Why dream of a deer?


The graceful deer is an amazing symbol appearing in dreams that promises many interesting events or warns of serious changes in the near future. To see a healthy and beautiful animal in a dream predicts the onset of a favorable period in the life of the dreamer. But a wounded or killed deer in a dream promises trouble.

If a deer dreamed, what to expect?

Dreams are extraordinarily beautiful, in which I was lucky to see a healthy individual, or even a whole herd of these animals. The symbolism in this case is rather heterogeneous, and the dream is interpreted very differently depending on the source.

Why dream of a deer, if you summarize all the concepts? Most often, it is a symbol of friendship, loyalty, devotion, tenderness, success and self-confidence.

Some see the accumulation of cloven-holed animals as a symbol of power, so it is important to understand What dreams of a herd of deer. Sometimes these night visions predict an increase in public credibility.

The correct interpretation of sleep depends on animal condition. If in a dream it wounded or killed - This is a very bad sign that threatens everything positive, which is symbolized by a healthy individual.

Here are some possible interpretations of the plot dreamed up:

  1. If you dream that the animal runs on the dreamer or attacks - wait for problems that cannot be avoided, but can be accepted with dignity;
  2. Feed the animal in a dream means that in the near future one of the relatives will ask for help;
  3. Dreamed traces royal deer promise a meeting with a long-time comrade.
  4. See animal locked in a cage in a dream promises the imminent appearance of an acute desire for change;
  5. Young male according to some interpreters, it is a harbinger of strong friendship;
  6. Enraged deer rearing up ghost in nightmare is a harbinger of a major quarrel with a relative;
  7. Sleeping animal what you see in a dream promises decent rest;
  8. Reindeer promises the dreamer that all his efforts will be appreciated.

In order to find the correct meaning of a dream to succeed, it is necessary to understand how different interpreters of dreams see this symbol.

Interpretation of different dream books

  • Dream Miller suggests considering deer dreams as a wonderful sign promising young people to know true friendship, married couples - family happiness, and older ones - quiet measured life. Bad sign will be hunt on proud cloven-hoofed. Businessmen dream of episodes of hunting for this animal predict failure, so after a dream you should not have high hopes for fruitful work in the near future. Worst of all, if the dreamer kills a deer in a dream. A series of troubles awaits the one who will kill him. This applies to business and heart affairs.
  • AT dream loft it is said that the dreamer who saw healthy animal, expects a happy and successful period in life, where close people are happy, and things are going smoothly. Personally kill the deer in the night vision heralds troubles, organized by the forces of ill-wishers, and we can talk not only about business relations, but also about friendship. What does the dead deer dream? Dream interpretation warns the dreamer about the approach of a difficult period in his life.
  • Esoteric dream book adheres to a completely different point of view regarding this symbol of dreams. Its compilers believe that the story with the horned deer is associated with the development of love stories. And they do not always end well. Man a horned animal may come to sleep in night-dreams before an attack of jealousy, and moreover unfounded. Married womanwho saw her artiodactic in a dream may soon be involved in an affair, and if the dreamer does not read this warning and does not come to its senses, then there may be absolutely one in the final story. Girl A beautiful and healthy deer foreshadows the appearance of an interesting young man who has every chance of becoming her husband. If the individual was thin or sick in a dream, then the dreamer should beware of deception. Large flock graceful forest dreamers dream of those whom fate will experience loyalty or check the level of confidence in your loved one.
  • Compiled by dream cananita regards a deer as a sign of change in the business sphere, career. Running animaldreams of those who will soon successfully complete their plans, while calmly walking the hoofed-up warns of downtime or the danger of betraying someone who pretends to be a comrade. Fighting reindeer - a symbol of authority. Perhaps the dreamer will have the opportunity to get a serious position soon. See leading herd horned handsome in a dream - to the trust of people. If you do not lose it, but to work for the good, then it will be rewarded. Kill an animal in a dream - to gain protection, says the interpreter.
  • Muslim dream book explains why the deer dream about this: soon the dreamer side by side will start working with a very unpredictable partner, interaction with which will take a lot of strength and patience. Which means saddle horned animal in a dream? For girl - the emergence of a worthy man who can later become her husband. For a man - raising the career ladder.

What kind of animal dreamed of in a dream?

Why dream of a little deer? A healthy baby is a wonderful symbol. Dream Miller promises a young couple who saw such a dream to feel tender, strong love to the full, and “Bambi” adults dream of knowing strong friendship despite the doubts of the dreamers about the intentions of people from their surroundings.

AT dream loft it is said that if you dream young individualshould wait for the appearance of a devoted friend.

Why dream of a white deer?Some claim that the snow-white fur of an animal attracts good luck in all things, so if you managed to catch up with the evader in a dream, then success awaits the dreamer. The main thing is not to harm the symbol of success.

Black deer in a dream warns about possible fraud behind the dreamer and deception. See it from afar- painful trouble, and to kill - incur a terrible misfortune. These dreams can result in both problems at work and a break in relations with the second half.

What were the horns of the animal?

What dreams of a deer with big horns?Some interpreters insist that this symbol foreshadows a hard struggle, which will be crowned with success, if not surrender.

According to psychologist Miller, branchy big antlers foreshadow professional or creative recognition.

Another dream book binds the winding crown of the horns on the head of a dreaming animal with a calm and happy marriage.

What does the deer with big horns mean, the dream book explains in detail and variously, but small horns on the head of a graceful artiodactyl promises comfort and family well-being.

What dreams of a deer without horns?The female deer in many dream books is associated with negative consequences, therefore, having seen it, one should be wary of trouble.

The value of sleep for women

Why dream of a deer with big horns woman? Often, such a dream promises a strong family bond, if the animal is healthy and beautiful, and troubles, if it is frail or beaten.

Other interpreters believe that girls are dreaming too big horns as a sign that the spouse will not be far away.

What dreams of a deer in a dream for a woman in an interesting position? If a pregnant baby dreamed of a little deer, the dream prophesies the birth of a boy.


Watch the video: deer dreams meaning (June 2024).