July 24: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on July 24th.


Holidays July 24

Ecuador celebrates "Simon Bolivar Day"

Simon Bolivar is one of the most active and influential fighters for the independence of South American territories from Spanish oppression. He stood at the head of the liberation movement. Under his leadership, such Spanish colonies as Colombia and Panama (formerly New Granada), Ecuador (Quito), Venezuela became independent states. Created on the territory of these countries the free state of Great Colombia, and became its first president. A little later, in 1824, they liberated the territory of Peru from the Spaniards. In its upper part, a new state was formed - Bolivia, named after him. The goal of Simon Bolivar was to transform the Spanish colonies throughout South America into free regions, and to create a single state - the United States of America. Why did he need to become the sole leader of the liberation movement. But, besides him, there were many such hero-liberators. One of the most famous is Jose San Martin, who waged a war of liberation in Chile and Argentina. After defeating the Spaniards, the two leaders met in Guayaquil, Ecuador's largest city, to agree on further action. After negotiations, the two leaders reached a mutual agreement: San Martin left for France, and Bolivar remained in South America to continue the liberation struggle.

July 24, on the birthday of Simon Bolivar, Ecuadorians take to the streets of the city to commemorate the chief leader of the liberation movement, and to celebrate the independence of their state. They leisurely stroll along the elegantly decorated streets, listen to music, participate in recreational activities. Residents of Guayaquil necessarily come to the embankment, to the monument to the heroes-liberators.

July 24th in the folk calendar

Olga Stradnitsa

On July 24, the church commemorates the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga. We can say that she stood at the origins of the baptism of Russia. In 954g. Princess Olga went on a visit to Constantinople, where she was struck by the grandeur of church churches, icons and shrines in them. Having communicated with the clergy, she became convinced of the righteousness of the Orthodox faith, and was baptized. Returning to her homeland, she began to erect Christian churches and bring the teachings of Christ to the Rus, who were pagans in those days. Through her prayers and efforts, many peasants and noble townspeople began to convert to the Orthodox faith. After the death of the princess, her grandson, Vladimir, became the continuation of her work, during which the final baptism of Russia took place.

In the national calendar, this day is marked as the Sufferer, because he fell on the strad - the very hot harvest time. Even old people were attracted to work in the fields; any working hands were worth its weight in gold in order to catch bread on time. Thunderstorms often occurred at this time, so the peasants prayed to St. Olga for the granting of dry and clear weather for the time of grain harvesting.

Historical events of July 24

July 24, 1938 instant coffee was invented

The first instant coffee samples were obtained back in 1901. American chemist Satori Kato. In fact, he was the first to invent the concentrate of this drink. But all over the world it is considered to be the date of the invention of instant coffee - July 24, 1938. It was on this day that jars and bags of instant coffee first hit the mass market. It was a joint and successful collaboration between Nestle and foreign trade organizations of Brazil, which sold surplus coffee to the side. The drink was easy to use. At first, the Americans really liked him, and then became widespread around the world.

July 24, 1990 in the Soviet Union, the restriction on the sale of alcoholic beverages, the so-called "dry law", was completely lifted

Gorbachev’s "dry law", aka the notorious Decree "On the fight against alcoholism", was introduced in the USSR in 1985. Most of the shops selling wine and vodka products were closed. At the remaining points, strong drinks were sold strictly at a limited time - from 14 to 19 hours. Those wishing to shop had to defend huge lines. Vodka and wine production fell by more than ten times; vineyards were cut down throughout the country. A sober way of life was promoted in the country, “non-alcoholic” weddings were in fashion, when instead of alcohol there was lemonade and mineral water on the tables. No matter how the simple people scolded the government for such unpopular innovations, the average life expectancy of men in the Soviet Union over these five years increased by two and a half years, and amounted to about 63 years. Crime has decreased in the country, but mortality from poisoning has increased, which led to the use of alcohol-containing cosmetic and chemical preparations by irresponsible citizens. Consumer dissatisfaction and the aggravation of the economic crisis in the country forced the government to repeal the current Decree and stop the anti-alcohol campaign.

July 24, 1993 it was officially announced that a new currency, the Russian ruble, was put into circulation on the territory of Russia

The monetary reform was launched with the aim of withdrawing old-style banknotes, combating inflation and separating the monetary systems of the Russian Federation from the CIS countries, where old rubles were still in use. The exchange of old bank signs for new ones was carried out within two weeks - from July 26 to August 7. Only a certain amount of cash could be exchanged. There were huge queues at the ticket office, money was changed upon presentation of a passport, in which they made a mark in order to avoid a second exchange. The monetary reform took place during the hottest holiday season, when many citizens rested away from the place of registration. Therefore, they could not exchange their cash savings, and they simply disappeared, turning into pieces of paper.

Born on July 24

Alexander Dumas father (1802 - 1870), French writer

The writer began his literary career at the age of 23, and at 27 he came to his first success. Dumas father is perhaps the most famous French writer in the world. His adventure works have been read out by more than one generation of readers. His Three Musketeers, Countess de Monsoro, Iron Mask, Count of Monte Cristo, and many others, are familiar to almost anyone who can read. The characters of many heroes of his novels, as if borrowed from Dumas himself, who were distinguished by kindness, generosity, courage and nobility. The writer's books have been translated into all popular languages ​​of the world, many works have been made into films.

Jennifer Lopez (born 1969), American singer, actress

Jennifer from five years old began to attend dance classes, a little later took up vocals. From childhood, the girl had a lively character, which helped her to achieve success, and to feel confident in new teams. Parents wanted to see their daughter as a lawyer, but Jennifer had long decided that she would become a singer. Her career began with a dancer. First, with little-known performers, then with famous stars. Since the beginning of the 90s She began acting in small roles in TV shows, and in 1999. went on stage as a singer. Today, Jennifer is a successful and highly paid actress, producer, fashion designer, singer. She is the owner of many awards, nominations, figurines, prestigious awards. Her name is immortalized in Hollywood on the stellar Walk of Fame.

Name day July 24

Name Day Celebrate: Arkady, Olga, Efimia, Elena


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).