Mexican became a mother at age nine


In Mexico, a girl of nine years old became a mother, writes ABC News. Daphne, this is the name of the girl, as it should be, for 40 weeks she was carrying a child and on January 27 gave birth to a daughter. Both the baby and the little mother are doing well. The baby was born with normal parameters: with an increase of 50 centimeters, her weight is 2.7 kilograms.

As for the father of the child, an investigation is underway against him. Although the little mother says that she met with the 17-year-old father of the child for some time, and everything between them happened out of love, representatives of the prosecutor's office are not sure about this, referring to the young age of the girl. The young man faces criminal liability for rape of a minor. In the meantime, the police are looking for him to listen to his explanations.

The young man, before fleeing the city, invited his girlfriend to leave with him and live in another place, but she refused.

Daphne from a poor large family living near Guadalajara. Parents, working all day, do not have time to look after the children, whom they have ten. They did not suspect the daughter of pregnancy, as, indeed, she herself, until everything became apparent at the seventh month of pregnancy.

Given the fact that at this age the body is not yet ready for childbirth, the doctors gave the girl a cesarean section. This was the best option not only for her, but also for the child. In addition to medical care, she will also be provided with psychological assistance. The hospital says that according to their statistics, a quarter of all the births they take are childbirths.


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