Curd cream for biscuit cake - gentle and easy! Cooking technology and recommendations for the use of curd cream for biscuit cakes


Curd creams are not the most popular confectioners give much more preference to oil bases. We hope to draw your attention to the curd recipes. They do not require intensive heat treatment, retain all the original useful properties of the products. The mass turns out quite lush, goes well with fruits and berries. Often in the recipes the amount of sugar is not indicated, it varies widely, thereby changing the sweetness of the dessert.

Curd creams for biscuit cake - general principles of preparation

• Cottage cheese, what should it be like to make the cream tasty? The main criterion that you should pay attention to first of all is the freshness of the product. Cottage cheese, stored even for a short time, cannot be used to prepare a creamy mass. The second - the curd mass should not be dry and grainy. It is better to take a product with a fat content of at least 9%.

• Before using any, even plastic curd, it is recommended to twist in a meat grinder. But it is best to kill it with a blender or grind it on a sieve. Then the cream will turn out not only more uniform, but also magnificent.

• Curd creams can be a wonderful impregnation for a biscuit cake or be present in it as a layer in the form of a separate cake. To prevent a thick layer of cream mass from sagging and leaking under the weight of a biscuit, gelatin or other products are added to it to help thicken the cream when it hardens.

• In cottage cheese creams, depending on the type of cake, chocolate or coffee can be added. Often they are prepared with the addition of cream, good whole condensed milk or butter. No less tasty is the curd mass obtained on marshmallows.

• Curd cream can be used to spread biscuit cakes in most cases immediately after cooking. Some formulations suggest cooling to slightly thicken.

• Curd cream is ideal for any biscuit cake. It blends equally well with both light and dark billets, in which dough is added cocoa, chocolate or coffee. They can be coated with simple biscuit cakes and with fillers in the form of fruits or berries.

Chocolate cottage cheese cream cake with taste of coffee

The cream does not impregnate cakes, it is used as an additional layer. To prevent the layer from spreading under the weight of biscuit blanks, cakes are collected in molds and left in the refrigerator overnight. Before applying the cream, it is recommended to soak the biscuits with a strong coffee drink with the addition of alcohol.


• two glasses of 33% cream;

• 600 gr. homemade or fat purchased cottage cheese;

• granular instant gelatin - 20 g .;

• 100 gr. dark milk chocolate;

• half a teaspoon of fresh vanilla powder;

• sugar - 3 tbsp. l or to taste;

• 60 ml strong brewed coffee.

Cooking method:

1. Beat the chilled cream with a little sugar, about a tablespoon and a half, until the peaks are stable.

2. Pour gelatin with water, according to the recommendations on the package, and dissolve, warming in a water bath.

3. In a separate bowl, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve and carefully rub it with the remaining sugar. Add vanilla, strained coffee, mix.

4. Combine the curd with cream. Add small chocolate chips and dissolved, completely cooled gelatin, mix.

A simple recipe for butter cottage cheese cream for a festive biscuit cake

The dense texture of the creamy mass allows you to form high biscuit cakes without shape. Sweetened with powdered sugar, which, unlike sand, dissolves well in any mass and makes the cream more silky.


• butter 72% butter - 200 gr.;

• 250 gr. elastic non-grained curd;

• powdered sugar - 350 gr.;

• 0.25 tablespoons of vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Add to the cottage cheese vanilla and softened in warm butter, mix. To achieve uniformity, beat the curd mass for a minute at an average speed of the mixer.

2. Continuing to mix with a spoon, add powdered sugar in parts, each time, stirring thoroughly.

3. When all the powder is gone, beat again with a mixer, achieving airiness.

The recipe for the most delicate curd cream for honey cake sponge cake (with condensed milk)

Condensed milk ennobles the creamy mass, giving it a characteristic creamy taste. To break the sweetness, you can add a little fresh lemon juice at the end of whipping. If the dessert is planned to be served only by adults, supplement the recipe with strong alcohol - cognac or rum.


• undigested condensed milk - 100 g .;

• some vanilla powder to taste;

• 50 gr. powdered sugar;

• butter, 82.5% butter - 180 gr.;

• 350 gr. cottage cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Put slices of soft butter in a sufficiently deep container, pour all the powdered sugar and begin to whisk a little with a mixer at a low speed.

2. As soon as the butter turns into a homogeneous mass, without stopping whipping, introduce condensed milk. Pour in small portions, not more than a full dessert spoon at a time.

3. To break the lumps, grind the cottage cheese through a rare metal sieve. Transfer it to a bowl of butter and beat well again.

4. Grease the completely cooled biscuit cakes and let the cake soak for at least two hours.

Recipe for light creamy curd cream for sponge cake with fruit or berries

Creamy mass is suitable for those who do not like fat. Whipped cream adds airiness and lightness. Great for sponge cakes with fresh berries and fruits. Dessert before serving should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours so that the cream layer sets well.


• 300 ml of liquid cream, fat content not lower than 33%;

• drinking water to dissolve gelatin - 50 ml;

• 250 gr. cottage cheese;

• refined sugar - 100 g .;

• 10 gr. granular gelatin.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, soak the gelatin, pouring it with cool water. After about half an hour, place it in a water bath and heat while stirring. Swollen granules should completely dissolve.

2. While the gelatin mass is cooling, mix the cottage cheese with half the norm of sugar (50 g) and wipe the mass through a sieve, and preferably twice. Then add cooled gelatin to it, mix thoroughly with a spoon.

3. Pour chilled cream into a separate, dry dish and whip them with a mixer, adding the remaining sugar into a thick foam.

4. After that, spreading in small portions the airy creamy mass to the curd base, and thoroughly mixing after that, prepare the cream.

5. Do not whip the mass at this stage with a mixer. Cream will lose airiness, and this will adversely affect quality.

Curd cream for biscuit cake - "Creme brulee"

A very simple recipe for a delicious and quick curd cream. Boiled condensed milk gives a delicate shade and a characteristic taste of creme brulee. The sponge cake missed with it resembles "Tauride" in taste, and if you put meringues on the cream layer, then you can’t even tell! You can not add milk.


• gentle not dry cottage cheese - 200 gr .;

• half a can of boiled condensed milk;

• 50 ml of cow's milk.

Cooking method:

1. Stir the cottage cheese with condensed milk. Then grind the mass on a sieve and beat with a mixer.

2. Add milk, once again go over with a mixer and set to cool.

3. After about an hour, the cream can be applied to the cake with a thick layer. It is advisable to collect the dessert in a form covered with a film.

4. Place the finished biscuit cake in the cold.

Curd cream for biscuit cake with marshmallows

Marshmallow cream is ideal for spreading saturated chocolate cakes. From what marshmallow is used, sweetness depends. Before adding sugar, be sure to taste it. If the creamy mass is too sweet, smear the sponge cake with sour jam before applying it.


• colored or white marshmallows - 350 gr.;

• two tablespoons of fresh powdered sugar;

• 400 gr. cottage cheese, fat content not lower than 9%;

• 33% cream - 200 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Fill the cottage cheese with a blender until completely homogeneous or grind on a sieve.

2. Cut the marshmallows into small pieces. Then pour cream into it and place in a water bath. While constantly stirring, warm the marshmallows until its pieces dissolve in the cream. Most importantly, do not bring to a boil. If the mass begins to boil, and the marshmallow has not yet dissolved, but when pressed with a spoon, they disintegrate, immediately remove the bowl from the stove and begin to whisk.

3. For a quarter of an hour, cool the marshmallow that has cooled well during beating and place in the freezer.

4. Combine it with cottage cheese grated through a not very fine sieve, add all the sugar and beat with a mixer for five minutes, at medium speed. Put in the freezer for 20 minutes, you can in the common chamber for 40 minutes.

Curd cream for biscuit cake - cooking tricks and useful tips

• To prepare a lower-calorie cream, you can use low-fat cottage cheese, but then you will need to add a little sour cream to it.

• The curd mass will turn out to be more silky if additional components are added to it in small portions during whipping.

• Liquid cream mass does not leak when assembling the cake from under the cake, if the cake is assembled in a detachable form.

• If you plan to supplement the biscuit cake with such fillers as fruits or berries, lay them directly on the cake and then apply the cream mass.

• To prevent dessert from being too sugary, apply a thin layer of sour fruit or berry jam to the cakes before dressing.

• The white color of the curd base, and asks to put a picture or inscription on it. The festive appearance of the dessert can be given with paintings of chocolate or coffee "colors."

• There is no trick in this, but curd creams, unlike oil creams, are magnificent and without cakes! Pour fresh strawberries or raspberries with such a mass - the kids will be delighted, and mom will not have to bother with cakes.


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