Various causes of swelling of the cheeks. What should I do if my cheek is swollen and my temperature rises at home?


Swelling of the cheeks is often associated with diseases of the oral cavity and in most cases it is. But there are a number of root causes that provoke swelling and fever. Such diseases can cause complications and be hazardous to health. First of all, it is important to determine the root cause of the disease, and then proceed to competent therapy.

The cheek swelled and the temperature rose: the true causes

A swelling of the cheek most often indicates the presence of an island-inflammatory process in the body. if the temperature has risen and the cheek is swollen, then the reasons can be divided into:

• result after dental treatment;

• complications associated with diseases of the oral cavity;

• complications of other ailments.

Illiterate and incomplete dental treatment always provokes this pathology. In this case, the person does not experience toothache. The causes of this symptom are:

1. Allergic reaction. This reaction occurs with intolerance to the filling material. In this case, you will need to visit the dentist again and replace the seal.

2. Nerve removal. Swelling of the cheeks and the absence of pain may indicate that the nerve was not completely removed. Urgent dental assistance is needed, otherwise you may lose a tooth.

3. Removal of a tooth. Swelling indicates a complication after removal. It is possible that the patient after the operation consumed hot drinks.

4. Gum section. If the dentist case incised the gum during dental treatment or to remove pus, then at first the cheek will be swollen.

Other reasons that the cheek is swollen and the temperature rises:

1. Periodontal disease. A swelling of the cheek occurs against the background of loss of teeth affected by periodontal disease. A tumor is only treated by surgery. Affected teeth are removed and dentures are placed.

2. Inflammatory Infiltrate This disease is very dangerous for health, as illiterate or untimely treatment leads to inflammation of the brain. A few days before the swelling, pain and fever are noted.

3. Gingivitis. This is inflammation of the gums, which is accompanied by bad breath, bleeding gums and fever.

4. Wisdom tooth. The cheek may swell due to improper growth of the wisdom tooth. This is especially difficult for people aged. There is not only swelling, but also a general malaise, a strong increase in temperature.

5. Neurological diseases. If the teeth have been treated for a long time, and there are no diseases of the oral cavity, then the cause is that the cheek is swollen and the temperature rises, neurological diseases become. At the same time, congestion in the ears and sore throat is noted.

6. Diseases of the internal organs. Swelling of the cheeks can provoke diseases of the internal organs. Due to the malfunctioning of an organ, excess fluid accumulates in the soft tissues. In this case, puffiness is a health hazard.

7. Infection. Quite often, the cheek swells and the temperature rises due to a viral or bacterial infection. The temperature keeps constant and does not fall. In this case, antibiotics and antiflogistic drugs are indicated.

8. Cyst. Swelling of the cheeks and fever can be triggered by a cyst formed on the sebaceous gland. The tumor very quickly becomes larger in size. You can get rid of only surgical intervention.

9. Injury. Such a swelling of the cheek is not so often accompanied by high temperature and usually disappears on its own after a couple of days.

10. Insect bites. Not only swelling appears, but also redness.

Regardless of the cause of the pathological process, immediate treatment is required.

What to do if your cheek is swollen and your temperature rises: first aid at home

A swollen cheek brings one continuous discomfort. The patient may try to cope with puffiness at home. Self-treatment is often quite effective. Experts recommend resorting to such methods:

1. Rinse with soda and salt. The resulting solution is characterized by antiseptic action. After rinsing, bacteria are destroyed. This method does not always help, but there will be no harm to health from it. To get a greater effect on a glass of solution, you can add a couple of drops of iodine.

2. Rinse with a decoction of herbs. Chamomile and sage are especially effective. Take a large spoon of each component per liter of boiling water. Put the container for five minutes on a small fire. After filtering and rinsing barely warm. Perform up to 7 treatments per day.

3. If an increase in temperature and swelling arose due to trauma or an insect bite, it is recommended to use a cold compress. But it cannot be used if a very high temperature has risen or there is a possibility of an island-inflammatory process. You can not use hot compresses, as the risk of aggravating the situation increases.

4. If there is aloe, then a couple of leaves must be chopped and get the juice by passing the pulp through cheesecloth. In the resulting juice, moisten a cotton swab and attach to the inside of the cheek.

All recipes should only be used as prescribed so as not to harm health.

The cheek swelled and the temperature rose: what to do and what folk recipes can help?

Therapy at home involves the use of traditional medicine. But to use such methods is possible only after consultation with a specialist. Treatment in this way is not so quick, but effective. Most often, with swelling of the cheek, accompanied by an increase in temperature, rinsing is indicated. The most effective recipes:

1. In equal proportions, take sage, oak, calamus and nettle. Stir well the collection and pour boiling water. Leave to infuse the product for several hours. Rinse your mouth every 2 hours.

2. For irrigation of the oral cavity, you can prepare a tool from a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The solution should be mixed with boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 1. After rinsing your mouth every two hours.

3. Garlic is an excellent antiphlogistic. To prepare it, take a few cloves and grate them on a fine grater. Pour the resulting slurry with a glass of boiling water. While cooling the infusion, rinse their mouth.

4. Tincture of propolis has a positive result with swelling of the cheek. Tincture is purchased at the pharmacy. In it, moisten a cotton pad and apply to the affected cheek from the inside. Dry propolis is also suitable. It must be rubbed and applied to the sore spot for 40 minutes.

With the proper use of recipes, you can completely overcome the ailment.

The cheek swelled and the temperature rose: what to do, how to quickly cope with the problem and what should not be done?

The most effective and popular method of combating puffiness is to apply cold to the affected area. It can be ice, a cold product from the refrigerator, a cloth soaked in water. To reduce puffiness, it is recommended to resort to such methods:

1. The use of high pillows. The higher the head is located during sleep, the faster the swelling will go away.

2. Therapy with leeches. Most people find this method exotic. But still he is very productive even after undergoing complex operations. The leech is placed behind the ear, from the side of the swollen cheek.

With swelling of the cheeks and fever, there are a number of rules that should be followed. This will help to avoid negative consequences:

1. It is extremely undesirable to eat hot dishes and drinks. Heat has a negative effect.

2. The swollen part should not be disturbed. Constant palpation of the cheek, crushing and even lying on a problem area can provoke even greater swelling and pain.

3. It is forbidden to resort to the use of antibacterial drugs without examining the patient by a specialist, making an accurate diagnosis. Uncontrolled and chaotic reception of this group of drugs has a negative effect on the human immune system.

4. Do not apply warm or hot compresses. It is these actions that provoke the appearance and spread of ulcers in the oral cavity.

If you adhere to all the rules, then you can protect yourself as much as possible.


Watch the video: 11 Signs of Health Problems Hidden On Your Face (June 2024).