Potatoes with meat - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook potatoes with meat.


Meat, from the point of view of cooking, is considered a universal product.

It can not only be cooked in various ways: fry, stew, cook, bake, but also safely combine with other ingredients, showing creativity in the process of preparing meals.

Despite the fact that separate nutrition does not provide for such a combination as meat and potatoes, it is these two products that entered the front ranks of the Russian table. By the way, and not only Russian. In many countries, potatoes are one of the most revered and common side dishes, and meat is a great addition to it.

A huge number of options for cooking dishes of potatoes with meat. Potatoes can be combined with any kind of meat: beef, pork, lamb, game, rabbit and the like - the list goes on and on.

For some dishes, it is better to use pulp, for others - meat with a bone, and for the third - minced meat. Perhaps the most famous dish is fried potatoes with meat. It's no secret that the meat is cooked longer, so first fry it, and then add the potatoes.

Potato with meat - preparation of products

Preparation of potatoes, as a rule, does not take much time and hassle. It is peeled off quite easily. The only condition that you should adhere to is that you need to peel the potatoes immediately before cooking, if possible without keeping them in cold water for a long time (since starch and valuable substances are lost). You should also not leave it without water after cleaning, since the vegetable quickly darkens and takes on a completely unpresentable appearance.

As for meat, there is also nothing complicated. Rinse it with large pieces under running water, soaking the meat is not advisable, since such a procedure will negatively affect its further taste. Salt long before cooking, many types of meat are not recommended - salt draws all juices from the pulp. Thaw frozen fillet gently at room temperature, rinsing it with cool water first. It is advisable to carry out all manipulations with large parts of meat, and only before cooking it can be cut into portions, cutting across the fibers.

Potato with meat - preparation of dishes

Potatoes with meat can be cooked in pots, a cauldron, on a baking sheet or in a cast-iron frying pan. Aluminum forms are in great demand, but they are more suitable for cooking soups and spicy stews based on potatoes and meat. In addition, food in such dishes cannot be stored.

An ideal option for stewing, frying, cooking and baking potatoes with meat is cookware made of cast iron, heat-resistant glass or Teflon-coated. Cast iron forms are coated with a protective oxide black film or enamel, which adheres very firmly to the alloy. In addition, cast iron is a very durable material, it serves for a long time, and its chemical composition allows food to evenly warm up without burning to the bottom. In culinary art, dishes made of heat-resistant glass are also widely used, especially since the food in it retains heat for a long time. It is recommended to bake and stew potatoes with meat in glass forms in the microwave or oven.

Recipe 1: Braised Potato with Meat

The classic version! We take absolutely any meat at your discretion. But keep in mind that each type of meat gives the dish its own unique taste, and the cooking time, respectively, will also be different, since beef, for example, takes longer to cook than pork. The taste of the dish can be improved by slightly adding dill seeds, paprika or caraway seeds to it.

Ingredients: 400 g fillet, kilogram of potato, large head of onion, one carrot, tomato paste, one and a half glasses of water or meat broth, salt, herbs, spices, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the meat into cubes about two centimeters, chop the onion, grate the carrots.

2. Heat the oil in a frying pan and toss the pieces of meat, fry until a varnish crust forms, then add the chopped onion and fry it until translucent. Then lay carrots for meat with onions and fry until half-cooked.

3. Dilute the tomato paste with 100 ml of water (broth), add the resulting sauce to the fry, salt, season with spices and stew for 20 minutes pork, 40 minutes - beef or lamb.

4. Peeled potatoes cut into large cubes, mix with meat, pour in the remaining broth (water) and simmer until the potatoes are cooked over low heat. Before serving, do not forget to sprinkle the dish with fresh herbs.

Recipe 2: Oven-Baked Potato with Meat

According to this recipe, take any meat as desired, also get hard cheese and milk, preferably of low fat content. Baked potatoes according to this recipe will simply melt in your mouth. Give it a try!

Ingredients: fillet 400 gr., 5 potatoes, cheese 150 gr., butter - 100 grams (no more), milk, meat spices, pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the meat into pieces, as for chops, lightly beat the veal, pork - no. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices, and cheese into small slices.

2. Grease a deep baking sheet p. oil and spread the ingredients in layers, alternating meat and potatoes. Between layers, add salt, pepper and sprinkle with grated plums. butter and spread some plastics of cheese. The layers must be completed with potatoes, sprinkled with butter and cheese.

3. Next, gently pour the milk so as not to flood the top layer, seal the mold with foil (if there is a lid, cover it) and put in a preheated to 200 gr. the oven.

When the milk boils, reduce the heat to 150 degrees and bake for an hour, after which we add heat again to 250 gr. to form a golden crust for a few minutes.

Recipe 3: Fried Potatoes with Meat

It is difficult to meet a person who could resist fried potatoes, covered with a delicious crust, and especially in combination with tender pork and spices.

Ingredients: 300 gr pork pulp, 600 g of pork (pulp), green onions 40-50 gr., 20 g garlic, soy sauce 30 gr., olive oil, sesame 10 gr., salt.

Cooking method:

Peel the medium potato, cut it into round slices. Grind the meat into cubes, salt and fry in oil, adding chopped onions and garlic, soy sauce at the end of frying (in 2-3 minutes). When the meat is almost cooked, lay the potatoes and fry over low heat, occasionally stirring the potatoes. We fry under the lid (at the end, in a few minutes you can remove the lid, add salt and add a little fire). Turn off the potatoes, add sesame seeds to it and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. The dish is ready!

Potato with meat - useful tips

To make the meat of four-legged game - boar, elk, bear cub, etc. - become more tender and tasty, soak it for 24 hours in a marinade before cooking (add 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 100 g of carrots and onions to 1 liter of dry white wine, chopped circles, 3 cloves of garlic and a bunch of greens). The same procedure can be carried out with the meat of an old animal.

Some tips for potatoes:

- it is necessary to fry it in very hot oil, and salt it only when the pieces start to crust;

- the potato will cook faster and will be tastier if you first scald it with boiling water and let it dry completely;

- Throw potatoes in boiling water, this contributes to the rapid folding of protein and minimizes the loss of beneficial components.

Remember, meat and potatoes are universal products, so fantasize, add new ingredients, because such dishes are combined with almost everything: garlic, onions, tomatoes, seasonings, spices, vegetables, even green peas and canned corn. To give the dish of potatoes and meat a special piquancy, add a little wine to a greased baking sheet. Enjoy your meal!


I 08/24/2016
It turned out very tasty baked in the oven!

icegirl 04/19/2016
Generally the wrong way to cook


Watch the video: Cooking Cuban - Carne Con Papa Beef and Potatoes (June 2024).