Bodyguard masks - a ticket to youth or beauty shredders?


The mask from bodyagi (the same name is used badyag) has long been used as a folk remedy to combat bruises, hematomas, bruises and even rheumatism. People who had heard about the analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties of bodyagi, rubbed the skin with water-diluted powder, which was prepared from dried freshwater sponges.

From bodyagi and fat also made ointment. Since the bodyaga had an irritating effect, it was used as a substitute for blush. Today, many girls are confident that the mask from bodyagi will help them regain their youth and get rid of serious cosmetic skin defects.

But not all the ladies praised this self-made tool. Some girls believe that the use of such home products is a direct way to premature aging of the skin. A small percentage of women who tested the mask from bodyagi, prove that they did not meet the means worse and more dangerous than that. Who to believe?

What is a mask from a bodyagi

Usually, a mask from bodyagi is prepared not from a gel, which contains a crushed sponge, but from powder. It can be purchased at almost every pharmacy. The powder has a greenish-gray tint. When applying the mask, small needles of natural origin, which are contained in the powder, stick into the skin, irritating it. As a result, biological processes of skin regeneration are accelerated, blood circulation is activated, scars and bruises resolve.

A number of girls believe that the mask from the bodyagi is dangerous, as it causes a strong burning of the skin and its peeling. But it normal. Exfoliated old skin gives way to a new one that is clean, smooth and beautiful. It turns out that by regularly shedding the skin, we get rid of the problems that plague us: acne, blackheads, age spots, post-acne, shallow wrinkles, etc.

Most of all, the mask from bodyagi is suitable for women with oily problem skin. It can also be used by girls with normal skin. But the owner of dry skin should be careful to use such a home remedy, but it is better - completely abandon it. The mask from bodyagi is effective not only as a rejuvenating agent and is suitable for the treatment of post acne, acne, elimination of pigmentation, bruises, old scars, scars. It also removes oily seborrhea and smoothes the skin of the face.

Bodyagi masks: types and methods of preparation

The most popular home remedy for a sponge is the peroxide plus bodyaga mask. Perhaps you wonder why she is so in demand. As already mentioned, sponge needles injure the skin, thereby activating the regeneration processes, removing the cornified cell layer, leading to rejuvenation. And what does peroxide do? The components that are released during its decay, absorb both dirt and pigment. They seem to be eating away from the surface and washing away, while at the same time disinfecting the skin.

Important recommendation: you can use only 3% peroxide for making masks.

Not everyone favors a peroxide and bodyagi mask. Some annoyed ladies claim that bodyaga causes burns, scars, leads to the appearance or increase of age spots. Peroxide is also considered an enemy of the skin. She is accused of killing healthy cells, provoking premature aging and causing cancer. It is worth noting that no official confirmation of the connection between peroxide and oncology was found. As for the appearance of burns and pigmentation, it is possible. After all, not all girls adhere to the recommendations regarding the preparation and use of bodyagi masks.

Attention: if you do not want any hard pigment spots to appear on your face, then refuse to use bodyagi masks in summer.

In order to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant consequences, one should follow all the rules for carrying out home treatments with body weights, which will be mentioned a little later. And now let's consider how the mask is prepared from bodyagi and peroxide, which will rejuvenate your face, cleanse your skin, get rid of blemishes, acne, bruising, narrow pores, lighten freckles. You will need: two teaspoons of bodyagi and 3 percent peroxide. The latter will require an amount that will make the mixture suitable for distribution on the face. The mask from bodyagi is applied to the skin with massage movements and washed off with warm water after 15 minutes.

Check out also other effective bodyagi masks:

- universal mask - prepared from powder of bodyagi and hot water, both components are mixed to obtain a mushy mixture; this tool is suitable for tired and faded skin;

- powder of bodyagi + boric acid (2 percent) - mask for acne and any form of acne;

- an excellent remedy for age spots: take one teaspoon of bodyagi and clay (white or black), dilute them with warm boiled water until a thick mass is obtained;

- masks that cleanse and constrict pores: for normal skin, take equal amounts (two tbsp each) of yeast and bodyagi, dilute them with cream; for dry skin: mix a teaspoon of powder with two Art. spoons ryazhenka.

Important: any of the above means cannot be kept on the face for longer than 20 minutes. The mask from bodyagi and boric acid, as well as from peroxide, is removed with warm water after 15 minutes.

Recommendations for the use of masks from bodyagi

Since, after applying a mask from a bodyguard, a tingling sensation arises, which is accompanied by reddening of the face, and later the skin generally begins to slazit, it is not recommended to use this remedy before important events. And even better, after cleansing the skin with bodody and to spend several days at home. Therefore, it is better to make a mask before the weekend or during the holidays, when you can afford not to go anywhere. Some girls try to correct the ugly picture with the help of masking tools, which is highly undesirable because decorative cosmetics do not allow the pores to breathe, and applied to the irritated surface can even cause serious inflammatory processes. Do not forget to also clean the skin from all the excess before applying the mask.

If you can not sit at home for the next three days, then at least before going out, use sunscreen and use high-quality products that mask skin imperfections. But here are the following rules for using a mask from a bodyagi categorically cannot be broken:

1. Before applying the mask must be carried out a test for tolerability of bodyagi. To do this, the mixture is applied to the bend of the elbow or another place that can be covered with clothing.

2. The remedy of bodyagi is prohibited to apply to the delicate skin around the eyes.

3. For the treatment of skin problems, the mask of bodyagi is used no more than once a week, as a prophylaxis - a month.

4. The number of applications per year - no more than 10 times. Prolonged use of bodyagi can lead to severe thinning of the skin, the acquisition of a bluish tint and the development of dangerous diseases.

5. Bodyagi masks are not intended for use in summer and spring. Ignoring this rule can lead to the appearance of age spots.

6. Only freshly prepared mixture should be applied to the face.

Attention: the neglect of the above rules in most cases leads to the development of serious consequences, threatening the occurrence of severe skin diseases.

Contraindications for the use of bodyagi masks

Cosmetic procedures with the use of bodyagi are not suitable for women with too thin, sensitive and dry skin and for women who have an individual intolerance to the main component of anti-aging masks. It is also forbidden to use a bodyaga even if there are open wounds, scratches, abrasions and purulent inflammations on the face. She should also be wary of girls with rosacea.

To rejuvenate with the help of bodyagi is real. But in order not to harm the skin, it is necessary to follow the recommendations and not violate the important rules for the use of masks. If you consider a mask from a bodyagi as a treatment for acne, acne, then you should consult with your doctor before using it, take the tests prescribed by him, pass the examination. Often such problems need to be solved from the inside.


Watch the video: Gag Concert. 개그콘서트 ENG (June 2024).