Curd cheesecakes - a recipe with photos and step by step description


Cheesecakes - one of the most popular dishes from cottage cheese. They are appreciated, first of all, for simplicity in preparation and gentle taste. There are a lot of recipes for making cheesecakes, every hostess is trying to update the classic recipe and add something different. Prepare them with semolina, dried apricots, raisins, various fruits, boiled condensed milk, poppy seeds and many others. Traditionally cheesecakes are made from four simple ingredients - fat cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and flour. Someone replaces flour with decoy, someone manages to cook and without eggs at all, despite this result always pleases the eye. Yes, and the taste is not inferior to the original, for example, cheesecakes with semolina turn out to be airy and very soft, with a unique delicate taste, cheesecakes without eggs will suit small children and people with allergies.

Cheesecakes are cooked mainly in a frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil, frying on both sides to golden barrels. When preparing a more dietary version of the dish, they use an oven or a double boiler, and multivarks lovers use their wonder helper.

Surely, many people, when making a dessert, wondered why cheesecakes got this name, because they are made not from cheese, but from cottage cheese. Everything is very simple, the recipe is more than 200 years old, it appeared at the time when cheese was not in its usual form, local farmers produced only a “cheese product”, and the curd of those times was called “cheese”. From it they prepared a lot of delicious dishes, among them are the familiar "cheesecakes". Later, under Peter I, they learned to produce rennet cheeses, similar to those that we eat every day in breakfast, and only after that they separated the concepts of "cheese" and "cottage cheese."

The dish is very versatile, it can be prepared as a dessert and served with jam and sour cream, and can be prepared as an appetizer and served with a spicy sauce made from garlic and dill mayonnaise. The dish is equally good in both hot and cold.

There are several secrets of cooking cheesecakes, which will help to achieve great taste and spectacular appearance:

  • In order to make the cheese cakes more tender and airy, you can cook them not in a pan, but in the oven;
  • Do not take sour curd as a basis. In order to get a tasty dish, use only high-quality, fat cottage cheese;
  • Dry cottage cheese can always be softened by adding milk, kefir or sour cream to it;
  • In order for cheesecakes to melt in the mouth, you can, before mixing the ingredients, you can rub the curd through a sieve;
  • To avoid burnt sides and not fried midway, you need to lay them in hot oil and fry over low heat;
  • In the dough for cheesecakes, you can add anything you like - raisins, fruits, nuts. It is important to avoid walnuts, they will give the final dish is not very tasty bluish tint.

The dish is simple to prepare, but all the hostesses cook it differently, each has a secret or a special ingredient, thanks to which their cheesecakes compare favorably with the rest.

We present to your attention a recipe for making cheese curds from cottage cheese, cooked according to the classic recipe and equipped with detailed step by step photos.

In the photo: ingredients for making curd cheesecakes:

  • Cottage cheese - 500 grams
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Flour - 150 grams

Recipe for making cheesecakes from cottage cheese (with photo):

Put cottage cheese, sugar and eggs in a deep bowl, mix thoroughly, trying to avoid the appearance of lumps so that the mass is homogeneous.

Add flour to the bowl in an amount sufficient for the mass to resemble a soft dough.

Pour some flour into a flat plate, form cheesecakes from dough and roll them in it.

Heat the frying pan, pour out a little vegetable oil and put cheesecakes.

Fry on both sides until a pleasant, golden color.

Serve cheese cakes can be both hot and cold. As a sauce, you can serve cold sour cream or jam.


Watch the video: No-Bake Yogurt Cheesecake - How to Make Easy Rare Cheesecake Recipe (June 2024).