How to feed a kitten in 4 months: the composition of the diet. How to cook the right food for a four-month-old kitten, which should not be given to him


Kittens at the age of 4 months begin to grow faster, muscle mass builds up, the skeleton strengthens and develops, teeth change and serious changes begin in the body. As a result, a problem arises - how to feed the kitten in 4 months, since the subsequent development of the baby directly depends on this. It is necessary to draw up a balanced diet in which there are essential substances, trace elements and all vitamins.

A small fluffy lump at this age is actively interested in the environment and often plays with different objects. Therefore, the baby needs a lot of energy for these actions. Restructuring in the body and active growth also consumes a lot of resources. The body of a kitten can get them only with food. The health and further development of the baby directly depends on its composition and components.

Features of feeding a kitten in 4 months

When compiling a diet for a 3-4 month old kitten, one should not forget about several important factors:

1. The smaller the kitten and the more it moves (plays), the more often it should receive food;

2. A malnourished baby will often get sick, develop poorly, overeating - will earn obesity and related diseases;

3. Immediately decide what will be in the future, eat your favorite, will it be ready-made food or natural food;

4. Gradually accustom the kitten to new products, do not immediately give a lot of unfamiliar dishes (any living being gets used to his diet);

5. You can’t immediately pour the entire portion into the bowl for a day, you need to feed the kitten at 4 months with restrictions, he still does not know how to control the appetite and will probably eat too much right away, and after a short time he will get hungry again;

6. Control the temperature of the food, it should be warm;

7. For the baby, it is necessary to make dishes for drinking water (the water needs to be changed often, and the container should be washed well, it is impossible to limit the pet in the water).

Kitten feeding schedule at 4 months

During the day, a kitten of this age should eat about 200 grams. food per 1 kg of live weight (for kittens of average weight 400 grams of feed per day is enough, for 1 intake he should eat about 100 grams of feed). 180 grams are enough for a baby at the age of 3 months. food, and four-month 200 gr. (with an active lifestyle) may not be enough, especially if the kitten is large. The appetite and need for nutrients depends on the exact age, weight of the pet, its breed, activity, health. Experts recommend a different diet for each day of the week. Babies up to the age of 4 months should be given food 5-6 times, and a kitten older than 4 months can be transferred to feeding 4 times a day.

What should be the diet of a 4 month old kitten

Having chosen your way of food, do not change it often, otherwise such an approach in feeding with unpredictable consequences for the baby. You cannot use 2 ways of eating a kitten at the same time - eating ready-made feed for kittens and natural food.

Veterinarians claim that:

• Your wards will probably have digestive problems that can cause gastrointestinal diseases;

• For an animal, a too large dose of vitamins can cause hypervitaminosis.

Natural nutrition

At the age of 3-4 months, the kitten changes milk teeth, at this time, protein-rich solid foods should appear in his diet. It is necessary to diversify milk nutrition, veterinarians recommend introducing vegetables into the diet that contain many different vitamins. You need to include a lot of meat ingredients, the amount of vegetables and porridge can be increased to 50% of the daily food intake. It is impossible to give a kitten meat at all; it contains taurine, which is essential for good vision and heart health.

Important! We must not forget that natural nutrition is not the use of food from one's table.

In for a 4 month old kitten, veterinarians recommend adding such products to the diet:

• In the diet of a 4-month-old kitten, there must be low-fat boiled meat - beef is best, minced meat or finely chopped turkey meat or chicken fillet are also suitable (if the baby does not have worms, then it is allowed to give a little checked raw frozen meat);

• Dairy products and skim milk without extraneous additives - fermented baked milk, kefir;

• Fat-free cottage cheese, which the baby needs to strengthen bones and teeth (preferably start with the finished product, for example, the cottage cheese "Agusha");

• Various vegetables - cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, in a grated form, but if the baby does not want to eat them just like that, then you can prepare vegetable mixes with boiled cereals;

• Boiled or raw chopped egg yolk;

• Low-fat fish (preferably sea fish, worms can start from the river near the kitten);

• Cereals - boiled in meat or vegetable broth, milk or even in water (rice and semolina are better for a cat's body);

• Special weed (can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store, or grown on your windowsill, seedlings of wheat or oat sprouts are suitable);

• A little vegetable oil for digestion.

What can not be given to a kitten at 4 months?

You can not feed a kitten in 4 months with such products:

• Food with a lot of fat that can harm the liver and stomach (mainly pork - fat, lard and fatty meat);

• Meat with bones (the baby is able to choke on hollow bones, accidentally injure the walls of the stomach);

• Fresh cow's milk;

• Dishes with spices or a lot of salt (often, trying to make food tastier, manufacturers introduce many different additives, which is extremely dangerous for the baby’s fragile body);

• Canned and spicy foods (canned food prepared for yourself, sausage);

• Fried food (which may contaminate the intestines with slag);

• Eggplant and tomatoes;

• Corn grits;

• Any sweet foods, chocolate is especially dangerous for cats (it will cause hair loss, dental diseases, weakened immunity).

During the disease, it is necessary to remove from the diet - with constipation, food, in which there is a lot of starch and carbohydrates, with diarrhea, all fermented milk products must be removed. The owner of the kitten needs to store pharmacy preparations for people in a place inaccessible to the baby, otherwise, he may become interested in them and get poisoned.


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