Meatball soup - the best recipes. How to cook delicious meatball soup correctly and tasty.


Meatball soup - general principles and methods of preparation

Everyone perfectly imagines what minced meat is. Passed through a meat grinder, and sometimes minced meat is used in a huge number of dishes. Beef, chicken, pork, minced, minced meat from several types of meat - not without reason this product is called a semi-finished product, it can be turned into lunch or dinner at any time. For example, you can cook soup with meatballs in just half an hour. By the way, with meatballs you can cook a salad - something in the manner of Greek, with feta cheese and olives. But nothing can replace a real soup, hearty, light, with delicious meatballs melting in your mouth. For greater tenderness, you can add a little soaked loaf to the stuffing itself, but this is not necessary. It is also not necessary to lay a large number of eggs for bonding meatballs - knead it well enough.

Meatball Soup - Food Preparation

How to cook the most delicious minced meatballs? Real housewives will never buy frozen minced meat. Only real meat, or fresh minced meat prepared by the butcher in front of your own eyes. Ideally, you can buy a few pieces at the store. Lean meat, fatty, on the bone, in general, is different. If possible, cut films and cores from it. Bones with leftover meat are stored for bone broth, the best pieces of meat are baked in the oven or marinated, something will go for goulash.

The rest goes to the preparation of minced meat at home, since there are no shortages in meat grinders, food processors and other appliances. Excess fat, substandard slices, scraps - everything can be used, the main thing is that the meat is fresh. Add a few good pieces here. To prevent the meat from being dry, add fatty pork or lard. Do not add spices and salt to the prepared meat, but divide it into portions and place in the freezer. To make meatball soup, grab a piece of frozen minced meat in advance and place it in the refrigerator at positive temperature. When the meat is thawed, start cooking soup.

Meatball Soup - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Vegetable Soup with Meatballs

We take any stuffing that is in the house and any vegetables from the standard set. It’s not scary if there isn’t any kind - the soup will still be tasty and rich. Take a little more potatoes, carrots, or other ingredients. Cooking time is only 30 minutes, provided that all the vegetables are chopped and ready.

Ingredients: minced meat (meat, onion, salt, pepper, 350 grams), potatoes (3-4 pcs), onions, bay leaves, salt, ground pepper, carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, (3200 grams), tomato (2 pcs) )

Cooking method

Cut the potatoes into small cubes, rinse in cold water. Rub carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion as finely as possible, chop the cabbage. You can take bell pepper red or yellow - cut it into strips. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, bring to a boil and put potatoes, bring to a boil and put cabbage and pepper. We form small or large meatballs - here someone already loves. Bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes. At this time, we pass the onions with carrots and cut the tomatoes into small squares. Mix all the ingredients and cook for another 10 minutes. Let’s cook the soup for about 15 minutes. A delicious lunch awaits you!

Recipe 2: Mushroom Soup with Meatballs

There are few people who refuse a soup with mushroom flavor. Slices of mushrooms floating in tender broth and soft meatballs - what a wonderful dinner for the whole family. This lunch is for real foodies who know a lot about food.

Ingredients: minced meat (300 g), potatoes (6 pcs.), onions (2 pcs.), mushrooms (champignons, 500 grams), bell pepper, chicken egg (2 pcs.), a mixture of roots, dill, parsley, water 4 l

Cooking method

We suggest enhancing the taste of minced meat, this time at the expense of potatoes. Grate the onion and one potato on a fine grater, add to the minced meat. Pass a part of the mushrooms through a combine or meat grinder and mix with minced meat. Stir, salt, pepper and form balls. The remaining part of the mushrooms is cut into thin slices and fry in a pan in a small amount of vegetable oil. In boiling salted water we place the potatoes in small cubes, after 10 minutes we spread the mushrooms, meatballs and cook for another 10 minutes. We sip onions and carrots, cut into strips pepper and a mixture of roots. Mix everything and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour into plates and do not forget about greens - it is better to serve it separately, sprinkling herbs with greens already causes appetite. Do not deprive this of your household.

Recipe 3: Meatball Noodle Soup

This delicious chicken soup will be cooked according to all the rules of cooking. And that means no flour products bought — just homemade noodles, long, mixed in eggs and milk. It is with such home-cooked home-made noodles that you can win the heart of any man.

Ingredients: soup set chicken (1 kg), minced meat (1 kg), boiled rice 1 kg, onions (3 pcs.), parsley, dill, spices, carrots, salt, vegetable oil.

For noodles: flour (400 grams), eggs (2 pcs), salt, milk or water (150 gr).

Cooking method

Grind a couple of onions with a blender and mix with minced meat, add spices and mix well. Leave it in the fridge and do some noodles. Sift the flour. Beat the egg and gradually pour the milk. Knead elastic homogeneous dough, it should also be infused for 30 minutes. Cook the broth from the soup set. It only takes 30 minutes. Add salt, spices. Now is the time to roll meat balls.

This work is a pleasure - attract children to it. We roll the dough into a thin layer and leave it for a few minutes so that it dries. Then we roll it from a roll and cut the spirals of noodles. They easily dissolve into long ribbons. Filter the prepared broth, put the meatballs in it, bring to a boil and place the noodles. Add the fried vegetables and cook for another 5 minutes. We lay the finished noodles on plates and serve hot.

Recipe 4: Soba Buckwheat Noodles with Meatballs

This dish can not be called either the first or the second - it is something in between. Buckwheat noodles are a rarity, but today you can still buy it at a grocery store. Try a real Japanese egg noodle dish made with buckwheat flour.

Ingredients: buckwheat noodles (400 gr.), minced meat (400 gr.), onions (60 grams), egg (1 pc.), tomato paste (1.5 tbsp. tablespoons), garlic, salt, pepper.

Cooking method

Finely chop the onion, add salt, pepper and mix well. Form the meatballs and fry in vegetable oil in a pan until lightly browned. Remove the meatballs and put garlic, tomato paste in the remaining oil and pour half a glass of water. Boil the noodles separately in boiling salted water. Boil it for 5 minutes, throw in a colander and strain. Serve with meatballs, pouring plenty of sauce in which they were stewed. Separately, you can serve meat broth.

Recipe 5: Soup with Meatballs in a Multicooker

Ingredients: broth (1.5 liters), carrots, onions, buckwheat (half a cup), meatballs (15 pcs.), salt, herbs, ground pepper, a little butter or vegetable oil.

Cooking method

If you have a slow cooker, the process of making a light soup becomes even easier. Prepared products are placed in a container all at once. But first, you can fry onions and carrots in the "baking" mode. We dilute the frying with water, add the potatoes, cut into slices, buckwheat, prepared meatballs, salt, pepper and put on the stewing mode for another 1 hour. That's all - go about your business, a smart machine will give you the finished result - a delicious soup.

Soup with meatballs - tips from experienced chefs

Prepare an original addition to your soup for lunch - Greek meatball salad. Accompanying it does not require any other dishes except fresh and fragrant pita bread - it is itself a full-fledged dinner. So, cook the meatballs in salted water, add chopped feta cheese, a couple of fresh cucumbers, 2-3 juicy tomatoes, sweet bell pepper, lettuce. Season with lemon juice and any vegetable oil. It remains to salt and sprinkle with black pepper - the original dish is ready!


Elena 12/26/2016
Three kilograms of 200 grams of cabbage per pot of soup? What kind of pan should it be, and how much forcemeat does it take to have a harmonious taste? You can cook in a company.
I have an easy recipe in which vegetables are not required in kilograms. You need two or three tablespoons with a small slide of semolina (the amount depends on the desired density), fresh or frozen greens (I usually cook with frozen dill, parsley and spinach), a small “bath” of cream cheese (I love Friendship from Karat ), onion or leek (tastier with leek), green onions and a little rennet cheese for stuffing meatballs or cauliflower or broccoli inflorescence, high-quality creamy and refined sunflower-seed oil (I don’t like olive during heat treatment). If desired, one or two beaten chicken eggs.
We prepare the minced meat according to your favorite recipe, the main thing is that the minced meat is non-greasy, roll the meatballs, set aside on a dusted pallet in a cool place. Inside each meatball, if desired, you can put a filling of chopped green onions mixed with finely grated cheese of good quality. Then you get meatballs-zrazy. Cooking time for meatballs will increase slightly, but when you adapt everything goes quickly. Or take small inflorescences of blanched broccoli / cauliflower and douse them with minced meat, rolling the meatball.
Put melted cheese in a separate bowl, if you add it, and pour it with a small amount of almost boiling water - very hot water, stir, the cheese should come in the consistency of sour cream.
In a saucepan or saucepan, where we will cook the soup, preferably with a thick bottom (well, or for Orthodox people - in a frying pan) in a mixture of butter and RM, fry the semolina, stirring constantly, after it is browned, to obtain chopped spinach fresh or frozen, chopped leek / onion, and continue frying on medium heat, preventing the semolina from sticking to lumps. It is easy. When the leek is half ready, pour boiling water over the fried mixture and lower the meatballs. Bring to an active boil, stirring almost constantly, so that the semolina continues to remain suspended rather than stick together. When the melted cheese is boiled, if you decide to use it, reduce heat, cover with a screen or a lid until the meatballs pop up. When they surfaced, cook them for about five minutes on this heat, and then turn off the stove, mix and cover, let stand for five to ten minutes.
After the specified time, you will have a fragrant creamy tender soup in a saucepan, which is amazing to serve with fresh chopped greens of dill, parsley, onion. If fresh is not at hand, then before the final infusion of the soup, you should put in it a dry mixture of green onions, parsley, dill (sold in stores, from "Seasoning") or frozen. The loaf is light and tender, you can eat for dinner.

Anna 11/06/2016
I don’t understand something, what for kilo rice in noodle soup with meatballs ?! Typo?

Jacque 10/27/2016
Recipe 3: Meatball Noodle Soup
... homemade noodles, long, mixed in eggs and milk.
Chop on your nose! Homemade noodles are never mixed in eggs and milk !!!


Watch the video: How To Cook Meatballs, 3 recipes. Gordon Ramsay. Almost Anything (June 2024).