads;

• 3-4 tablespoons of grated cheese;

• 5-6 potatoes;

• 200 g mayonnaise;

• oil, spices for fish, salt.


1. Cut into gutted, washed pollock slices. We fall asleep 1 tsp. spices for fish or we choose seasonings to your taste. We spread a little more than half the mayonnaise, stir it all well. Leave the pollock to marinate for at least thirty minutes.

2. During this time, you need to peel the potatoes, cut them into slices, make the thickness of the slices within 4 mm, just chop the onion with straws.

3. Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into the mold, distribute the layer. Mix the potatoes with the remains of mayonnaise, salt. You can add any other seasonings, but remember that they will also drain down from the fish and soak the vegetable. We spread the potatoes to the bottom of the prepared form.

4. Sprinkle a layer of onion.

5. Spread the pollock marinated in mayonnaise. Pour all the liquid from mayonnaise, spices and fish juices from above.

6. Put the dish to bake. At a temperature of 200 degrees, we withstand first 30-35 minutes.

7. Now we get the fish and lightly sprinkle with grated cheese so that a light crust appears.

8. Put the pollock with vegetables in the oven again, bake until cooked.

Pollock in the oven with mayonnaise, onions and tomatoes

Recipe for a wonderful vegetable dish of pollock in the oven with onions, tomatoes, mayonnaise. Choose good and ripe tomatoes for cooking, it will be tastier with them.


• 600 g pollock;

• 3 onion heads;

• 25 g plums. oils;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 150 g of mayonnaise;

• 130 g of cheese.


1. Onions are cut into large pieces, put in a frying pan with melted butter, a little fry over medium heat. As soon as the pieces become transparent, turn off.

2. Cut the pollock in batch slices, add 100 ml of mayonnaise to it, throw spices, mix. If there is free time, then let the fish lie down for a bit, marinate.

3. Put in the form a layer of onion, oil-Passed in oil, on it pollock in mayonnaise with spices.

4. Tomatoes cut in circles, but not quite thin. We cover all pieces of fish.

5. Top each tomato grease with mayonnaise. We fill the whole dish with grated hard cheese.

6. We send to bake for 30-40 minutes in the oven. The temperature for pollock is 180-190 degrees.

Pollock in the oven with mayonnaise, onions and carrots

The recipe for a wonderful fish in a sleeve mayonnaise. Choose juicy vegetables, the dish will be very tasty, soaked, tender.


• 2 carrots;

• 1 kg of pollock;

• 3 onions;

• 1 bell pepper;

• 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 1 teaspoon L. mustard;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• salt and pepper.


1. Cut the fish in portions. You can use fillets. We throw it into a bowl.

2. Add mustard, pepper, a pinch of salt to mayonnaise and stir. Pour to pollock. Mix. While preparing other ingredients, let it marinate.

3. We clean the carrots. We cut them into circles. We pour it on top for pollock.

4. Now peel the onion, cut into half rings, and send it into a bowl too.

5. We are engaged in pepper. Cut in half, take out the seeds, chop the straws, add to the total mass.

6. Stir everything together with the fish, shift the pollock with vegetables into a sleeve or in a baking bag, tie the ends. Using a needle we make 3-5 holes on top.

7. Cook in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Optionally, at the end of pollock with vegetables, you can brown. To do this, the package must be carefully cut and deployed to the sides.

Pollock in the oven with mayonnaise and onions in zucchini

Pollock in the oven turns out delicious not only with potatoes, but also with zucchini. The dish is tender, juicy, cooked with hard cheese.


• 2-3 small zucchini;

• 1 kg fillet of pollock;

• 200 g mayonnaise;

• 150 g of cheese;

• 250 g of onion;

• spices for fish, salt.


1. Onion cut rings, sprinkle the bottom of a greased form in an even layer.

2. Cut the pollock fillet into slices. We spread half the mayonnaise to it, add seasonings for the fish, stir. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

3. While we cut the zucchini. It is advisable to use small and young vegetables so that the rings are not very large. We rub cheese.

4. Put the fish onion.

5. Now there are slices of zucchini. They can be laid out simply with an even layer or a little overlap, depending on the quantity, but the layer should not be too dense and thick.

6. The second part of the mayonnaise is salted, stir, grease the pieces with zucchini.

7. Bake pollock at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

8. Take out, now sprinkle with grated cheese. Cook at the same temperature for about twenty minutes.

Pollock in the oven with mayonnaise and onion in small pieces

The recipe for a wonderful baked dish of pollock fillet. In addition, you need cheese, you can use absolutely any kind.


• 400 g fillet of pollock;

• 100 g of onion;

• 130 g of mayonnaise;

• 100 g of cheese;

• salt, clove of garlic;

• 20 g of oil drain. for form;

• 2 tbsp. l crackers for the mold.


1. Cut the pollock in small pieces, about 10-15 grams each, you can make cubes or straws, as more suits. We throw it into a bowl.

2. Add chopped onions into small cubes. Optionally, you can add more than the specified amount.

3. Now put the mayonnaise, squeeze one clove of garlic, add the grated cheese, salt. You can throw ready-made seasonings for fish.

4. Stir the mass well, which will resemble the forcemeat in consistency.

5. Lubricate the form, sprinkle with crackers. Put the dish out.

6. Put in the oven for 35 minutes, bake pollock at 200 degrees.

Pollock in the oven with mayonnaise and onions - useful tips and tricks

• A little lack of mayonnaise? Add a few tablespoons of sour cream to the sauce; the taste will not be affected.

• Not all cheese is melted and suitable for baking pollock. Use good hard grades.

• You can’t freeze pollock again, the taste and nutritional value of fish will suffer. If a few pieces are left, then they can be boiled, fried, used for fish salad. Or just marinate in the same mayonnaise, the product will stand in the refrigerator for another 2 days.

• Lemon juice is a great addition to pollock. This product perfectly ennobles the taste, and the crusts with zest will relieve dishes, chopping board and hands from an unpleasant fishy smell.


Watch the video: How to Make Easy Baked Fish Fillets. MyRecipes (July 2024).