The meaning of the name Miroslav


Name Miroslava has Slavic roots and translated from the ancient language means "glorifying glory." This is the female form of the male name Miroslav, consisting of two words "glory, glorify" and "peace".

Miroslava (Maria) Vladimirovna was the only daughter of Vladimir the Saint from his marriage with Princess Anne. In 1043, brother Yaroslav married her to King of Poland Casimir I the Restorer. For Miroslav, he was given a lot of gold, silver and other jewelry, Kazimir, in turn, freed 800 Russian prisoners. In Poland, Miroslava adopted the Catholic faith under the name of Mary.

Miroslava - character traits

The main features of a woman named Miroslav include activity, will, intuition and health. She has a difficult character, loves intrigue. Miroslav is simply impossible to convince in something, she does not succumb to the influence of others. He relies only on his opinion, does not trust anyone and has excessive self-confidence. She has such a strong will that she is able to satisfy all her ambitions. He suffers failure and perceives it as a personal insult. For all insults pays the same coin.

Miroslava has a highly developed intuition and practical mindset. In order to subordinate others to his will, uses their sensitivity. Only to the one who is really dear to her, is she able to show disinterested and sincere sympathy. He performs all his actions very energetically. He has few friends, because he considers few people worthy of such a title. Pretty hospitable and able to maintain a conversation.

From early childhood, Miroslava has a mischievous and stubborn character. Shows his perseverance in every act. With boys he loves not only to play, but also to fight. In studies, he does not show much diligence, the reason for this is not in the absence of abilities, but in love for disputes with teachers.

Having matured a little, she becomes calmer, but equally stubborn. With age, Miroslava is more loyal to the opinions of others and can even sometimes admit someone is right. She doesn’t argue about any trifle, she’s not so sharp, she’s more pleasant in communication.

Miroslav is in no hurry to marry and in most cases creates a family much later than his peers. She can not be called a homebody, especially since she does not like to do housework. Friendship with men is more preferable for Miroslava than with women.

Miroslava - name compatibility

In marriage, Miroslava will be happy with Arthur, Pavel, Gerasim, Trofim and Andronic. Not everything will go smoothly with Boris, Gennady, Elisha, Igor and Claudius.

Miroslava - famous people who bore this name

The name of Miroslav among such celebrities as Karpovich, Shafrankova, Duma, Gongadze, Gorokhovich, Kotorovich and Sopilka.

Miroslava - interesting facts about the name

- planet named - Jupiter;
- zodiac sign - Sagittarius;
- tree - hornbeam;
- color - crimson;
- cherished plant - red carnation;
- stone mascot - carbuncle;
- patron of the name - golden eagle.

Name options: Glory, Peace.

Diminutive: Mirushka, Slavochka, Mirka, Mirochka, Miroslavochka, Miroslavushka and Slavushka.


Yana 12/25/2016
She called her daughter Miroslav! My beauty was still 1.9, but her character was already visible at birth. How this girl fought for herself, for her life (we had a very difficult birth and then a hospital). I immediately decided on the name (was another option). Because I wanted to have extra strength to fight! And what can I say, the name is something beautiful and unusual!)) And it combines elegantly with the surname and patronymic) Yes, and the daughter will not reproach what she called with a simple name: "Yana herself, and I?!")))))) Stubborn she is very! Although I already figure out how to get around this) Since my mother, that is. I’m still the present in this matter))) so I don’t know what to “sin”: name or genes). But stubbornness in the presence of brains, as experience shows, is always a plus!))
Good luck everyone:)

Elena 11/30/2016
Error in the meaning of the name. Probably not glorifying glory, but glorifying the world?

Elena 11/30/2016
Miroslava, but what about Mirka, a hole?))))))) The rhyme is magnificent))

Miroslava 05/19/2016
I agree with almost every paragraph! Frankly, it was a matter of stubbornness, ambition, and friendship in parallel with fights with boys, and at school I fought with teachers! And there were intrigues, of course, let's not be a prude, who in high school did not share a place in the sun with their peers! My character is very strong, no one broke, intuition, as described, developed, that is, that is. I was pleasantly surprised that a happy marriage with Arthur - I have father Arthur, I have patronymic Arturovna, I have an amazing relationship with my dad, I love him like no one else! Indeed, if I love you with all my heart, I’m ready to do anything for the sake of a man, it has been so with my dad since childhood! There are few friends, but all those who went through fire, water and copper pipes with me. Resentment, I really do not forgive, and yes, I pay the same coin. By nature, a strong-willed, strong character, even at school, the headmistress advised to pursue a military career, they say you were born to be a warrior, but you chose the path of a doctor - an equally responsible and demanding profession. She got married at 22. Not too late, not too early. I like to cook and treat guests even more. In everyday life, 50 50: then I lick everything with my frenzy, then I hit the bogeyman, and no one can force me to do anything. What is, such is. You shouldn’t lie and embellish yourself, Friends, they say “they don’t like intrigue” or “it’s bad that it’s too self-confident”, here V.V. If Putin had not been self-confident, but would have been mumbled, what would happen to Russia in that case? 🙂 We must accept ourselves as we are, but remain self-critical so that there is always room for self-improvement! Good luck to everyone, good, peace and warmth!
With uv., Miroslav

Miroslava 05/15/2016
called grandmother)) Very grateful for it, really! It is very rare, now you call “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” It’s very rare, you’ll call “Aaaashaaaa” and turn around 20 Mash, and you will call “Mirooosaya” and op, and I’m so alone))))) The character completely agrees! True, she was an excellent student at school, but argued with teachers, parents were called to school more than once. Personality I'm bright enough, but a homebody! Strongly stubborn, lively)) But I will never be wasted;) Parents are absolutely calm for me. At the expense of my career, I’m the chief editor of a popular magazine, so judge for yourself! Call daughters Miroslava at school, kindergarten no one ever nicknamed in any way, they can’t find a rhyme, and they won’t! In general, I love my name in an original, sophisticated, exquisite way)


Watch the video: Significado Nombre MIROSLAV MIROSLAV Name Meaning (June 2024).