Curd cake with raisins - always airy and gentle! The best recipes for festive and everyday curd muffins with raisins


Cupcake recipes exist almost more than scrambled eggs. They are prepared by mixing in the proper proportions almost any culinary products. Curd muffins retain all the inherent properties of a title product - juiciness, softness, airiness. Adding raisins to them, in addition to sweetness, you also add a wonderful flavor to the dessert, creating an almost Easter mood.

Curd cake with raisins - general principles of preparation

• To bake a cupcake in the oven, use a special metal or silicone mold with a hole in the middle. In its absence, you can use any refractory form with high sides. Be sure to cover the bottom and walls, before filling the container with dough, with a layer of any refined oil and sprinkle lightly with flour. This will facilitate the extraction of the finished cake.

• The consistency of curd dough can be either thick or liquid. Eggs, a cultivator, sugar, usually refined, and butter are added to it. Instead of butter, you can take creamy margarine, but only high-quality.

• Curd dough should not contain lumps of fermented milk product, therefore it is better to take elastic curd for baking. Granular curd grind on a sieve.

• Raisins are added to the dough last. The berries are pre-sorted, tearing off the remaining tails, and scalded with boiling water. So that the dried berries of grapes become juicier, they are soaked for some time in water or an alcoholic drink (rum, cognac). Soaked raisins immediately before adding them to the dough should be wrung out a little and dried well.

• Curd cake with raisins - a simple and affordable baking, which can be quickly prepared not only for everyday tea drinking. Cupcakes are often baked to the festive table. In addition to raisins, candied fruits and nuts are added to such baked goods. Cheesecakes with raisins are especially popular for Easter. A tender, airy, long-stale cupcake, if properly decorated, can easily replace a traditional holiday cake.

A simple recipe for curd cake with raisins


• three eggs;

• 250 gr. low-fat cottage cheese;

• homemade butter - 100 g .;

• a glass of white flour;

• a third of a small spoonful of evaporated salt;

• 100 gr. beet sugar;

• factory cultivator - 2 tsp;

• 3 table. spoons of brandy;

• 100 gr. raisins.

Cooking method:

1. Sort raisins, tearing ponytails from the berries, scald with boiling water and pour brandy. After 20 minutes, remove the berries from alcohol, dry well on a linen towel.

2. In a bowl, measure the right amount of flour, mix it with baking powder and transfer 2-3 times.

3. Pour the sliced ​​butter into the flour. Grinding butter and flour intensively between the palms of your hands, cook small crumbs.

4. Pour granulated sugar into the oily crumb, put the cottage cheese through a fine sieve, add salt and mix.

5. Breaking the eggs one at a time, and immediately mixing, bring the consistency of the curd mass to the density of homemade sour cream.

6. Pour dried raisins, re-mix and pour into a refractory form, pre-lubricating it with butter.

7. Place the pan in a pre-turned oven at 180 degrees and let it bake for 50 minutes.

Delicate curd cake with raisins - "Peerless"


• fat homemade cottage cheese - 270 gr.;

• 150 gr. “Creamy” or other quality margarine;

• three eggs;

• vanillin, crystalline - 1 g .;

• 250 gr. sugar

• bag of a factory cultivator;

• 100 gr. any raisins;

• 300 gr. high quality white flour.

Cooking method:

1. Put the margarine in a deep, narrow bowl in advance, cut it into slices directly in it. When the fat is slightly softened, add sugar and vanilla powder and beat with a mixer at low speeds.

2. Without interrupting the whipping, gradually introduce the curd. Be sure to grind the sour-milk dairy product before adding through a sieve.

3. When the curd mass reaches uniformity, break all the eggs into it at once and re-beat with a mixer.

4. Set the mixer aside. Pour into a bowl, passing through a sieve, all flour and a cultivator. Add thoroughly washed with hot water and well-dried raisins.

5. Use a spoon or spatula to mix the newly added ingredients with the curd mass until the dough assumes an absolutely uniform consistency. It should be thick and viscous.

6. Fill the butter-coated mold with the prepared curd dough. Pick the form counting, fill it in two-thirds. If you do not find a suitable one, take a few tins.

7. Place the cupcake in a preheated oven and bake for one hour, when heated to 180 degrees.

Curd cake with raisins and apples (with filling)


• butter, "Peasant" butter - 200 gr.;

• 150 gr. beet sugar;

• a spoon of a factory dough ripper;

• a quarter of a spoon of quicklime soda;

• two eggs;

• Extra salt - 1/4 tsp;

• white baking flour - 250 gr.;

• elastic, 9% fat, cottage cheese - 200 gr.

To the filling:

• one apple, medium size;

• dark raisins - 150 gr.;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• 50 gr. fresh starch.

Cooking method:

1. Mix cottage cheese with softened butter, add granulated sugar. Beat everything with a mixer until you get a paste-like homogeneous mass.

2. Insert the eggs, breaking one at a time and mixing the mass well each time. Pour all the measured flour, baking soda and a cultivator at once, knead the dough.

3. Soak raisins boiled with boiling water for 10 minutes in water. Then pour in a colander and wait until all the water has left.

4. Peel and chop the apple into small cubes. Sprinkle fruit slices with sugar, add starch, raisins and mix thoroughly the filling.

5. Line a small rectangular narrow shape with parchment sheet. Put half of the dough into it and evenly spread the fruit filling on top. Cover it with the rest of the dough, forcing it through a pastry syringe with a direct nozzle or bag, and set to bake until tender, about 45 minutes.

Curd cake with raisins, candied fruits and nuts - "Festive"


• 120 gr. butter in the dough and another 20 gr. for lubrication;

• two large eggs;

• sugar - 200 gr.;

• 250 gram packaging of elastic high-fat cottage cheese;

• a pound of flour;

• 100 gr. candied fruit;

• 50 gr. dried cherries;

• 100 grams of any nuts and pitted raisins;

• to choose from: rum, cognac, liquor - 2 tablespoons;

• test ripper - 1 sachet;

• to taste - cardamom, cinnamon or vanilla powder;

• powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Put the sliced ​​butter in a bowl of suitable size for half an hour. When it melts, add granulated sugar and, gradually adding eggs, quickly beat with a mixer.

2. Pour candied fruit, dried raisins, cherry and chopped nuts into the resulting oily mass. Pour in spices, pour in rum, lay cottage cheese and mix thoroughly.

3. Combine the baking powder with flour and transfer into a bowl with the prepared oily mixture. First, kneading with a large spoon, and then with your hands, knead a steep, light dough.

4. Cover the parchment with a refractory mold, transfer the dough into it and carefully distribute it throughout the container.

5. Place the cupcake in an oven preheated to 170 degrees and bake, without changing the temperature, for 40 minutes.

6. Carefully remove the finished curd cake from the mold and sprinkle liberally with powdered sugar, pre-lubricating it with oil.

Easter cottage cheese recipe with raisins and nuts


• 100 gr. quality table margarine or butter;

• one egg;

• a full glass of sugar;

• a bag of crystalline vanillin;

• baking soda - 1/2 tsp;

• 200 gr. fat cottage cheese;

• premium baking flour - how much dough will take;

• a small handful of light raisins;

• 70 gr. walnut kernels.

For glaze:

• one protein;

• 150 gr. powdered sugar;

• a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice;

• colored powder for decoration.

Cooking method:

1. Quickly and intensively rub slightly melted butter (margarine) with egg, vanilla and regular sugar. Add quicklime soda and rub everything thoroughly again.

2. Put the cottage cheese and knead everything with a spoon until smooth. If the curd is grainy, first grind it with a meat grinder or grind it through a sieve.

3. Continuing to mix, adding a couple of spoons, introduce flour and knead thin dough, a little denser than homemade sour cream.

4. Pour finely chopped nuts, washed raisins into the cooked curd mass and stir well.

5. Generously moisten the bottom and sides of the mold with vegetable refined oil and lightly powder with flour.

6. In the container prepared in this way, put the kneaded dough and place in a hot oven (180 degrees) for half an hour.

7. Beat one protein with powdered sugar and lemon juice until stable foam. Spread the cooled cake with the prepared glaze and sprinkle it on top with multi-colored powder.

Recipe for curd cake with raisins for a slow cooker


• wheat flour, preferably premium - 400 gr .;

• three eggs;

• 200 gr. elastic medium-fat cottage cheese;

• a teaspoon of ripper;

• 200 grams of refined sugar;

• two tablespoons of fat sour cream;

• 150 gr. thickened high percentage cream;

• powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve the butter in a water bath, slightly suspend it and add granulated sugar. At high speeds, beat with a mixer for three minutes.

2. Put sour cream on the beaten eggs, pour the eggs in and beat again.

3. When foam appears on the surface of the whipped mass, add the curd and continue whipping until a homogeneous consistency is achieved. It should not have curd lumps, so if the curd is initially too grainy, grind it through a sieve.

4. Pour baking powder into a measured portion of flour and transfer it several times. Then, without ceasing to beat the curd mass with a whisk, gradually introduce all the sifted flour into it. By the end of the dough will need to be well kneaded by hand. It should turn out to be thick and even slightly tight.

5. Directly in a bowl with dough or on a table slightly dusted with flour, pour the washed raisins and stir in, thoroughly crushing them with your hands.

6. In the multicooker bowl, grease it with oil, put the curd dough and smooth its surface with slightly moistened hands in oil or water.

7. Close the lid and start the baking mode for 1 hour 45 minutes.

8. After the end of the program, remove the cup and cupcake from the case and place it on the stand to allow the baking to cool.

9. After cooling, carefully remove the cupcake from the bowl and decorate, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

10. Do not take the product hot, delicate curd cake with raisins may fall apart when removed.

Curd cake with raisins - cooking tricks and useful tips

• It is not necessary to soften the oil in advance. This can be done using a microwave using the defrost mode.

• The delicate structure of the curd cake does not allow the formation of a crisp on its walls. Therefore, having oiled the form, it is not sprinkled with semolina or breadcrumbs. The oil layer is lightly sprinkled with flour or lined with oiled parchment.

• If the factory cultivator is not at hand, replace it with slaked soda in vinegar. Soda should be taken in half as much as the ripper.

• In order not to damage the tender curd cake when removing it, release it only after waiting for it to cool completely.

• The finished product is usually decorated by sprinkling powdered sugar or glaze over the surface. Cupcakes are often poured over with melted chocolate.

• To keep powdered sugar well and not sprinkle later on, grease the surface of the hot cake well with melted butter or rub it with a piece of hard butter.


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