Why dream of childbirth (dreams that she gave birth)


Why dream about childbirth - according to Miller’s dream book

Own birth is a good messenger. The meaning of sleep is to update, resolve conflicts, your life will soon get better, because a black stripe always follows a white one! Also, such a dream can portend an early pregnancy. A young unmarried girl who sees the birth of a child in a dream should think about her reputation, perhaps she leads a too loose lifestyle. If a man watches over childbirth, it means that in reality he subconsciously fears responsibility.

Why dream about childbirth - according to Vanga’s dream book

This process personifies the most important changes, gaining freedom, resolving disputes. Seeing the pain of the woman in labor - to trouble if she gave birth safely - they will recede if the child or mother died is a bad sign that promises a disaster for humanity. Easy delivery means that you can easily cope with any business. If a child is born with you, then you are given a chance to start life from scratch. The dream advises to reconsider life positions, values ​​and reflect on your mission.

Why dream of childbirth - according to Freud's dream book

Taking birth is for the upcoming meeting with a life partner. It will suit you in all respects, including full sexual compatibility is expected. Taking birth with you is a sign of imminent conception. If a man is nearby and holds your hand at this moment - you can be completely confident in him - he is a support, a strong wall; if he stands far away and observes the process, it means that most likely he has a love affair on the side, and at this stage he is not ready to become a father. The death of a newborn indicates the infertility of one of the potential parents, fortunately, reversible.

Why dream of childbirth - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

For a married childbirth - this is a prophetic dream. To a virgin, a dream prophesies a quick loss of innocence. If a young virgin gives birth to a snake - a dream speaks of the coming of the Antichrist, and bad times will soon come. The dream also has the same meaning, where you remove the umbilical cord from the womb of a huge she-wolf. Many women in labor see - to the salvation of mankind. If a man sees the process of the birth of a new life, then he will have to learn something new, to make the most important discoveries in life.

Why dream about childbirth - according to Loff's dream book

The birth of a baby is one of the most important events in a woman’s life; it has ritual significance in different peoples of the world. According to Loff, a woman, seeing childbirth in a dream, either desires it with all her heart, or tries to avoid motherhood, fearing the process, or simply there is an unwillingness to have children for any reason. As a rule, a thought that constantly circulates in the subconscious spills out in the form of symbolic images in dreams. The same should be said about the strong half of humanity - thoughts are reflected in dreams.

Why dream of childbirth - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

- for a girl - a happy family in the future;
- for a man to attend the process - overcoming fears;
If in a dream a woman gives birth to a monster or a terrible animal - expect trouble. This symbol of a devouring disease from within. Take birth in an animal - for a gift or a happy meeting.

Why dream about childbirth - according to Hasse's dream book

To give birth in a dream means to try to realize the goals in reality. Attend childbirth - at a loss. Pregnant such a dream promises the birth of a son. Returning to one’s homeland predicts a dream for those who are away from home. For a seriously ill person, a dream about the birth of children is treated as the approach of imminent death, and for prisoners - as a symbol of imminent release.

Why dream of childbirth - according to the dream book of Meneghetti

The process of giving birth to a child is symbolized as an approach to the period when you must realize the “fruit” of your life, that is, leave your mark, do the main thing. Watch over childbirth - miss opportunities in real time. If the child was born to a man, it means that you are in the clouds, and your plans are not feasible, because ambitions are incommensurable with opportunities.

Why dream about childbirth - according to Longo's dream book

Taking birth is a tough job. Of course, the path to the goal will not be easy, but you will surely cope if childbirth in a dream passes successfully. To give birth to itself - to fulfillment of a cherished desire, the knowledge of the happiness of motherhood in reality.


Watch the video: Let's Talk About: Dreams - Babies (June 2024).