Why dream of a fish - a fish in a dream that means


In the dream book every little thing matters. Today we offer to make out the version of dreams about fish. In the course of the proposed material we will find out why she dreams of a man or a woman, including a pregnant woman.

Let us examine the question in various interpretations, for example, what does it mean if in a dream to catch it with a bait, and also what is the interpretation of its various types: fried, dried, live or smoked.

What dreams of a fish woman and man

If a dream dreamed a fish, then the final meaning of sleep can have many interpretations, ranging from material well-being and ending with the separation from your loved one.

Here, much depends on the circumstances in which she dreamed and on who exactly she dreams of: a young girl, a mature man or a pregnant woman. To understand what a particular dream means it is necessary to look into the dream book and see the interpretation taking into account all the circumstances and even actions.

Fried and smoked fish which means in a dream

General data from the dream book argue that smoked or fried fish - a harbinger of any benefits that can be obtained through their work.

However, there are some nuances: the breed is important, for example, predatory or red (perch, bream, pike, etc.) speaks about the manifestation of competitors who will have to fight in the near future.

  • For a man such a dream means a close relationship with the cunning seductress.
  • If she dreams of a woman it is a sign to be pregnant soon.
  • If he dreams young girl, the dream gives hope for a profitable marriage.

Fish live and dead value

  • If dreaming a fish a woman living in the water - This is the possibility of a quick and prosperous marriage.
  • If a fresh fish dreamed a man - soon he will be able to improve his well-being.
  • If this girl dreams - this portends a new acquaintance, but if a stranger caught her - to be her pregnant.
  • Dead the carcass is dreaming of an ambulance, but if you catch a rotten fish, it is money.

What dreamed big fish

  • If a see many many fish in a dream - we should expect the upcoming troubles, if we also see it Headless - expect mental anxieties and various doubts.
  • If dreaming salty carcass - it portends deception, and if a man dream he's going to her catch - to profit.
  • Interpretation in the dream book of such dreams for woman foreshadows a gift of fate and success in business in the near future.

To dream of dried and dried fish

If dreamed dried or dried a fish a man - we should expect a suspension in business.

If she dreams woman or young girl The interpretation of the dream book promises increased labor in the near future - nothing will be given just like that, you will have to exert maximum efforts to achieve your goals.

Why dream of fishing

The interpretation of fishing in the dream book promises speedy well-being. But still for men and women, it foreshadows various benefits: fishing a man according to the dream book, it makes it clear that it’s time to get some rest, the lack of a bite means a frustration.

Interpretation for woman means that she will soon be pregnant, but if a girl dreamed that she was going to catch her, soon she would marry successfully.

Catching a fish in a dream means

The interpretation of fishing may have different meanings depending on who is going to fish and how is going to do it:

  • if a dream of a manthat he is going to fish for a bait or he caught sight of fishing with his bare hands in an aquarium - to great success in business, but if the water in the river or reservoir is muddy or dirty interpretation in the dream book foreshadows the ill-wisher;
  • catch in clear water and a reservoir for a woman in the dream book means improved well-being;
  • if a girl dreamed in the dream that she is watching someone else's catch, the interpretation in the dream book foreshadows - she will soon be pregnant.

What does salted and frozen fish mean

Interpretation according to different dream books means different things, for example:

  •  According to the dream Vanga frozen carcass means ailment in the near future.
  • HaveTsvetkova the forecast is not so pessimistic - to buy it in a dream means to make a useless acquisition, and the contemplation of such fish, on the contrary means an increase in salary.
  • The most optimistic forecast gives tDreaming in Hasse - according to its creators, regardless of whether she dreamed of a man or a woman, this means a quick gift of fate, and the larger and more expensive the carcass, the richer the talent will be.


Watch the video: Dream of fish, The meaning of fish, Dream of fish (June 2024).