Lady Gaga got disgustingly fat (photo)


At one of the last shows in Amsterdam, a shocking singer shocked the audience with her appearance. And the reason for this was not at all extravagant outfits, but her body, or rather its magnificent forms.

Recently, the most discussed rumor was the possible pregnancy of the 26-year-old singer. This thought arose due to increased weight gain. Last Thursday, in a radio interview, the singer said: “I'm on a diet right now, because I’ve added, like, 25 pounds. And you know, I really don't feel bad. But I have to follow a strict diet all the time, "continued the singer." This is difficult because I have pretty energetic shows. But I like to be in good shape, have muscles, not fat. So I'm trying to find a new balance. "

The singer answers direct questions about the reasons for gaining weight: “I like to eat pasta and pizza. I am a New York Italian girl. My father opened his restaurant in New York. It’s so amazing and delicious that I get five pounds every time I go there. ”

However, such an explanation does not satisfy many. Among them is singer and fashion designer Kelly Osbourne, the daughter of popular rock singer Ozzy Osbourne. At one of the American television shows, she said that not only the singer’s form had changed, but also her style. She sharply fell in love with the wide outfits that skillfully cover her body.

True, at the same concert in Amsterdam, the singer smoked a jamb of marijuana right on the stage. And this is strictly forbidden for a pregnant woman. So time will tell ...


Watch the video: What Happened to Lady Gaga!? TMZ (June 2024).