Apple juice for the winter at home: do not be mistaken in technology! Classic and mix versions of real apple juice for the winter


It is difficult to call apple juice from a store bag juice. It is rather a syrup with a wild sugar content and without any signs of vitamins.

You can try real juice from apples only from a jar with your own hand twisted for the winter. There is both benefit and real taste.

Experienced housewives who have mastered the wisdom of pressing, pasteurization and sterilization often brew mixed juices. Gorgeous flavor combinations have drinks from apples and pumpkins, zucchini, carrots, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, currants, grapes.

Apple juice for the winter - general principles of preparation

Suitable varieties for juiciness - winter, juicy. Good apple juice for the winter comes from varieties Semerenko, Antonovka, Anis, Grushovka. They can be mixed together: blended taste is much more interesting than a mono-drink.

Sweet apples allow you not to use sugar to make juice. For acidic varieties, granulated sugar should be put to taste. Fifty grams per liter is enough for someone, someone needs a hundred.

The generally accepted rule requires doing without boiling, that is, using the pasteurization method. This is necessary to maximize the preservation of vitamins. Squeezed juice is usually brought to the appearance of the first bubbles. This is a sure sign that the liquid has warmed up to 90-95 degrees. At this temperature, the juice is pasteurized for five minutes, and then poured into prepared warm and dry jars.

The second method involves sterilizing cans of prepared juice - this is sterilization. Ready cans with a drink will be placed on the bottom of the pot with boiling water (the bottom must first be covered with a cloth or put a wooden circle). Boiling water should reach the neck of the can. Time sterilization liter cans - fifteen minutes.

There is a third way to keep the juice for a long time. This boiling drink for fifteen minutes. Most of the vitamins, of course, die, but the drink to maintain freshness and taste for a long time.

Squeezing the apples is convenient through a special juicer or a meat grinder with a special attachment. In this case, cut the bones is not necessary. With them, the taste will turn out more tart, and the aroma will be more dense. After spinning, a dense dense foam forms on the surface. Foam covered and the surface of the juice when heated. It must be removed with a slotted spoon, avoiding subsidence.

Without squeezing, juice can be prepared in a juicer. Slices of apples are stacked in the receiver, and the output will be ready drink, suitable for bottling and storage.

The proper preparation of containers for spills is essential. Glass jars should be thoroughly washed with soda and sterilized over steam, in an oven or microwave. In the second method, the jars should be put in a cold oven, set to a temperature of 120 degrees and wait for the container to completely dry. In the microwave banks should spend no more than three minutes.

Remove heated cans with dry hands, otherwise they may burst. Covers for twisting cans should be boiled for five minutes.

Apple juice for the winter "Pasteurized"

The classic version of apple juice - delicious, fragrant, sweet and sour. If the apples are very sweet, sugar should not be put!


• five kilograms of apples;

• a pound of sugar.

Cooking method:

Wash apples, cut them into slices and squeeze using a juicer or meat grinder with a nozzle.

Pour the juice into an enamel pan, add sugar to taste, turn on medium heat.

Bring the juice to the first signs of boiling. Remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

As soon as the first bubbles appeared, turn off the fire.

Pour into warm sterilized jars, cork.

Cool under a warm blanket upside down.

Store in a cool place.

Apple juice for the winter at home "With pulp"

Tasty and healthy apple juice for the winter with pulp. It has more dietary fiber, which means more benefits to the intestines.


• one and a half kilogram of apples;

• two glasses of water;

• sugar syrup to taste (one or two glasses).

Cooking method:

Apples peel off the skins and seeds.

Cut into slices.

Put the apple slices in a large saucepan, preferably enameled, pour water.

Wait for boiling, boil for fifteen minutes.

Puree the apple pulp in a meat grinder or blender. Through the meat grinder apple base miss two times, for greater tenderness.

Mix applesauce and sugar syrup, put on the stove.

As soon as the mashed potatoes boil, mark five minutes.

Cool the mass a little and rub the mashed potatoes again. It is best to use a frequent metal sieve.

Again, bring the mass to a boil, immediately pour into warm jars and cork.

Apple juice for the winter with zucchini

Apple mixes are a wonderful and useful way to diversify a drink, giving it a different color and taste. In addition, the second ingredient gives apple juice additional benefits, and therefore much more effective in terms of recovery. The first option is an apple and zucchini.


• two kilograms of squash;

• two kilograms of apples;

• two grams of citric acid;

• a pound of sugar.

Cooking method:

Peel zucchini from coarse skins, internal fibers and seeds.

Prepare the apples, removing the skin and cutting the core.

Cut the zucchini and apples into pieces, squeeze the juice out of them.

Pour the mixture into a saucepan and put on medium heat.

In a heated liquid pour grains of citric acid, sugar.

Boil the juice for ten minutes.

Pour into sterilized jars, seal, cool.

Store in the dark and cool.

Apple juice for the winter with pumpkin

Unusual and very useful apple juice for the winter is obtained by mixing it with pumpkin juice. Orange festive color, delicate delicate taste and rich aroma make fall in love with this wonderful drink. The ratio of apples to pumpkins can be anything. The classic option is to take one part of the prepared pumpkin for one part of the prepared apples. Add sugar at your discretion.


• one and a half kilograms of apples;

• as many pumpkins;

• sugar.

Cooking method:

Juicy apples without spoiled places cut.

Peel the pumpkin and chop it too.

Squeeze the juice.

Pour apple-pumpkin fresh juice into the cooking container, put on medium heat.

Peel off the foam.

When the liquid warms up, inject sugar. If pumpkin and apples are very sweet, then additional sweetening is not required.

After boiling the juice it needs to be poured into banks, corked and completely cooled.

Rearrange to dark cool place to save.

Apple juice for the winter with pear

The most delicious, aromatic, light apple juice is obtained by mixing it with pear juice. Sugar should be added to taste or even to do without sweetening.


• one and a half kilograms of apples;

• one and a half kilograms of pears;

• sugar.

Cooking method:

Dense thick juicy apples and cut into small slices.

Process the pears the same way.

Remove crushed, spoiled parts and do not use. The core can be left.

Squeeze the juice.

Pour it into a container and bring to a boil.

Foam must be removed with a spoon or slotted spoon.

Add sugar to taste.

As soon as the juice boils, turn off the fire.

Immediately pour apple-pear drink in warm clean cans, cork, sue.

Clean in a dark, cool room.

Apple juice for the winter with black chokeberry

An excellent, tart, sweet and sour apple juice for the winter will turn out if you mix it with the juice of aronia. Very fresh, unusual and tasty!


• a liter of finished apple juice;

• liter of chokeberry juice;

• fifty grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

Boil apple juice as described above.

Rowan berries to sort and crush.

Put the pulp on the fire and warm it without boiling for fifteen minutes. The temperature of the berry mass should not be higher than seventy degrees.

For every kilogram of pulp pour an incomplete glass of boiled cool water.

Strain the juice through a gauze filter.

Warm up the juice to eighty degrees, strain again.

Mix apple and black peeled juice in equal proportions.

Add sugar, focusing on your own taste.

Put on the fire and boil for five minutes after boiling.

Immediately pour into jars and cork.

Cool and clean to save.

Apple juice for the winter with sea buckthorn

A similar method is used to make apple juice with sea buckthorn. However, the proportions of apple and sea buckthorn juice are different. It turns out fragrant, immunostimulating, tasty drink.


• liter of ready-made natural apple juice;

• a glass of sea buckthorn juice;

• fifty grams of sugar;

• water.

Cooking method:

Boil apple juice as described above.

Crush sea buckthorn with your hands (gloves), a napkin or pestle.

Put the berries in the pot, pour water at the rate of a liter per kilogram.

Warm up sea buckthorn pulp to sixty degrees, leave to cool down for three to four hours.

Strain through a gauze filter.

Mix apple and sea buckthorn juice.

Add sugar to taste.

Warm up the juice before the first bubbles boil.

Quickly pour into warm sterilized jars and cork.

Pasteurize a few minutes in boiling water, cool.

Apple juice for the winter at home "Assorted"

Unusual apple juice for the winter can be made not from one, but from several additional ingredients. Very strange at first glance, but actually a wonderful recipe for fruit and vegetable juice assortment will allow you to enjoy a delicious and aromatic drink. Cooking requires a juice cooker.


• kilogram of juicy apples;

• kilogram of hard pears;

• kilogram of ripe tomatoes;

• kilogram of mature plums;

• eight hundred grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

All components of the wash, remove the bones, the stem, cut into small pieces.

Pour all the sugar and mix.

Put the juice cookers evenly in the sink and boil an hour after the water boils in it.

Hot juice immediately poured into prepared jars.

Cover containers with lids and pasteurize, depending on the volume of the jar.

Cork and sue.

Store in a cool place.

Apple juice for the winter - tips and tricks

  • The time of pasteurization of juices depends on the volume of cans. Half a liter is enough to hold in boiling water for fifteen minutes. Liter cans or bottles are pasteurized for twenty minutes. The three-liter container is pasteurized for half an hour.
  • Instead of sugar in cooking, sugar syrup is often used in the manufacture of jam and juice. One way to get it is to dissolve two hundred grams of sugar in a glass of water.
  • To make a gauze filter, you need to fold the gauze in two or three layers. Through such a filter, particles of stones and skins do not penetrate, the juice becomes transparent.
  • For cooking juices should use enamelware. It does not emit harmful substances like stainless steel or aluminum, and retains all the vitamins.


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