September 26: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays September 26th.


Holidays September 26

World contraception day

An unplanned pregnancy is a real scourge of modern women who do not want to burden themselves with many children. Organizations dealing with reproductive health are trying to draw the attention of all people in the world to this problem. As part of the campaign against abortion, World Contraception Day is being held. Its goal is to provide more information on contraception for young people, as well as youth sexual education aimed at maintaining health and using contraception to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Knowledge is needed for people aged 18-25. It is important to obtain the necessary information at an early age, while the body has not yet been harmed by unwanted abortions and sexually transmitted diseases. As part of the contraceptive day, promotions, lectures and seminars, charity concerts and theme nights are held.

World Sea Day

The International Sea Holiday is celebrated at the initiative of the United Nations. In 1978, the 10th session of the IMO (Marine Advisory Organization) decided to hold the sea day. Activities on this day draw attention to the irreparable loss and damage to oceans caused by overfishing fish. The problems of water pollution, global warming and the ingress of oil products into the sea are highlighted.

The UN reports that in the last century the number of certain fish species (tuna, cod, marlin) has decreased by 90%. The dumping of synthetic waste into the sea killed millions of birds, as well as 100,000 marine mammals. And this is only annually! And global warming affects the level of water bodies - it rose by 10-25 centimeters. Another important task of such organizations is the safe movement of the sea.

Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah - Jewish Holiday

The last Jewish autumn festival is celebrated on the Torah. Someone was detained that day, and there were reasons for this. What kind? According to legend, inviting the children to a seven-day feast, the king asked: "Hold on for one more day." On the eighth day of the holiday, the Jews finish reading the Torah and begin to read it first. It is the end of the reading cycle that symbolizes the Simchat Torah. For almost two thousand years, the Joy of the Torah is celebrated, on the 8th day a rite of libation of water is held, symbolizing the request to grant rain in the coming year.

Language Day in Europe

European Day of Languages ​​has very definite goals - to support linguistic diversity and the development of language teaching around the world. In fact, today there are more and more people who can speak different languages. Learning languages ​​is given to different people in different ways, some easily perceive learning, others put maximum effort into this. Knowledge of at least one foreign language is considered the norm. Most European language institutes are equally accepted in the world, all decisions taken by the EU are translated into the main 23-25 ​​languages ​​of Europe. Requests from different countries are sent to this organization in their own language, each country has the right to receive an answer in its official language. The official language policy of the European Union encourages the study of foreign languages ​​even in adulthood.

Folk calendar September 26


In the 1st century, a pious man lived in Rome - Cornelius, who became famous for having destroyed the temple of the Gentiles. As a result, many pagans converted to Christianity. Cornelius himself is considered the first pagan who converted to Christianity, and Peter himself baptized him in his house. Many residents believed in Christ after the actions of a preacher who later became a bishop. Cornelius Day in Russia was celebrated by harvesting - beets, carrots, radishes. From that moment on, frosts intensified and could ruin the crop.

On the table there were always dishes from root vegetables: grated radish, chopped vegetables cooked and seasoned with oil and onions. Radish has always been considered the food of the poor - the dishes have changed, but the essence remains the same - radish with butter, radish trich, radish with kvass, radish-slice, radish in pieces of radish in pieces. Beets were part of the borsch, although the name of the dish is associated with hogweed - a plant that was part of the recipes. If it rained that day - it was believed that this was a good omen, the earth begins to heal for a new crop.

Historical events of September 26

September 26, 1815 - An agreement was signed on the creation of the Holy Union, the participants of which were the Russian Empire, Prussia and Austria, later all European powers joined them, with the exception of Turkey and the Pope. The main goal of this alliance was to maintain a peace that almost all Europeans were convinced of after the hostilities provoked by Napoleon Bonaparte. The initiator of the agreement was the Russian Emperor Alexander I, it was thanks to him in Paris on September 26, 1815 that the legendary treaty was signed and the Holy Union was created.

September 26, 1896 - The Moscow Engineering School of the Ministry of Railways, one of the oldest educational institutions in Russia, was established. Currently, 50 thousand students in 70 specialties are trained here. The institution is the largest transport higher educational institution in Europe, it consists of 3 academies, 8 institutes, faculties, colleges, gymnasiums, branches and representative offices in different parts of Russia. Graduates of the institution work in the field of railway transport and other sectors of the economy.

September 26, 1920 - The Institute of Engineers of the Red Air Fleet named after Zhukovsky was opened, which for many years was the educational and scientific center of the air force. Almost all Soviet cosmonauts were graduates of this higher educational institution.

September 26, 1983 - The lieutenant colonel of the Soviet Army Stanislav Petrov managed to prevent a potential nuclear war. Petrov was in the service when he heard that the warning about a missile attack on the Soviet Union by the United States of America had worked. The lieutenant colonel did not sound the alarm and provoke a response attack, suspecting a false positive of the system. For a long time, the act of the Soviet military was not advertised, but in 1998 he was made public. In 2006, in New York, Petrov was awarded a crystal figurine in the form of a hand holding a globe, the inscription "To the man who prevented a nuclear war" is engraved on it.

Born September 26

Joseph Louis Proust (1754-1926) - French chemist

Proust began his activities in a small pharmacy of his father, and at the age of 21 he became the manager of a large pharmacy in Paris. He achieved such fame that in 1785, Charles III offered him the position of professor of chemistry at the university, and he also promised generous financial support for the experiments. An excellent laboratory was organized in which Proust conducted experiments on minerals and reagents. During the invasion of the French troops led by Napoleon, all materials died. The main discovery of Proust is the law of constancy of composition. Many contemporaries tried to challenge the law, but it was not only recognized, but also became the basis of chemical theory.

Ivan Pavlov (1849 - 1936) - Russian biologist

Professor of Medicine Ivan Petrovich Pavlov gave the Institute of Experimental Medicine, namely the Department of Physiology, forty-six years of life. He left a significant legacy. Developing the method of conditioned reflexes, he examined the cerebral cortex and the physiological processes taking place in it. His discoveries had a great impact on industries such as physiology, medicine, psychology and pedagogy.

George Gershwin (1898 - 1937) - American musician

An American pianist, Gershwin is considered a brilliant classical and jazz composer. He himself learned to play the piano, and began to compose music. He was a poorly educated man, but even the great composer Ravel refused to teach him, explaining that he had nothing to say to a genius. "Blue Rhapsody" brought the composer worldwide fame, he was noticed by the king of jazz Paul Whiteman. Symphonize jazz - this idea belonged to Whiteman, and Gershwin did not postpone its performance. The first concert took place in just a few weeks. It was attended by many great musicians of that era. Each subsequent work became a triumph, but the composer's life was short, he died at the age of 39.


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