How to conceive a child. Is it possible to conceive a girl or boy at will?


It seems at first glance that conceive a child - a simple matter. How many jokes and jokes exist on this score. But, in fact, far from always attempts result in fertilization and pregnancy. First of all, before conceiving a child, it is necessary to give up smoking and other bad habits for both parents. You should switch to a healthy diet, do not eat foods with GMOs, food additives, exclude fast food. To improve the health of the body, it is recommended to take vitamins with minerals and trace elements.

If the couple has an active sex life, and pregnancy does not occur, a woman should make sure that she is ovulating. Ovulation is the exit from the ovarian follicle of a healthy, mature egg, which is ready for fertilization. Egg viability is short-lived, only 24 hours, a little more sperm - up to 3 days. Therefore, if a couple has a question - how to conceive a child, it is necessary to adjust the rhythm of sexual activity so that contact occurs at least one out of three days before ovulation, on the day of ovulation, or the day after it. Ovulation occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle, if its duration is 28-30 days. If the cycle is longer or shorter, the egg cell output may be later or earlier. Therefore, to track the exact date of ovulation, it is convenient to keep a basal temperature graph, use home tests to determine ovulation, or refer to other methods.

Often, a couple is interested in how to conceive a child the first time. There is no one exact answer to this question. The result consists of many factors, one of which is the age of partners, especially women. It is faster for young girls to get pregnant, so gynecologists advise not to delay the time allotted by nature for the birth of a child. Because a woman after 35-40 years old will have one more thing added to the question of how to conceive a child - how to endure a pregnancy. Firstly, the number of ovulations at this age is reduced to 6-8 per year, and secondly, more and more new sores are detected that pass into the chronic stage.

How to conceive a child with an irregular cycle?

It is quite difficult to plan a pregnancy with an irregular cycle or problems with hormones, because in addition to the need to control the arrival of ovulation, you also need to monitor your health. At the stage of pregnancy planning, every woman needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and maintain hormonal balance. The Time Factor complex helps to establish the production and natural ratio of progesterones and estrogen in the body. The biologically active substances in the complex will help not only to alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, but also to normalize the cycle, and, accordingly, make it possible to identify days suitable for conception.

Pregnancy is stress and stress for the body, it can provoke an exacerbation of these diseases, and the body, to free itself from such pressure, can reject pregnancy, i.e. a miscarriage will occur. Therefore, it is better to plan the birth of the first child for a woman up to 30 years. Nature has allowed men time to become a father, a little more. But with age, especially after 45 years, the quality of seminal fluid decreases, the formation of healthy sperm cells decreases, and their activity goes out. Therefore, doctors advise, before conceiving a child, men after 40 years of age should first make a spermogram.

How to conceive a girl

This information may be useful to those couples who dream about the birth of a daughter. About a little girl dressed in airy dresses with ruffles and a coquettishly tied bow on her head, who will run around the house and laugh loudly, or, sitting with her father or mother in her arms, cute twitter. And when he grows up, he will become the first mother's assistant. There are other cases when certain circumstances force the birth of a girl. For example, to avoid any hereditary disease that is transmitted to the genus only through men. According to statistics, about 106 boys are born per 100 girls. Therefore, one should not expect mercy from nature; one will have to act independently. Therefore, in the question of how to conceive a girl, any advice and recommendations from both doctors and ordinary people will not be superfluous.

1. IVF procedure.

This is perhaps the only way that gives a 100% result of conception of a child of a certain gender. Fertilization takes place artificially, in a special bowl with a certain temperature, where pre-selected sperm and eggs are placed. After about a week, several embryos will mature in this “incubator”. The gender of the unborn child is formed at the time of fertilization, i.e. already at the stage of embryonic development, it will not be difficult to identify boys and girls. Thus, having only female embryos planted in the uterus, you can be sure that in nine months the long-awaited daughter will be born. But not so simple. Eco procedure is not an attraction or entertainment, it will not be done by everyone, based solely on the wishes of future parents. It is shown only to those couples who have been suffering from infertility for more than one year and who cannot conceive a child on their own. Or in cases where there are genetic abnormalities in the genus along the female or male line. Other methods do not give one hundred percent result, however, they have the right to exist.

2. How to conceive a girl by ovulation.

It was noted that male sperm carrying the Y-sex chromosome, responsible for the birth of a boy, are faster and faster than the X-chromosomes. And during ejaculation, during sexual intercourse, it is the spermatozoa with the Y chromosome that get to the egg much faster. But sperm with the X chromosome responsible for the birth of a girl are more tenacious. Therefore, in order to conceive a girl, it is necessary to have sexual contact two to three days before the onset of ovulation. By this point, most Y-sperm will die without waiting for the egg to exit, and X-sperm will have a much greater chance of fertilization. This method is good if a woman has a stable cycle, and she knows on what day ovulation will occur. Ovulation can be calculated using special tests, ultrasound monitoring, maintaining a basal chart.

3. How to conceive a girl according to the ancient Chinese table.

This method of sex planning is quite well-known, a wide range of expectant mothers uses such a table. It can be used to determine both the sex of the child in the womb and plan the birth of future children of a certain gender. Those who used this method noted a rather high percentage of hits to the point (up to 70%). If you already have children, you can check on them whether the gender promised by the ancient Chinese sages coincided. They argue that a woman, at any age, in certain months can both conceive a girl and a boy (of course, a childbearing period is implied). According to their own calculations, known only to them, the eastern sages compiled a table, which is very simple to use. The leftmost column shows the age of the mother at the time of conception, and in the upper row - the months of conception. At the intersection of lines with these indicators will be the word "boy" or "girl". Thus, for example, using the table, it is clear that if the mother is 19 years old, then the probability of having a daughter increases in such months as February, April, October, December. At 30, the best months for conception of a girl are from February to October, etc.

4. How to conceive a girl according to popular beliefs.

Although this method does not give a high percentage of coincidences, it is impossible to ignore it, because it has been accumulating for centuries. So, what noticed popular observations and signs will tell you how to conceive a girl:
- in women older than 30 years, daughters are more likely to be born, especially if this is the first-born;
- it is better to conceive a girl in the rain, and in winter - during a snowfall;
- Wednesday, Friday and Sunday - the most suitable days for conception of daughters;
- under the mattress of the bed you need to put several items of women's accessories - a mirror, comb, powder box;
- it is necessary to add the age of the mother and the serial number of the month of conception (January - the first, February - the second, March - the third, etc.). If the sum turns out to be an even number, a girl will be born.

5. Special diet for conception of girls.

If you dream of a daughter, then at least two months before conception, you should eat certain foods. As practice shows, this increases the chance to get the coveted result. It is necessary to eat foods rich in magnesium and calcium.
Also recommended:
- milk, sour cream, cottage cheese;
- natural fish and meat;
-bearless bakery products;
- semolina, rice;
- quince, pineapple, watermelon, grapefruits, strawberries, lemons, raspberries, mangoes, apples;
- carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, beets, asparagus, green peas, bell peppers, greens, potatoes, eggplant, green beans and beans, eggs;
- nuts, honey, sugar, jam.

Not recommended:
- cheeses, ice cream, margarine;
- sausages, smoked meats, salted fish, lard, canned food (including vegetables), fried potatoes;
- corn grits;
- oranges, apricots, bananas, melon, plums, currants, peaches;
- soda, yeast, spicy sauce.

How to conceive a boy

If you dream of a smart little boy, you are ready for military battles to occur around you, to drive cars, rush trains by rail, and the future father has already bought fishing rods and a soccer ball, then you probably care about how to conceive a boy. As in the case of girls, the sure-fire method is artificial insemination using IVF. But not everyone conducts it, and pleasure is not entirely cheap, so other methods will have to be taken into account.

1. How to conceive a boy by ovulation.

Using the principle of speed of Y-sperm and slowness, but survivability of X-sperm, choose the most successful day. In order to conceive a boy, it is necessary to have sexual contact on the day of ovulation, then there are great chances that the Y-sperm cells will overtake their slow counterparts and fertilize the egg of the "boy" chromosome.

2. How to conceive a boy by blood type.

Using the ability to renew blood in the human body, you can plan the birth of a son. It is known that the cycles of blood renewal are different for men and women: for men, they update every four years, and for women three. Therefore, whose blood - the mother or father will be younger, i.e. later updated, that gender will be a child. Therefore, in order to conceive a boy, it is necessary to wait for the period of blood renewal in the future father. If one of the parents had recent large blood loss (blood transfusion, blood donation, in women - childbirth), then the calculation must be done from the date of blood loss.

3. How to conceive a boy using the research of scientists.

The issue of conceiving a child of a certain gender is facing parents and scientists not only of Russia, but of the whole world, so it will not be out of place to listen to the observations of scientists from other countries. Here are some of them that have noticed:

- Japanese scientists have recorded the fact that smoking during the planning of pregnancy of at least one of the parents reduces the likelihood of conception of a boy. And if both parents smoke, this probability decreases by a third. Therefore, future mothers and fathers who dream of a son should give up smoking, and the body will be more useful;

- Italian scientists, observing 10 thousand pregnant women, came to the conclusion that thin women give birth most often to girls, and larger mothers - boys;

- German scientists established that during wars, repressions, unstable socio-political situations in the country, fewer boys are born than in calm, stable times. There is no scientific exact explanation for this observation, but scientists attribute it to the stamina of the “girl” X-sperm, which is more tenacious than the Y-sperm. Therefore, the first advice on the question - how to conceive a boy, is recommended for a married couple to provide emotional peace during the planning period.


Alina 10/24/2016
Do you want a boy or a girl? Cosmobiological method of conception. From the course »The long-awaited baby. How to choose the sex of the unborn baby and the time of conception "You will learn how to conceive a boy, how to conceive a girl, and how to conceive a healthy child. //

Elisa 03/28/2016
We performed an IVF procedure, we wanted a girl. Now I am pregnant, and I will have two! girls. I'm the happiest person in the world!!!

Vetrova 03/28/2016
We were counting on a girl updating blood. Everything worked out. True, my husband was skeptical, but I managed to convince him to make love on certain days.

Elena 03/28/2016
I do not know how snowfall and rain affect the sex of the unborn child, but by ovulation I think it is quite possible to conceive the desired gender of the baby. This is how our son appeared, and we already have a daughter.

Larisa 03/28/2016
My husband wanted the boy so much that he just tortured me. We followed all the rules to conceive a son, and a daughter was born. You should have seen how he loves her, shakes over her, calls her Princess. She even gets up at night!


Watch the video: Fertilization Conception (June 2024).