The author of the hits, Alla Pugachev, withdrew his works from RAW because of degrading payments.


The famous songwriter Ilya Reznik decided to withdraw all his works from the management of the Russian Authors' Community (RAO). The reason is the size of “ridiculous and degrading,” from the point of view of Reznik, payments.

The incident was announced by the representative of Reznik, “star” lawyer Sergey Zhorin, who published the letter of the poet addressed to the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Reznik said that he had withdrawn all of his 1,382 works from under the control of RAO, which, at times, for the broadcast of his hits, deducted the author of the poet in the amount of 12 kopecks.

According to Resnick, the monstrous policy implemented by RW has led to the complete insecurity of the authors. The deductions made by the department are simply degrading. The poet is convinced that the situation in which singers get "millions", and the authors of the works they perform - a penny, should be decided at the state level.


Watch the video: Kuduro Aqui Alla (June 2024).