What attracts and what discourages men and women


An obstacle to a happy and long relationship for the stronger sex can be the hair on a woman's face. Women are most often scared away by an unpleasant odor from a man. Religious and ethnic affiliation people attach less importance than the smell and appearance of a partner. This is evidenced by a survey conducted by American sociologists.

The vast majority of women said that for them the unpleasant smell from a partner is a good reason to put an end to a romantic relationship. Therefore, when a lady says: “He won me with his aroma” or “I fell in love with his smell” - she does not dissemble. This is a natural feature of female perception, and not a primitive attitude to choosing a partner. Men, in turn, reported that the antennae on their pretty lady's face scare them away. In addition, nearly half of Americans (53%) said they accept online dating. 56% of respondents said they trust the recommendations found on the Internet more than the opinions of friends and relatives.

Answering a question about sex at the first romantic date, 57% of the stronger sex reported that they would willingly go for a second rendezvous with the lady if sexual contact occurred on the first. It is noteworthy that this point of view is shared only by 28% of women surveyed. 85% of women are neutral about the partner’s ethnicity, 80% said they did not see anything reprehensible in the novel with a follower of another religion.


Watch the video: Why? Distracted Women Discourages Men - Dr Myles Munroe. Bishop TD Jakes (July 2024).