Pasta with bacon in a creamy sauce is a versatile Italian dish. The best variations of cooking pasta with bacon in a creamy sauce


This is a fairly common Italian dish, for the preparation of which you can use any pasta (pasta), which can be found in home bins.

For creamy sauce cream, butter or just fat milk are suitable. Smoked or salted bacon can be used; fresh bacon with meat layers is also suitable.

The main advantage of the paste is that it is prepared very quickly and from a small amount of ingredients. But in the end it turns out a very satisfying and tasty Italian dish that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Pasta with bacon in cream sauce - general principles of preparation

For cooking, it is advisable to use pasta made from durum wheat. They must first be boiled in slightly salted water until half cooked. Then the water should be drained, and spaghetti overturn into a colander. After, rinse under running, warm water and, shifting back to the pan, mix with a small amount of sunflower oil so that they do not stick together.

The classic recipe for pasta involves adding salted, diced guanchial to the dish. This is not a fully smoked pork cheek. But to get this product is not easy, so it is customary to cook this dish from any kind of bacon. The product is pre-fried in a pan, and then spices, onions and squeezed garlic are added to it alternately.

For the sauce, mainly use egg yolks from chicken eggs and low-fat cream, which need to be carefully heated into the bacon pan. The sauce needs to be cooked over minimal heat. In no case should it be boiled.

It is better to use hard cheese for pasta. Suitable: Dutch, Gouda, creamy, Parmesan or Russian. Before sprinkling the finished dish with grated cheese, it must first be removed from the heat. The cheese should melt slightly, thereby taking a stretching consistency. If desired, cheese can be immediately added to the pan to the sauce.

Pasta with bacon and cream sauce - a classic recipe


• 220 g of pasta;

• one onion;

• 160 g of bacon;

• 30-35 ml of sunflower oil;

• 210 ml cream;

• 25 g butter;

• ground pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the paste until half cooked in water with salt and rinse in a colander with cool water. Put in a bowl so that all the glass water.

2. Onion cut into half rings.

3. Cut the bacon into strips.

4. Put a piece of butter in the pan and put on the stove to heat, add sunflower oil and lightly fry the onions. Add the bacon and fry until the products are light golden brown.

5. Add cream, salt and pepper to the pan.

6. Simmer until thick with the lid closed and add the paste. Mix.

7. The pasta is ready. You can lay it on plates and immediately eat. The cooled and warmed pasta slightly loses its taste and aromatic qualities.

Pasta with bacon and mushrooms in a creamy sauce


• 210 g short-cut pasta (pasta);

• one onion;

• 80 g cooked smoked bacon;

• 180 ml cream of 10% fat content;

• 5-6 champignons;

• salt to taste;

• 3 g of dried herbs (dill, basil);

•? tsp wheat flour;

• 60 ml of sunflower oil;

• any ground pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the mushrooms, wash and finely chop.

2. Cut the bacon into a small cube.

3. Chop the onion finely.

4. Meanwhile, pour hot water into the pan, add a pinch of salt and put on the stove to heat. When the water boils, throw the pasta into it, stir and cook until tender.

5. Rinse the cooked pasta with cold water to complete the cooking process.

6. Fry the mushrooms in a pan with oil until all the liquid has evaporated.

7. Add onion and bacon to the mushrooms. Fry until a crispy color appears.

8. Dilute flour in cool cream. Add the mixture to the pan.

9. Simmer the contents of the pan until thickened.

10. Add dry herbs, salt, pepper. White or black pepper is ideal for this dish. Mix.

11. Add cooked and washed pasta to the pan and mix. Turn off the heating of the stove and you can lay the dish on the plates.

Pasta with bacon in a creamy sauce with egg and chili


• 300 g quick-frozen shrimp;

• 110 g of cooked smoked bacon;

• 240 g of a long flat paste of durum wheat;

• 60 g of hard cheese;

• half a glass of cream 10-20% fat;

• a couple of cloves of garlic;

• one raw chicken egg;

• 25 -35 g of butter;

• a couple of sprigs of dill or parsley;

• black pepper and salt;

• one small chili pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Add water to the pan and bring to a boil. Sprinkle with salt and throw shrimp there. You can take large royal or small, it does not matter. Cook shrimp for 2-3 minutes. Then lay in a colander and let cool a little. Then clean them.

2. Cut the bacon into squares and fry in a pan or in a saucepan without oil. Fry until crispy, then set it aside in a separate plate and forget about it for a while.

3. Peel the garlic and chop it in mashed potatoes.

4. Put rubber gloves on your hands, wash them and wipe your hands so that there is no spraying on the gloves. Then peel and finely chop the chili pepper. Gloves are needed so as not to get skin burns from chili juice.

5. Melt the butter in a stewpan and add shrimp, add chili and garlic. Stir and fry until light golden.

6. In another pan, cook the pasta, then rinse and set aside for now.

7. Separate the egg yolk. Protein will not be used in this recipe.

8. Grind the cheese on a grater.

9. Sort the greens, rinse and dry. Then chop finely.

10. In a separate bowl, combine herbs, yolk, cheese and cream. Salt and pepper. Mix.

11. Pour in a cream-cheese saucepan with shrimp, mix and warm.

12. Add the paste there and mix. Warm up for 1-2 minutes and turn off the heating of the stove.

13. Put the dish on a plate and lay on top a few slices of bacon.

Pasta with bacon in a creamy sauce with sour cream and morels


• 160 g morels;

• 100 g of bacon;

• one onion;

• 110 g cream;

• 50-60 g sour cream;

• salt to taste;

• a quarter of a packet of butter;

• to taste spices;

• 200 g of pasta;

• 25 ml of sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Clean morels from dirt, soak in cold water for 20-30 minutes. Then boil the mushrooms in salted water for about half an hour. Pour morels out of the broth, cut into medium sized portions.

2. Chop the onion finely.

3. Grind the garlic in mashed potatoes.

4. Cut the bacon into strips.

5. Cook the paste, rinse it.

6. Put a piece of butter on a high frying pan, pour out the sunflower and put on heating. Add onions and bacon. Fry until light golden color.

7. Put garlic and morels in a pan, mix and fry a few more minutes.

8. Season the dish with salt and your favorite spices.

9. Mix sour cream and cream and add this mixture to the pan. Stew until thickened.

10. Add cooked pasta, mix. The dish is ready!

Smoked bacon pasta in creamy sauce with parmesan


• 250 g of any paste;

• 250 ml cream of 20-33% fat content;

• 150 g of raw smoked bacon;

• a bunch of curly parsley;

• a few feathers of green onions;

• salt to taste;

• ground pepper to taste;

• 100 g of parmesan.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the pasta in water with a pinch of salt. Then lay back on an iron sieve or colander.

2. Cut the bacon into pieces. Put in a preheated pan and fry a little.

3. Add cream to the bacon.

4. Rinse the parsley and green onions thoroughly and dry them slightly on a towel.

5. Finely chop the greens, add 2/3 parts to the pan. Leave the rest to decorate the finished dish.

6. Season with salt and pepper.

7. Parmesan cut into slices and add to other products. Stir and simmer for 10-12 minutes.

8. Add the paste and mix.

9. Put the dish on plates, you can decorate the remaining greens.

Bacon pasta in creamy chicken sauce


• 4-5 chicken legs;

• two tbsp. l lemon juice;

• 300 g of pasta;

• 150 g of bacon;

• 100 g quick-frozen green peas;

• one onion;

• clove of garlic;

• 160 ml cream;

• 70 g of hard cheese;

• to taste spices and salt;

• 15-25 g of butter;

• sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and dry chicken legs. Put on a stew-pan heated with butter and fry until golden brown. Add a glass of water and lemon juice, simmer with the lid closed and moderate heat for about half an hour.

2. Put peas for thawing. Then boil in 100 ml of salted water.

3. Cook pasta and leave to drain the broth.

4. Chop onion and garlic.

5. In a separate pan, fry the bacon without oil.

6. Add onion with garlic to the bacon and fry until light-browned. It is important not to bring the garlic to burning. Add cream, salt and spices.

7. Grind the cheese in any convenient way.

8. Put the peas and chicken legs in a bacon pan. Simmer for a few minutes.

9. Preheat pasta with butter.

10. Put a portion of pasta on a plate, a mixture of creamy bacon with chicken legs on them and sprinkle crushed cheese on top of all this.

Pasta with bacon in cream sauce - tricks and tips

• Strongly over-salting water for pasta is not advisable. One spoonful per liter of water is enough.

• If desired, instead of bacon, you can use any sausage product or boiled meat.

• Cooking time for pasta is best taken into account on the packaging. They should be very boiled.

• It is advisable to cook the sauce in a pan with the thickest bottom.

• Ready sauce should be laid out on freshly cooked, hot spaghetti. Or you need to pre-mix everything together in a pan.

• To make the taste of the dish as saturated as possible, add the same proportions of cream and cheese to the sauce.

• If making the sauce is difficult, you can buy a ready-made pasta dressing in the store.


Watch the video: Grilled Lemon Shrimp & Pesto w Whole Wheat Spaghetti. Cooking With Carolyn (July 2024).