Shawarma in pita bread - calorie adjustable independently. Cook shawarma in pita bread in your home kitchen: surprise your family!


Shawarma is a dish that has gained popularity relatively recently. Its peculiarity is that it is not so difficult to prepare. And the products contained in it are varied and tasty.

We associate shawarma with fast street food, and in eastern countries it is a full-fledged dish loved by the whole family.

There is nothing complicated in making shawarma in pita bread for your loved ones. It is only necessary to study the recipe, stock up on quality products and include imagination and a good mood.

Shawarma in pita bread - general principles of preparation

Shawarma consists of pita bread filled with grilled meat, fresh vegetable salad, spices and sauces.

Preparing a dish observing such proportions: two parts of vegetables and one part of meat.

The meat is chopped into small pieces and pickled. Almost all of its species are used: chicken, turkey, veal, lamb and pork.

The meat is fried on a vertical grill, and at home - in the pan.

From vegetables, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers are added to the shawarma.

Classic sauce It is made from mayonnaise and sour cream, as well as garlic. But you can add ketchup, mustard, and yogurt - who likes what more.

Shawarma needs heating, so it is placed for several minutes in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, or in a grill pan.

1. Shawarma in pita bread with chicken and fried potatoes

They say that it is better not to put potatoes in shawarma. But in this recipe, it is he who adds zest to a satisfying dish


• Four pita bread.

• Four potato tubers.

• 0.350 kg of chicken.

• Two tomatoes.

• Two fresh cucumbers.

• Three pickled cucumbers.

• Four tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise.

• Two tbsp. spoons of sour cream.

• Onion.

• Greenery.

Cooking method:

Cut onions into rings and leave in acetic solution for a day.

Peel potatoes and cut into large strips.

Boil the meat and cut into pieces. Fry the meat in separate pans until a crust appears, and the potatoes until tender. Salt and pepper. Put on plates.

Add sour cream to mayonnaise and mix.

Slice the vegetables obliquely in half rings.

Lay out the pita bread and put on it two tablespoons of sour cream sauce with mayonnaise. On top of the path, crush the greens.

Then, alternately place the tomatoes, fresh, salted cucumbers, pickled onions, potatoes and meat.

Wrap pita bread on all sides and put in the oven for five to seven minutes.

2. Shawarma in pita bread with cabbage and carrot salad

Shawarma with tender meat, sweet and sour vegetables and a lot of seasonings - a luxurious dish that you can feed not only your family, but also your immediate neighbors


• Seven or eight pita bread.

• Three small chicken fillets.

• 0.800 kg of white cabbage.

• Eight cherry tomatoes.

• Carrot.

• 150 grams of cheese.

• One hundred grams of ketchup, mayonnaise and sour cream.

• Three cloves of garlic.

• Paprika 1 teaspoon.

• Seasoning for chicken 1 teaspoon.

• Salt 1.5 teaspoons.

• Five branches of dill.

• Pepper

• Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

We cut the meat along and beat through the cling film. Divide into pieces, salt, pepper. Sprinkle with chicken seasoning.

Fry in a well-heated skillet. Then it will immediately seize and remain juicy inside.

Finely chop the cabbage.

Rub the carrots coarsely. We mix both vegetables in one bowl and squeeze well to separate the juice.

Strip the tomatoes (not very finely).

Shred dill.

Preparing the sauce: mix sour cream, ketchup and mayonnaise. Squeeze the garlic and fall asleep paprika. Add dill and mix everything.

Grind hard cheese on a coarse grater.

Lay out pita bread. Lubricate with two tablespoons of sauce.

We spread carrot with cabbage, meat on one edge. Then - some tomatoes and cheese. Top with sauce.

Gently bend the edges of the pita bread and tightly twist the shawarma. Sent to the oven for a few minutes.

3. Shawarma in pita bread with mushrooms

Fragrant, juicy and very nutritious shawarma is successfully cooked at home. Such an appetizer will be indispensable on a country picnic.


• Two Armenian pita breads.

• One and a half chicken breasts.

• A couple of tomatoes.

• Cucumber.

• 150 grams of sour cream (22%) and mayonnaise.

• Three cloves of garlic.

• 0.200 kg of cabbage.

• 0.200 kg of mushrooms.

• On a teaspoon of hot pepper, sweet paprika and suneli hops.

• Ketchup.

Cooking method:

Cook the sauce in a blender: mix sour cream with mayonnaise. Add the suneli hops and chopped garlic. Turn on the blender for two minutes. Then add salt, paprika and mix again.

Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into thin half rings.

We cut the mushrooms, add and pepper them. Fry until cooked.

We chop the chicken breast into straws. Then - into small squares. Fry until golden brown. In the end, salt to taste.

We lay out the pita bread and grease it with two tablespoons of sauce. First, spread the cabbage on top, then four to five slices of tomatoes, then cucumbers. On cucumbers - meat and mushrooms. Squeeze a strip of ketchup and add two tablespoons of sauce.

We turn the pita, leaving the top open. Dry and grill a frying pan for a couple of minutes on each side. The finished dish can also be dipped in sauce.

4. Shawarma in pita bread with pork

Not the fastest way to cook. But shawarma will turn out juicy, nourishing and high-calorie. Having eaten it for lunch, you can easily do without dinner


• One thin pita bread.

• 80 grams of pork pulp.

• 50 grams of Korean carrots.

• 40 grams of white cabbage and pickled cucumber.

• 40 grams of sour cream and olive mayonnaise.

• 120 grams of onions.

• Garlic crawler.

• A mixture of peppers, salt.

• A bunch of greenery.

• Two teaspoons of olive oil.

Cooking method:

Chop the pork in the usual way.

Cut a little more than half the onion into rings. We use it to pickle pork. On a flat plate, spread half the chopped onion, add salt and pepper to it.

Put a layer of pork on top and add a little salt and pepper.

Pour the meat with the rest of the onions. Cover the plate and squeeze something.

Chop cabbage with straws. Put it in a bowl.

Cut the cucumber: first thinner along the stripes, and then across. Fold in a bowl.

Pour Korean carrot into the same dish

Prepare the sauce: mix sour cream, mayonnaise, black pepper and crushed garlic. Cut the greens as small as possible and send to the sauce.

Cut the remaining onion for the filling into rings and send to a separate bowl.

Free pickled pork from onion and cut into small pieces. Pour two tablespoons of olive oil and mix.

Heat the pan well and send the meat there. Fry over high heat, remembering to mix.

Combine meat, cabbage, cucumber, Korean carrots, onions and sauce in a large plate. To mix everything.

Send out large pita bread and lay out the mixed ingredients, leaving a place below and on both sides.

Wrap the pita bread twice, bend it from below and twist it to the end. The top edge remains open.

5. Shawarma in pita bread with minced meat

It can be served as a hot appetizer or as a separate dish.


• Thin pita bread.

• Four potatoes.

• 300 grams of minced pork.

• Two tomatoes.

• 0.120 kg green onions.

• 0.200 kg of Dutch cheese.

• 40 g of mayonnaise and ketchup.

Cooking method:

Boil potatoes with salt and mashed.

Stuffing salt, pepper and fry until cooked.

Cut tomatoes and cheese into strips.

Stir in a separate plate mayonnaise with ketchup, add chopped green onions, salt.

Divide the pita bread in half and on each piece on top apply two tablespoons of the sauce, spread along the pita bread.

Top with potatoes, minced meat, cheese, tomatoes. Apply a small layer of sauce and wrap pita bread on a roll, closing on all sides.

Fry in a skillet and serve immediately.

6. Shawarma in pita bread with an egg

A full meal should be prepared for a morning meal - and there will be enough excess charge of energy until lunch


• Armenian pita bread.

• 300 g of cheese.

• Three feathers of green onions.

• Five eggs.

• One and a half Art. spoons of sour cream and homemade mayonnaise.

• 80 ml of milk 3.2%.

• Salt.

• Pepper

• Two teaspoons of sweet paprika.

Cooking method:

Cook three eggs for eight minutes, and after they have cooled, peel and grate.

Rub the cheese on the same grater.

Chop the onion into small pieces.

Mix mayonnaise with sour cream. Add salt, sweet pepper, pepper.

In a separate plate, move the eggs, cheese, green onions and the resulting sauce. Mix.

Break two eggs and mix with milk.

Pita bread cut into two. Spread on top of each filling and roll into a tube.

Dip the pita bread in the mixture with eggs and milk, transfer for a couple of minutes to the grill pan.

7. Shawarma in pita bread with cheese and tomatoes

A simple recipe for a moderate-calorie hot appetizer with vegetables and cheese. There is no meat and sauce in the dish, but its taste remains special


• Pita bread.

• 0.100 kg of suluguni cheese.

• A tomato.

• Cucumber.

• A third of a bunch of dill.

• Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

Cut cheese into thin slices. Tomato and cucumber - into small half rings.

Dill cut large.

Put cheese, dill, cucumber and tomatoes on top of the pita bread. Salt and pepper.

Lavash tightly so that all sides are closed.

Put on the wire rack and put in the oven.

8. Shawarma in pita bread with yogurt sauce

The dish combines the sweetness of vegetables with the sourness of natural yogurt. Together with spicy meat, all this creates a piquant and original taste.


• 300 grams of lean beef.

• Four pinches of zira.

• A clove of garlic.

• Two cherry tomatoes.

• Cucumber.

• 100 grams of cabbage.

• Carrot.

• Onion.

• Chilli.

• Sugar, salt.

• Vinegar and vegetable oil.

• A glass of natural yogurt.

Cooking method:

Cut the beef into slices.

Grate cabbage and carrots, mix vegetables and add sugar and salt. Season with vegetable oil and vinegar. The first salad turned out.

Cut the cucumber into strips and mix with finely chopped cherry. Salt and add sugar, mix. The second salad turned out.

Crush the garlic, pour the zira on top and cut it with a knife. Move to yogurt and mix well.

Chop the onion. Pour it into a preheated frying pan and, a little frying, add the meat.

Sprinkle meat with zira and add chili pepper.

Lubricate pita sauce. We spread two tablespoons of salad with cabbage and carrots on top. Next is fried meat. Pour over the sauce. Then - cucumbers and tomatoes. Pour a spoonful of sauce and wrap pita bread on all sides.

We send it to the oven or to the pan.

Shawarma in pita bread - tips and tricks

  • It is important to choose the right pita bread. It should be soft and thin, but at the same time strong. Otherwise, the pita leaf will break, and all the contents will fall out.

  • It is not recommended to heat the shawarma in the microwave, because the pita will dry out in it, it will become hard. The filling will lose its taste.

  • Shawarma can be wrapped in foil so as not to cool.

  • Forming a dish, for convenience, all the composite fillings need to be laid out in a separate bowl.

  • They do not recommend putting fresh cucumbers in shawarma: they become too soft. It is better to replace them with salted ones.

  • Mayonnaise is mixed with sour cream so that the sauce is soft.

  • For meat, it’s nice to use slightly acidified dry white wine as a marinade. You can add a little vinegar.


Watch the video: Chicken Shawarma & Sauce Tasty Iftar Ramadan Special Recipe in Urdu Hindi - RKK (July 2024).