What are the causes of pain in the left side from the back: is this something serious? What to do if the left side hurts from the back - ask the doctor


Pain in the left side from the back can be associated with many causes and factors.

But often, if the pain is tolerable and short-lived, the patient does not seek medical help without knowing their causes.

But this may be one of the symptoms of some serious illness ...

What can be the pain in the left side from the back?

Pain is a symptom that accompanies most diseases. However, by its nature and localization, it is possible to suggest and judge possible pathological conditions. Pain in the back can cause diseases associated not only with the spine and muscles of the back, but also with internal organs.

The pains can be shooting, drawing, stitching, sharp or dull. They can be permanent or periodically occur. The intensity of pain is also taken into account. The appearance and intensification of pain is often associated with a change in position, breathing, coughing, eating, urinating. All these characteristics allow differential diagnosis between diseases.

Causes of pain in the left side from the back

The causes of pain in the left side from the back are manifold. The occurrence of pain in the back can be triggered by injury. Therefore, before starting the examination and examination of the patient, the doctor collects a detailed history and clarifies complaints. In addition to injuries, the doctor should rule out other external causes that cause back pain on the left.

One of such external factors is: hypothermia, prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position, excessive physical exertion, constant systematic physical overwork. For intercostal neuralgia and osteochondrosis, sharp pains on inspiration are characteristic. Pain in the lower back indicates damage to the lumbosacral, and in the rib area - to the chest. Lumbalgia is characterized by sharp paroxysmal acute pain. An attack of lumbalgia occurs suddenly during physical exertion or sudden movement, while the pain is so strong that it fetters the movement of the victim.

In addition, back pain on the left side of the chest, when inhaling, can occur with pleurisy or pleuropneumonia. Sometimes, a prolonged cough can cause pain. This is due to the fact that when coughing, there is a significant load on the muscles of the chest and back. As a result, a large amount of lactic acid accumulates in the muscle tissue, which provokes pain. Prolonged burning pains in the chest area, localized closer to the left shoulder, as well as sensations of "backache" in the back can indicate an aortic aneurysm or an attack of angina pectoris.

Long pains in the back and under the ribs on the left, accompanied by frequent urination, swelling and pasty of the lower extremities in the morning, are a sign of damage to the kidneys and urinary system. Pyelonephritis is also accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Prolonged back pain on the left may indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the spleen. But, if the pain becomes shingles, then this is typical for inflammation of the pancreas. Such pain often radiates to the scapular region and the region of the heart. Therefore, pain with pancreatitis can be confused with angina pectoris.

Oncological diseases localized in the internal organs or in the spine are always accompanied by pain.

In women, pain in the left side from the back can cause diseases of the genital organs, especially the ovaries.

Thus, pain in the left side from the back can be caused by many pathological conditions. Therefore, to determine the tactics of patient management and the provision of proper medical care, timely differential diagnosis is necessary.

Diagnostic methods to find out the causes of pain in the left side from the back

After clarifying the complaints and clarifying the history of the disease, the doctor examines the patient and prescribes additional examination methods. It is modern methods that make it possible to conduct differential diagnosis and clarify the diagnosis. Basic examinations are general blood and urine tests. In addition, biochemical blood tests are examined that reflect the functioning of various internal organs.

In almost all cases, an X-ray examination of the chest organs is prescribed. Ultrasound examination of the internal organs reveals inflammatory areas of the parenchyma. More expensive, but at the same time informative, are diagnostic methods such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

What to do if the left side hurts from the back?

In case of repeated or prolonged pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. Pain syndromes should not be treated on their own, especially if the cause is unknown. After providing first aid and a full comprehensive examination, the doctor will determine the further treatment tactics. The therapy will be based not only on pain relief, but also on eliminating the causes of pain and preventing their further occurrence.

First aid for back pain on the left. What is the prevention of back pain?

For first aid for pain in the back, antispasmodics and analgesics are used. However, in the case of some diseases of the internal organs, taking spasmolytics and painkillers can blur the clinical picture during the diagnosis. Therefore, if a doctor is called, then before his examination you should not abuse painkillers. If you resort to independent anesthesia, then the drug of choice is no-shpa, papaverine, spasmalgon.

To reduce pain, you can massage your back. For this, the patient is laid on his stomach, placing a small pillow under it, and begin to massage. Massage movements should begin from the lumbar region, gradually moving towards the cervical spine and to the sides. Initially, massage should be with the help of smooth and soft movements. After the skin warms up, the movements gradually become intense.

However, it is worth noting that massage can relieve pain in the back only if they are not associated with pathology of the internal organs. Massage, as well as physiotherapy exercises strengthen the muscle corset, improve blood circulation and stabilize the spine. This is what helps to reduce pain.

It is worth noting that therapeutic exercises and massage procedures cannot be performed with acute pain. Only after its relief, they begin to conduct exercise therapy procedures. If massaging and gymnastics begin in the acute period, this can lead to serious consequences and only intensify the pain. In addition, therapeutic exercises should start with minimal loads with a gradual increase. Initially, a person should get used to the position of the body, lying on a flat surface. In the future, exercises with raising legs in a supine position are joined. It is worth noting that in case of increased pain, the exercises should be stopped.

In addition to traditional methods of massage and exercise therapy, unconventional methods are used in the treatment and prevention of back pain. These include: manual therapy, acupuncture, vacuum therapy, osteopathy and folk remedies using compresses of different compositions.

As a prevention of back pain, it is recommended to engage in physical education, which includes elements of respiratory gymnastics, horizontal bar exercises, and swimming. Correct and even posture is the key to a healthy back.

However, as already mentioned, such methods of treatment and prevention will be effective only if the causes of pain lie in the musculoskeletal system. If the pain is associated with the pathology of the internal organs, then the treatment should not be independent, but only as directed by the doctor.


Watch the video: Cause for intermittent pain on left side of stomach & back region - Dr. Sanjay Panicker (July 2024).