Former spouse of Vladimir Putin’s press secretary for the first time told about divorce


Former spouse of Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the Russian president, Catherine for the first time decided to comment on her divorce, giving a rather frank interview to Tatler magazine.

As Catherine said, the first problems in the family appeared three years ago. Their reason was that Dmitry devoted all his time to work, relegating the family to the background. Spouses began to live almost parallel lives. And soon there was confirmed information about Dmitry's infidelity. As a result, Catherine raised the question squarely, saying that she wanted a divorce. Sands was frightened (after all, this is far from good for a career), he asked me to think again. However, it did not help.

Spouses still managed to maintain excellent relations. And largely thanks to the three children, in the upbringing of which Peskov plays one of the key roles. And, of course, helps the former family financially.

Catherine, lives in two countries - Russia and France, where she is actively involved in charity. In the life of a woman a lot of hobbies and joy.

Apparently, Dmitry and Catherine still love each other. Moreover, recently Peskov proposed his ex-wife to get married again.


Lies 08/19/2016
I don’t believe this woman. She just revenge with sophistication. Several times she read her angry attacks against Peskov. If she’s so sure that he loves her, then why was she so disgraced? Even her son’s account was used for that. the rival should be about to give birth, write such things just below her own dignity. I think Peskov would not allow her to stop her, especially, as she claims, they are in good relations. Just this woman does not know how to lose, that's all.


Watch the video: Russia's Putin and Wife Announce Split (June 2024).