How many eggs can be eaten per day without harm to health. How much is recommended to eat chicken and quail eggs per week


Chicken eggs are a unique product that has many useful properties and contains a huge amount of substances useful for the human body.

But at the same time, almost everyone knows the fact that eating eggs in large quantities can harm the body.

So what is the daily and weekly intake of chicken eggs, and do quail eggs have similar properties?

How many eggs can you eat per day without risk to your health

Eggs are included in the diet of almost every modern person. People eat poultry eggs for many centuries, and not only chickens - eggs of quail, geese, ducks and some other species of birds are also suitable. At the same time, it is not necessary to boil or fry them, they are quite suitable for raw consumption. Eggs of domestic chickens are considered the most popular because they have excellent taste and quickly quench your appetite.

Useful properties of eggs

A chicken egg consists of yolk, protein and shell. Each of these elements has its own unique properties and benefits. Even the shell, which is usually thrown away, contains such useful trace elements as calcium, iron and phosphorus, therefore, some nutritionists are recommended to eat in powdered form.

100 grams of this product contains about 150 kcal, 12-15 g of protein, 10-12 g of carbohydrates, as well as water. Chicken eggs contain such beneficial substances as lecithins, iron, amino acids, choline, vitamins of groups B, E, D and K. During heat treatment, the ratio of these substances changes, but boiled eggs are better absorbed by the body than raw ones.

Harmful properties of eggs

The main danger that a chicken egg hides in itself is cholesterol. One egg contains an average of 180-200 mg of cholesterol, which is slightly more than half the daily allowance for an adult. An increase in the level of this substance in the blood can lead to serious diseases such as diabetes mellitus, and stroke, diseases of the kidneys and pancreas, and also contributes to the formation of excess weight.

The main danger of cholesterol is that the consequences of increasing its level do not appear immediately. Therefore, eating even a dozen eggs a day, a person will not feel any signs of malaise. With constant excessive use of eggs for food, cholesterol will accumulate gradually in the form of plaques and only after a while you can notice the consequences harmful to the body. It should also be borne in mind that cholesterol is much lower in egg protein than in protein. Therefore, when eating only egg white, the damage to the body is much less.

And yet, how many eggs can you eat per day without fear for your health? According to the results of medical research, eating 2-3 medium eggs per day in 70% of cases does not lead to an increase in cholesterol. In the remaining 30% of cases, there is only a slight increase, which does not have significant changes in the body.

Not all eggs are the same

In addition to cholesterol, chicken eggs have another unpleasant property - they can accumulate in themselves harmful substances obtained from outside the chicken. It can be both dangerous intestinal bacteria, such as salmonella, and harmful substances that can be contained in special bird feed. Therefore, eggs of domestic chickens are considered more useful, since poultry grown at home spends more time outdoors and eats natural feeds.

How many eggs can I eat per week

It should be understood that the rate of egg consumption depends not only on the properties of the eggs themselves, but also on the age, state of human health and physical activity. For example, for people with a sedentary lifestyle, who are overweight and have diabetes, the use of eggs should be minimized.

How many eggs can an adult eat per week?

For an adult healthy person receiving moderate exercise, the rate of egg consumption is 3-5 pieces per week. Moreover, if you eat only proteins that contain less cholesterol than yolks, one egg can be replaced with 3-4 proteins without risk to health.

How many eggs can a child eat per week?

Eggs belong to those products that can cause an allergy in a child. Therefore, they should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting from one year and only in the form of proteins. If the boiled protein does not cause an allergy, you can start to give the yolk. For a small child, 1-2 chicken eggs per week are the norm.

How many eggs can an athlete eat per week?

The athlete's body experiences more physical exertion, therefore, needs more protein. Therefore, for people involved in power sports, the egg consumption rate is increased and can be up to 10-15 pieces per week.

How much can you eat quail eggs per day

Quail eggs are similar in composition to chicken, although there are some differences. First of all, they differ in size and weight, which is only 10-15 grams. In addition to the content of a large number of useful substances, including iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, amino acids and vitamins of groups A, B and PP, quail eggs differ from chicken eggs in excellent taste and healing qualities. Due to this, they are recommended to be consumed in raw form. Quail eggs are recognized as a good tool in the fight against diseases of the digestive system, anemia and anemia, and are excellent for preventive purposes.

Like chicken eggs, quail eggs contain cholesterol. In addition, their shell is thinner, therefore, the risk of penetration of dangerous bacteria into the egg is quite high.

How much can you eat quail eggs per day?

• Children from 1 to 3 years: 2 quail eggs.

• Children from 3 to 10 years: 3 eggs.

• Adolescents: 4 eggs.

• Adults: no more than 6 eggs.

• For older people: no more than 4 eggs.


Watch the video: The Egg Diet: Does It Work? UCLA Center for Clinical Nutrition (June 2024).