Fresh cucumber pickle - the usual first course with an unusual taste. Proven recipes of pickle with fresh cucumbers


The classic version of pickle with pickles every woman knows. And how to cook such a dish with fresh cucumbers is worth thinking about.

The summer version of pickle is represented by a variety of recipes.

Fresh cucumber pickle (without barley)


• Potatoes - 3 pieces;

• Fresh cucumbers - 3 pieces of medium size;

• Onion turnip - head;

• Spices - to taste;

• Carrot - 2 pieces;

• Sugar - to taste;

• Tomatoes - 2 medium sized;

• Sweet pepper - 1 piece of small size.

The calculation is carried out on 2 liters of water. If you want to take tomato paste or sauce - take a teaspoon. Bulgarian pepper can not be used. Some do not like it: the taste is specific. Salt is added in a small amount.

Cooking method

1. Put water on the fire to boil.

2. Peel the vegetables.

3. Cut the onion and the Bulgarian pepper into half rings.

4. Carrot grate grated.

5. For frying using vegetable or butter. First you need to fry the onions. Carrots and bell peppers are added to it. Vegetables stew until half cooked.

6. Add spices and fry for a few minutes. To taste add turmeric, adjika, nutmeg, paprika.

7. Scald tomatoes with boiling water and place in cold water. Peel off. Cut into cubes. Add to vegetables and simmer for 5 minutes. Tomato paste stew for 3 minutes.

8. Chop the potatoes into thin strips.

9. Cucumbers to cut or grate on a large size.

10. Dip cucumbers in water and boil for 8 minutes.

11. Add potatoes to the soup. Boil.

12. Pour steamed vegetables and cook until tender.

13. Add sugar, salt, 2 bay leaves and boil for 2 minutes.

14. Pickle fresh cucumbers ready!

Serve the finished dish should be with sour cream and herbs. You can add a little dill, parsley and green onions. Preparing quickly. The taste is pleasant, the soup is wholesome. Enjoy your meal!

Fresh cucumber pickle (with cabbage)


• Medium-sized cucumbers - 2 pieces .;

• Fresh cabbage - 150 g;

• Potatoes - 1 tuber;

• Onions - head;

• Carrot - 1 pc .;

• Any greens - to taste;

• Lemon juice - to taste.

For meat lovers, pickle with fresh cucumbers is cooked in meat broth. As a dietary dish is prepared without salt. The taste will still be excellent. To enhance the flavor, some sugar is added.

Cooking method

1. Put water to boil or use broth.

2. Prepare vegetables. Cut into straws.

3. Put all the vegetables into the boiling water. Reduce heat. Cover the pot with a lid. Stir occasionally during cooking.

4. Salt and add some sugar. Season with lemon juice.

5. Cut fine greens and add to the plate.

6. Season with pickle sour cream.

7. Bon appetit!

Fresh cucumber pickle (nourishing)

The summer version of pickle with fresh cucumbers allows you to enjoy the exquisite taste and replenish the body with vitamins and minerals.


• Cucumbers - 3 pieces;

• Onions - 1 head medium size;

• Spices - a large number of all sorts;

• Carrot - 1 piece;

• Pearl barley - 2 tbsp. spoons;

• Potatoes - 2 tubers;

• Olive oil - 10 grams;

• Basil leaves - 3 pieces;

• Parsley, green onions, dill;

• Salt is added to taste.

Calculation on 2 liters of water. It turns out 7 servings. As seasoning any greens that you like will do.

Cooking method

1. Put a pot of water on the stove.

2. Wash and peel the vegetables.

3. Pearl barley before cooking should be wetted for at least 2.5 hours. The best option is if she manages to stand in the water all night long. Drain the water in which it was located. Rinse. Add barley to boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes.

4. Onions and carrots cut into cubes.

5. Heat the pan and add olive oil. If someone does not like this dressing, you can use sunflower oil. Cook over low heat until half cooked.

6. Gradually add spices to the pan. Desirable 4 types of different.

7. Cucumber cut into small cubes. Send to the pan. After boiling, cook for 6 minutes.

8. Add potatoes and steamed vegetables to the broth.

9. Season with salt and bay leaf in 6 minutes.

10. Chop the basil leaves into small strips and add to the pickle. After 3 minutes, remove from heat.

11. Cover the pot with a towel. Infuse the soup should 25 minutes.

12. Season with fresh herbs and sour cream before serving.

Pickle with fresh cucumbers cooked quickly. Vegetables retain useful chemical composition. The soup is tasty and very nutritious. Due to the large number of spices seems hearty. But at the same time it is easily digested and does not burden the digestive system.

Pickle fresh cucumbers in a slow cooker

The specified number of products is enough for 7-8 servings.


• Onions - 1 head;

• Cucumbers - 5 pieces;

• Potatoes - 300 g;

• Sweet or black pepper peas - 4 peas;

• Beef meat - half a kilo;

• A little vegetable oil for frying;

• Pearl barley - 100 grams.

Cooking method

1. Peel the onions and chop finely.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the multi-cooker bowl. There also put onions. Turn on frying mode for 10 minutes. Close the instrument cover.

3. Cut the meat into small pieces and add to the onion.

4. Clean the carrots and grate them. Send to the slow cooker.

5. Potatoes are cut into small cubes. It is added to the remaining ingredients 8 minutes before the end of the set time.

6. After 2 minutes add the previously washed pearl barley there.

7. Pour the vegetables with hot water in such quantity as the bowl of the multicooker allows. Close the lid tightly and continue cooking.

8. After the expiration of the set time, the device is transferred to the "quenching" mode and cooked for 1 hour.

9. Cucumbers cut into straws and add to the slow cooker after 30 minutes of stewing.

10. Together with cucumbers to throw a few bay leaves and allspice - 3 enough peas. Season with salt.

11. After the completion signal, pickle pickles are ready to eat.

12. You can add sour cream.

Rassolnik can be cooked on a regular stove, but in a slow cooker its taste will be richer, and the soup itself will be healthier. Salt is added to taste.

Fresh cucumber pickle with cucumber pickle


• Water - 2 liters;

• Onion - 1 head;

• Celery and parsley roots - one small each;

• Carrot - 1 medium;

• Potatoes - 3 tubers;

• Cucumber - 2 pcs .;

• Cabbage - 1/3 of the head of cabbage or 300 g;

• Cucumber pickle - half a glass;

• Vegetable oil - 20 grams.

Cooking method

1. Put a pot of water on the stove.

2. Prepare celery root and parsley, peel the onion. Cut the ingredients into thin straws.

3. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and add the above ingredients.

4. Cucumbers cut into slices. Put the pickle in a small saucepan and boil cucumbers in it for 7 minutes.

5. Cut the potatoes into small pieces.

6. Chop the cabbage.

7. Potatoes are placed in boiling water. Then the cabbage. After 9 minutes, add fried vegetables. After 4 minutes - cucumbers.

8. Seasoning and bay leaf are added at the end of cooking. Then salt the soup.

9. In the end - pour in the pickle of cucumbers.

To pickle with fresh cucumbers turned out to be satisfying, you can add cereal. Pearl barley, millet, oat. And you can diversify dried mushrooms. Salt and pepper is added at its discretion.

Fresh cucumber pickle (with corn)

Unusual pickle can be cooked with corn. The taste will change a little, but only for the better.


• Potatoes - 4 tubers;

• Canned corn - 100 g;

• Parsley root - 1 small;

• Cucumbers - 2 pieces;

• Onion turnip - 1 medium sized head;

• Fresh cabbage - half a piece;

• Greens (dill, parsley) - to taste;

• Carrot - 1 medium size;

• A few peas allspice.

Cooking method

1. Place the container with water on the stove for boiling.

2. Onions and parsley root cut into strips.

3. Heat the pan and pour in vegetable oil. Add onions for sautéing. Then the parsley root and at the end the carrot, grated on a coarse grater.

4. Cabbage chop and throw in boiling water.

5. Cut potatoes into cubes and send them there.

6. After 9 minutes from the moment of boiling, add cucumbers, cut into small slices and corn into the broth.

7. Add spices. A little allspice, a few bay leaves. And salt the dish for 7 minutes before the end of cooking.

8. Give a little brew.

9. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

Fresh cucumber pickle (with chicken giblets)


• Cucumbers - 4 pieces;

• Parsley root - 1 small;

• Onions - 1 head;

• Garlic - 3 cloves;

• Chicken offal - 300 grams;

• Carrot - 1 medium;

• Turnip - 50 grams;

• Rice - 1 tbsp. spoon;

• Pepper Peas;

• Dill, parsley, tarragon;

• Vegetable oil - a little for frying;

• Butter - 20 grams.

Cooking method

1. Wash the chicken offal. Cut into small pieces and send in boiling water to prepare. Cooked for 1 hour.

2. Onions, carrots and parsley root fry in vegetable oil.

3. Wash rice several times.

4. Add grits and passaged vegetables to the prepared broth.

5. Grate cucumbers or cut into strips. Put in pan after rice is cooked.

6. Add the same turnip in 7 minutes.

7. A few minutes before cooking, throw your favorite spices and bay leaf into the broth. Season with herbs and salt.

8. Boil another 4 minutes.

9. Remove from heat.

10. Season with pickle with fresh cucumbers, butter and grated garlic.

11. Serve the dish with sour cream.

The dish looks appetizing, the flavor is excellent, and the nutritional value is top notch.

These recipes for cooking pickle with fresh cucumbers do not end there. Skillful hostesses always diversify their favorite dish. You can experiment and add your own ingredients to any recipe. For example, squid, seaweed, herring or other sea fish meatballs, tomato paste and tomatoes, beans are perfect. Tasty pickle is obtained with the addition of mushrooms.

The secrets of cooking delicious pickle with fresh cucumbers

• Vegetables need to shred the same cut. If you decide to cut the cucumber into strips, then all the other ingredients should be the same shape.

• To add flavor to a vegetarian soup, you need to add more spices. So the cooked dish will be richer.

• It is better to take a cucumber of medium size, as the seeds are small enough, and they do not boil soft during cooking.

• If you are meat lovers, then cook the dish in meat broth. In this case, the first broth after boiling is better to drain. In this way you eliminate the trace elements harmful to health, and the broth will become transparent. During cooking it is necessary to remove the foam.

• Different types of seasoning should add a quarter of a teaspoon. So, your dish will be filled with aroma and refined taste, and spices will not kill each other.

• The pickle will be much tastier if you let it stand for 30 minutes.

• Preparation for pickle can be prepared for the winter. At the same time you can enjoy the summer taste in winter harsh days.

Fresh cucumber pickle - summer dish for the whole family!


Watch the video: How to Grow & Use Sprouts, Microgreens & Green Vegetables Indoors or Out (June 2024).