The simplest diet: features of building a diet for effective weight loss. An approximate menu of the simplest diets


Absolutely every woman dreams of having a beautiful, slim and elastic body.

It has long been proven that the simplest diet is not built on fasting, but on counting calories and observing nutritional rules.

If you correctly paint your diet and exclude harmful products with high energy value from it, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also extend the youth of your body and body.

General principles and rules of nutrition on the simplest diet

Even the most effective diet will not give the desired result if you do not follow the basic rules of building your daily diet.

1. It is strictly forbidden to eat a few hours before going to bed. At night, the body rests, which means that the stomach will not be able to process food and everything will be deposited in excess weight. At first it will be difficult to unlearn the habit, so with an insatiable hunger you can drink a glass of kefir fat content of 1%. He will not harm the figure and give satiety.

2. If a woman has chosen a diet for herself, you must strictly follow the rules of the presented diet and do not eat prohibited foods, otherwise there will be no result.

3. It is important to learn a sense of proportion. Very often a person eats much more than he really needs.

4. It is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of salt consumed. It will be useful for every person. Its excesses cause swelling and lead to weight gain. Products already contain salt, so there is no additional need for seasoning.

5. You need to learn how to use only products with a natural composition in cooking. All dyes and other nutritional supplements are empty calories. In addition, they are deposited in the body over time and can lead to serious diseases.

Allowed and Prohibited Products

The simplest diet involves the rejection of food that is useless to humans. It is important to properly build your diet, include more healthy foods in it and eliminate “empty” calories. Following this rule, you can cleanse of toxins and toxins, overweight.

The most useful and harmless products for the body:

• buckwheat;

• oatmeal;

• chicken eggs (2-3 per week);

• seasonal fruits and vegetables;

• cauliflower and broccoli;

• meat of chicken, rabbit, turkey, lean beef;

• low-fat varieties of fish;

• rice;

• lentils, peas.

Unwanted foods:

• White bread;

• milk chocolate;

• canned food and pickles;

• semi-finished products.

Of course, protecting yourself from everything is almost impossible. To make it easier to switch to a healthy diet, the simplest diet involves replacing some foods with more wholesome ones.

1. If a person is used to drinking sweet tea, instead of sugar, it is allowed to add a small amount of honey.

2. Instead of white bread, a piece of black is allowed - it is healthier and does not harm the figure.

3. There are no vitamins in canned foods. It is very simple to cook a liver pate at home to eat it for breakfast.

4. Semi-finished products - this is a huge "bag" with carcinogens and empty calories. The use of frozen cutlets, ravioli and other similar products leads to immediate weight gain. Why ruin your stomach and buy all this if you can cook at home with natural ingredients?

5. Most women are very fond of sweets. Instead of cakes and milk chocolate, you can eat a slice of black - its energy value is less and in small quantities it is even useful.

6. To refuse the use of alcohol is completely beyond the power of everyone. You can replace beer or other drinks with a glass of wine at dinner. It is known that red wine in a small amount has a positive effect on health.

The simplest diet from Tim Ferris without counting calories

Tim Ferris has been called the "productivity guru." He proposed several principles for building a daily diet that will forget about the constant calculation of calories and weighing portions of dishes. Following his rules, absolutely everyone can get rid of excess weight. This will happen gradually and kilograms will never come back.

Tim Ferris Nutrition Principles

1. You need to get used to the monotony. For example, select your favorite 3-4 main dishes and cook them constantly (in turn). You can only change the side dish.

2. One of the most stringent rules of the principle of building a Tim Ferris diet is a complete rejection of white carbohydrates. This includes sugar, flour products, pasta, rice, potatoes.

3. It is best to cook vegetables for a side dish to the main course. They have many vitamins, they improve metabolism and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. The main course should preferably be prepared with their chicken, lean fish or poultry.

4. Sweet and carbonated drinks are liquid calories that are instantly deposited in the form of body fat. It is also recommended to limit yourself to the use of store juices and milk.

5. The author of the diet is recommended to abandon the fruit in large quantities, which is a bit strange. You should be especially careful with those fruits that are sold in stores, as they are treated with special substances to extend their shelf life. If there is a desire to eat fruit, it is better to give preference to seasonal ones and purchase them in proven places.

6. It is imperative to make a break for yourself when you can eat absolutely everything.

The principle of weight loss "for the lazy"

Losing weight on water is the easiest diet with a minimum of rules. It will be an ideal solution for those who do not have the desire and ability to adhere to the strict rules of the daily menu.

Diet attracts attention with the fact that it is as affordable and simple as possible. A person will not need to limit himself in food, and give up his favorite foods. There are no bans. The most important thing is to learn how to drink water correctly.

The principles of weight loss on the water

1. You do not need to limit yourself to food - you are allowed to continue to eat your favorite dishes.

2. It is strictly forbidden to drink for two hours after eating and with food. This strongly “loads” the stomach, it will work more slowly and will not be able to effectively digest its contents.

3. The most important rule is to drink two glasses of plain water before meals for 15-20 minutes. Such a small “secret” will fill the stomach and prevent a person from eating too much.

When two hours pass after eating, you can drink a mug of green tea with a slice of lemon or, for example, coffee. It is also important to understand that you need to drink two glasses of water even before a person simply decides to have a snack with candy. This is not easy, but the result will be excellent. Reviews of women who tried the simplest diet on the water prove that two weeks of following the rules of building a diet lead to a loss of 6 to 8 kg.

The simplest mono diet

Another simplest diet is based on the principle of consuming a single product during the day. It is also important to remember that drinking regimen. The amount of water drunk during the day is 2-2.5 liters. Green tea and a rosehip decoction without sweeteners are allowed.

Sample menu

1. Day 1 - eat only eggs. Both chicken and quail are allowed.

2. Day 2 - only boiled fish of low-fat variety is allowed.

3. Day 3 - on the cottage cheese. To eat it was more pleasant, you can add a little sour cream or honey to it.

4. Day 4 - boiled chicken.

5. Day 5 - boiled potatoes in their uniforms.

6. Day 6 - boiled beef meat.

7. Day 7 - any fresh vegetables, excluding potatoes.

8. Day 8 - any fruit, excluding grapes and bananas (they are very high-calorie).

9. Day 9 - unloading on kefir with a fat content of 1%.

10. Day 10 - unloading at the broth of wild rose.

On days 1 to 7, products are allowed to be changed; only 8-10 days remain unchanged. The main weight reduction is designed specifically for them. For 10 days of such a diet, you can easily get rid of 5-7 kg, while the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins.

The easiest diet: losing weight naturally

The simplest diet and the most effective is one that implies natural weight loss, without the introduction of specific prohibitions and restrictions. Compliance with the principles of healthy nutrition will allow you to find the desired figure, cleanse and improve the body.

Simple principles that lead to natural weight loss

1. To exclude food with chemical dyes and harmful preservatives from your daily menu.

2. Try not to eat after 18-00.

3. Do not skip breakfast.

4. Eat at least 4 times a day in small portions.

Important points of catering

You need to know several important points in organizing your menu in order to achieve a better result.

1. Sports. Without it, you can lose weight, but overweight can go back or just saggy skin will remain, which is not very beautiful. It is recommended that you charge at least 15 minutes in the morning. This is not so much, but very useful.

2. Even the simplest diet can deplete the body a little. For this reason, it is recommended to additionally take vitamin complexes, which are sold in any pharmacy.

3. During the day, it is important to drink at least 2 liters of water.

Each person chooses his simplest diet, based on the characteristics of the rhythm of life. The main thing is to understand that losing weight is not difficult if you really want to. Positive motivation and the correct organization of the daily diet will allow you to find a slender and toned body, which a woman always dreamed of.


Watch the video: What I Eat in a Day Full Day of Eating - Simple Vegan Recipes (June 2024).