A plate of whole cereal porridge protects against chronic diseases


Scientists studying antioxidants are confident that whole-grain products should be given more attention, since only one morning porridge plate reliably protects against heart disease and diabetes. Professor Stefan Lilloia (Illawarra Research Institute) conducted an analysis of 11 studies on the use of whole-grain products.

Reports on hundreds of respondents, whose data was recorded for almost ten years, were studied. As it turned out, people who consumed about 40 grams of grain were more protected than others from chronic diseases. For comparison: a large plate of porridge contains about 45 grams of whole grains.

Meanwhile, almost 80% of people do not consider it necessary to use whole grains in sufficient quantities, not suspecting that the effect is directly related to the quantity. The most important thing is that it is absolutely impossible to delete the bran and germ (the bran contains substances necessary for the growth of the grain). Otherwise, the nutritional value of food is significantly reduced.

The content of fiber, which is of great benefit to the intestine, will also decrease. It does not contain vitamins and nutrient compounds, however, it significantly lowers cholesterol. Due to the positive effect on the processes of digestion, cellulose protects the body from the formation of intestinal tumors. Scientists do not get tired to remind: aleuron, which is located in grains, is extremely rich in minerals, proteins and vitamins of different groups, as well as ferulic acid, which is known for its antioxidant properties and anti-tumor effect.


Watch the video: Dr. Michael Greger: "How Not To Die". Talks at Google (July 2024).