The essence of Christmas - why was Christ born? How to tell children about the essence of Christmas, the traditions of Christmas, and biblical history


The mysterious, close to each of us, joyful feast of the Nativity of Christ is one of the most important events in the Christian world. It is celebrated especially solemnly. Christmas trees, decorations, gifts, Christmas goose on the table - the main attributes of the holiday.

How many of us think about the essence of Christmas? How many tell a wonderful Christmas story to children? Or, each year, by inertia, we dress up a spruce, give gifts to loved ones and eat, eat?

Biblical story - the best illustration of the essence of Christmas

Almost all people have ever read the story recorded on the pages of the Bible about the birth of Jesus Christ. The Evangelist Luke, inspired by the Holy Spirit, tells how an angel appeared to the virgin Mary, who was engaged to Joseph, and said the words that pierced her in the heart: “Rejoice, gracious! The Lord is with you! ”And then the angel of God proclaims to her the great news that she will give birth to the Son and call Him the name Jesus, and He will be the Savior of the world.

I think Mary was very scared of these words. After all, she was engaged, and she still did not know her husband. But the minister of God told her that what was born would be of the Holy Spirit. In fact, Mary had to accept the words of an angel by faith and she hastened to share them with Joseph.

In the Gospel of Matthew (1 chapter 18 verse) it is clearly stated that before they combined, it turned out that Mary had in the womb of the Holy Spirit. In other words, Mary was in a quandary. There was a conversation with Joseph and a lot depended on his reaction.

By law, a woman who was fornication was punished by death. And if Joseph dismissed the thin rumor about the bride, being moved by a wounded pride, then Mary would simply be stoned. We see from the text that Joseph was a righteous man and therefore after the conversation he wanted to secretly let the girl go. That is, without publicity, quietly, in a peaceful manner.

However, God has his own plan. An angel appeared to Joseph and said wonderful words to him, after which the righteous husband received Mary and did not know her until she gave birth. The angel announced to Joseph the birth of the Baby, whom he should call Jesus - “the Lord is our salvation.” Here the essence of Christmas is clearly visible - the salvation of people from their sins.

In the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke it is said that at that time there was a census and everyone had to go to the place where he was from. Most likely, this event did not occur in the winter for the simple reason that weather conditions would not allow many to travel to their locality.

In addition, the fact that the shepherds who saw the angels could not graze the sheep in the cold season speaks in favor of the fact that Jesus was not born in winter. During this period, the herds were not driven out to pasture due to inclement weather. Oddly enough, but most likely, the date of December 25, as the birthday of Christ, was brought by converts from the Gentiles. And the church, instead of fighting pagan traditions, helped them to “Christianize”.

Be that as it may, the date itself is not important (after all, this is arbitrary), but an event that happened many years ago: Christ was born - the Messiah, the Savior, the One who became the mediator between God and man and through whom we have access to the Creator of the worlds.

But back to the biblical story. Mary, along with Joseph, went to the house of her kinship for the census - to Bethlehem. There, in the crib, due to the lack of space in the hotel, Christ was born and put in a manger for cattle. His birth to others was imperceptible. Only those who in their hearts expected more than anything else to see the Messiah, those in whose hearts there was a place for faith could witness this wonderful event.

The shepherds grazed their flock. At night, the angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of God shone upon them. How would we respond to the presence of angels? It is written, the shepherds were very scared. No wonder. The night is quiet, stars are in heaven and suddenly the host of heaven calls out: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will in people.”

But the angel told the shepherds: “Do not be afraid, I declare to you the great joy that will be for all people, for now you are born in the city of David the Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Then the shepherds heard about the sign, that they would find the Baby lying in the manger.

Surprisingly, the first people who heard the good news were ordinary people whose work was not held in high esteem by the Jews. Not the Pharisees - the most righteous of the people, not kings, no nobles, but ordinary people who wait for the Savior and believe the Word of God.

This clearly shows the meaning and essence of Christmas: to have faith, albeit with a mustard seed, so that you can receive what you ask for. Christ was born to save us not through our good works, but through faith. Belief that He is and gives to those who seek.

The faith of the shepherds produced an action. They hastened to Bethlehem and, having found the Baby there, bowed to Him, and, returning, announced to everyone about the wonderful event that happened at night.

The sages from the East were honored to see the newborn Jesus. It is safe to say that these people were looking for God. They studied the star bodies, the laws of the universe. In everything they saw the Hand of the Creator, and therefore, reading the scriptures, believed in the coming of the Savior of the world and expected Him.

The sages saw a star in the East and followed her in search of a Baby for worship. It was so pleasing to God that they met with King Herod. Herod ordered the magi to find out the time when Jesus was to be born in order to, supposedly, worship Him.

The sages had a revelation from God not to return to the ruler. Herod was ridiculed and, angry, ordered to destroy all the babies in Bethlehem and the surrounding area up to 2 years. Joseph, Mary, and the Baby were far from that place at that time. In a dream, Joseph received the revelation of fleeing to Egypt.

Crying and scream filled the earth. The first to suffer for Christ were the unconscious children. It was about them that Christ said: "For such is the kingdom of heaven." With our limited minds, we are not able to understand the ways of God. Therefore, we become afraid to grumble.

The star led the Magi to the birthplace of Christ. They brought him precious gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gold is truly a royal gift, a symbol that Christ is King and God.

Odorous resin - frankincense symbolizes purity of heart. This gift was brought to Jesus as the High Priest.

Smyrna is the type of the Perfect Sacrifice that Jesus offered for the sins of the world. This sacrifice is the Lord Himself.

Reflecting on this truth, the question arises: why do we need a sacrifice at all? The answer is given in the Scripture: "Without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." As in the physical world there are laws, so there are laws in the spiritual world. This is one of them.

In the Old Testament time, for his sin, man had to shed the blood of an animal. But even she could not satisfy the holiness of God. Then the Creator in His love for fallen humanity sent His Son to be born in this world, to be crucified and resurrected.

The essence of Christmas - came to die for human sins. For us, for you and me, or instead of you and me. Conceived from the Holy Spirit, in the flesh - man, in the spirit - God.

Traditions as an attempt to reflect the essence of Christmas

The official church and believers start the holiday with anticipation. It is customary to stick to the post. Waiting symbolizes a spiritual gift.

After this, the so-called Christmas approach begins - Christmas Eve, when they prepare a special dish. At this time, it is necessary to prepare for confession and communion, to tune in to the celebration of Christmas.

An indispensable attribute of the celebration is the spruce, symbolizing eternal life bestowed in Christ, and the star, as an ornament of the top of the forest beauty, recalls the Star of Bethlehem, which led the Magi to the Baby.

And finally, the gifts that we give each other also help to remember the Christmas events when the sages brought gold, frankincense and myrrh at the feet of Jesus.

Why know about the essence of Christmas?

Knowing the purpose of Christ's coming into this world is both necessary and important. It is important not just to pass on traditions and rites to the future generation. It is vitally necessary to convey to those who will after us the true meaning of Christmas, to encourage children to read and study the Bible, to seek the truth, to reflect, to notice in everything that surrounds us with the Hand of God.

The essence of Christmas is good news

The main purpose of the birth of Jesus can be formulated as follows:

• to redeem us

• to restore or revive us

• to reconcile with God

Summarizing all of the above, it is worth emphasizing that the essence of Christmas is good news. The news that once the Savior came to this world, through whom the access to God is still open, through which we have the right to look up to heaven and say: “Father, for Jesus’s sake, forgive me and accept, and when my comes time lead me into your kingdom. "

How to convey the essence of Christmas to children?

In anticipation of the holiday, it is important to read the story of the birth of Jesus to the baby. This is the main thing to do. Simple and intelligible with the examination of the pictures to reveal the meaning of Christmas.

Some aspects to consider:

1. Many years before the birth of the Messiah, the prophets of the Old Testament prophesied about this event.

2. Without the Perfect Sacrifice, it became impossible to satisfy the holiness of God.

3. Mary and Joseph were righteous people.

4. Due to the lack of space in the hotel, Mary had to give birth in a stable among the sheep and oxen, and, having swaddled, put the Baby in a cattle feeder.

5. The Son of God was born in a wretched cave, and not in a palace, so that the most “worthless” person, the biggest sinner and the poorest could come to Him.

6. The shepherds were the first to hear the good news. They hastened to bow to the Newborn for they believed.

7. The sages from the East searched and found. When you search, you always find.

In addition, you can create a special holiday atmosphere. Buy pictures depicting the Holy Couple, turn on Christmas music, give an opportunity to watch a cartoon about the birth of Jesus. All this will help convey to the child the essence of Christmas.

Traditions and rituals in themselves are not so important as it is important to have awe and reverence for those who voluntarily came to this world to atone for sin. Now there is no need to go and sacrifice an animal for every sin. Christ gave Himself so that we could, in the simplicity of our hearts, if we sin, say: “Lord, for the sake of Your son, forgive me and give me strength to do as You teach.”

This is the essence of Christmas - the Savior gives the clothes of righteousness to everyone who desires it, who believes in His atoning sacrifice. For everyone, Christ can become a personal Savior. If only I really want it.


Watch the video: Kids & Christmas - Learning The Meaning of Christmas Though The Eyes of Children (July 2024).